Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy The professional exorcist is here

Jin Si felt that he was not suitable to educate children.

Children educated with their own three views will definitely become two little monsters.

So let’s leave it to Xiao Nini.

Although Xiao Nini's outlook on life is not much better.

But at least it's better than myself.

So Jin Si still sent Wanda and Pietro to Xiao Nini.

Besides, you can’t teach them three outlooks, but you can at least give them a correct outlook on consumption.

After Jin Si left, Xiao Nini, Wanda and Pietro stared at each other with big eyes.

Pietro is not as stubborn as Wanda.

Wanda insists that Little Nini is her enemy, or at least the enemy's reserve.

Pietro, on the other hand, is a more rational person, and he values ​​grievances, and turning left when going out is xx.

So Pietro planned to defuse the awkwardness.

"Tony...sir, would you like to show us the bedroom?"

While Xiao Nini was leading the way, a very fierce woman came out to greet them.

But Xiao Nini is the type that you are my darling when you take off your pants, and you are my protector when you put on your pants, which is the kind that has been used before.

So this vicious woman was expelled by Xiao Nini without any surprise.

Although every woman who stayed in Little Nini's bedroom had fantasized about being the hostess of 10880 Malibu Street, they all ended up working as a waitress.

After arranging them in their respective bedrooms, Xiao Nini took them to the restaurant and prepared some food for them.

"Can I ask a question?" Xiao Nini asked.

"what is the problem?"

"Is that bastard really your father?"

"No." Pietro retorted immediately.

Only Wanda hesitated and said after a long time: "I don't know either, but I can feel that our power is very similar to his aura, so... I wouldn't be surprised if he is our biological father."

This time it was Pietro's turn to be surprised: "This is impossible,

He looked to be no more than ten years older than us. "

Little Nini rolled her eyes: "His actual age is much older than you think, at least over eighty years old, no, it should be over a hundred years old, maybe even older."

"So...he is really your uncle?" Pietro asked in surprise.

Xiao Nini sighed, he really didn't want to talk about his tragic experience with others.

"All I can say is that your father is an absolute bastard."

"On this point, we have the same opinion." Pietro nodded empathetically.

"What did he do to you?"

"In order to anger Wanda, he turned into a monster and swallowed me alive." Pietro said: "I was still conscious at the time, and then I accepted the baptism of his stomach acid. I used it for three days and kept soaking in it. The smell was barely removed with soapy water."

After hearing what happened to Pietro, Xiao Nini's face improved slightly, and it seemed that her tragic experience was not difficult to accept.

"So, whether you hate me or not, at least we all have a common enemy, what do you think?"

Xiao Nini knows how to win people's hearts, such as the two boys and girls in front of her.

Since they are really Jin Si's children, and they have inherited Jin Si's power.

Then if he and Jin Si really fight in the future.

They are quite good allies and reinforcements.

Also, it’s a good idea to study them.

Perhaps Jin Si's weaknesses can be found through them.

"Do you know how to break the magic if the gender is changed?"

"You can ask Wanda about magic, she is a genius in this area."

Little Nini looked at Wanda, and Wanda glanced at Little Nini unhappily.

"If you just change the appearance, it will be lifted after a while. It is just a basic illusion technique."

"What if even relatives come?"

"Really? Then this is extremely advanced reality-changing magic. If it lasts long enough, people around you, even your relatives, and even yourself will accept the fact that you are a woman."

"Can that be cracked?" Xiao Nini's eyes looked unnatural.

"It's unlikely that there is such a terrifying person in this world..." Wanda looked at Little Nini: "You're not talking about that guy, are you?"

"That's that guy." Little Nini nodded.

"Wanda, you just said that he is our father, so you should at least maintain a minimum of respect for him."

"I just said it's possible, but it doesn't mean he is really our father."

Although it was only a moment of contact, Xiao Nini had already figured out their personalities.

Wanda looks cynical, and Pietro looks mature and stable, but in fact they are still two immature teenagers.

Xiao Nini has a hundred ways to guide their characters.

Then use them against their old father, the plan is perfect.

"Natasha, this is Master Wang." Nick Fury brought a fat Asian man in front of Natasha.

Natasha glanced at Fatty Wang, then shook her head: "Sir, I don't understand what this means."

"No, you know," Nick Fury said.

"I don't need to," Natasha replied.

"Miss, don't worry, I'm professional in that area." Fatty Wang said.

Natasha suddenly punched Fatty Wang in the face.

Fatty Wang was confused, covering his face and looking at Natasha in shock.

"Miss, what are you doing?"

"Obviously, you can't even block my fist, how can you help me solve my trouble."

"Miss, what I learned is not applicable to ordinary people." Fatty Wang said.

"I'm not an ordinary person, so just use whatever skills you have."

Fatty Wang still shook his head and said resolutely: "When I came out to make extra money, I hid it from my elders, let alone violated the sect's rules."

"I told you, I'm not an ordinary person."

With that said, Natasha whipped her leg towards Fatty Wang again.

But this time Fatty Wang was already on guard.

Natasha's leg kick misses.

She was a little distracted, and Fatty Wang just stood there without moving, but her attack failed.

what happened? Wrong distance judgment?

How is it possible, how could I make a distance error at such a close distance?

"Miss, if you are willing to hire me, I will do my best to help you, but if you always have this attitude, forget it."

"Wait a minute..." Natasha stopped Fatty Wang: "How did you avoid my attack just now?"

"I didn't avoid it, I just prevented you from hitting me. It's that simple."

"Sir, can I talk to him?"

Nick Fury nodded, turned and left.

"Do you have any experience dealing with evil spirits?"

"Yes, dealing with evil spirits is one of our compulsory courses."

"It was a very scary evil spirit."

"My sect is a very special sect. Any of the evil spirits we use to practice can cause huge disasters when released to the outside world, so you can rest assured about this."

"I have hired several exorcists before, and their endings were tragic. How can I be sure that you are not the same as them?"

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