Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy-One Summoning the Undead

Natasha suddenly pointed her gun at Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang looked at Natasha calmly: "This thing is of no use to me."

"Really?" Natasha loaded the gun and her finger was already on the trigger, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

Fatty Wang opened his palms with a few more bullets in them: "You need to load the bullets first."

Natasha looked surprised and checked her gun.

The bullets in his gun were actually missing.

"how did you do it?"

"It's very simple, just simple magic."

"You are hired." Natasha said, "However, if you encounter any harm, I will not be responsible for compensation."

"Of course." Fatty Wang nodded confidently.

"Is there anything you need me to prepare? As long as it's conventional weapons, I can provide them."

"I don't use those things."

"When can it be opened?"

"You can do it at any time." Fatty Wang said, "When does that thing usually appear?"

"Not sure, it can happen during the day, anytime, anywhere."

Although Natasha didn't care much about being looked at.

But it would be very unpleasant to be seen so blatantly and without paying.

After these days, I didn't get a penny, but I spent a lot of money on hiring an exorcist and paid a lot of medical expenses in advance.

This is why Natasha specifically stated that she is not responsible for compensation.

It’s true that she herself is poor.

"Can I know the reason why that evil spirit is haunting you?"

Natasha looked at Fatty Wang coldly: "I killed him."

"Um...Okay, let's change the topic. Can we go to the place where he died? Maybe we can find some clues about his weaknesses."

"Need to find his weakness?"

"It's not particularly necessary,

As long as I have absolute strength, if I have to say the difference, it is that I need to use some strength. "

This fat man is probably the most confident exorcist Natasha has ever found.

I hope he can be so confident when facing Jin Si.

Natasha brought Fatty Wang to Jin Si's residence.

Then I saw some unhealthy DVDs that were still placed in front of the DVD player.

"Can you describe that person?"

"Lordful for money, lustful, cruel and violent."

"A very standard bad guy." Fatty Wang said.

Natasha nodded: "He is indeed a very standard bad guy. Basically, he has all the bad guy settings... What are you doing with the video?"

"The videos he watches can shed light on a deeper layer of his character and perhaps identify weaknesses."

Natasha nodded silently, but she did not expose Fatty Wang's thoughts to his face.

She just felt that her intelligence had been insulted.

"Is there any pattern in the appearance of that evil spirit?"

"No, his appearance seems to be based on his own preferences."

"Becoming an evil spirit means that he has his own obsession. He will not disappear until his obsession disappears. Most of the evil spirit's personality has disappeared, so he will not act based on his so-called preferences, but only based on instinct. And the evil actions in his heart." Fatty Wang said firmly: "Then where is the place where he often appears?"

"My bathroom."

"???" Fatty Wang felt that the evil spirit was too evil and must be driven away! Fatty Wang looked at Natasha: "I think..."

Natasha's gun suddenly pressed against Fatty Wang's forehead: "No, you don't think so."

"Okay, let's figure it out."

However, the two waited for several days, but Jin Si did not show up.

This caused Natasha to wonder whether Jin Si had left forever.

Fatty Wang also began to wonder if Natasha had reported a false case.

When he was making extra money, he also met some people who thought they had experienced supernatural events.

They kept saying they encountered evil spirits, but the results were all based on their own conjectures.

Although Natasha doesn't seem like the kind of person who has lost her mind.

But after having no clue for a few days, Fatty Wang had no choice but to have this idea.

"Miss Natasha, although there has been no progress these days, I charge based on my time, do you understand?"

Natasha has been upset these days. She was irritable when Jin Si was around, and she was still irritable when Jin Si was gone.

"I know, you don't need to say anything." Natasha said with a gloomy face.

"Miss Natasha, how about you use the old method to lure the evil spirit out?"

To be honest, Fatty Wang even wondered if Natasha didn't take a shower.

It had been five days, and Natasha hadn't even taken a shower.

"Aren't you a master? Can't you call that evil spirit out?"

"You can call him out, but you have to have a part of his body."

"Part of it?" Natasha narrowed her eyes: "Can you use your fingers?"

"Finger? Do you have the finger of that evil spirit?" Natasha nodded.

In fact, it was after Jin Si appeared as an evil spirit.

Natasha returned to the scene of the crime and picked up the finger she had cut off.

She thought it might be useful in the future.

Unexpectedly, she actually guessed it.

It actually works.

Natasha took out the fingers from the refrigerator and threw them in front of Fatty Wang.

"Can this be used?"

"Okay." Fatty Wang nodded. He had been quite depressed these days, so he didn't want to delay any longer: "We can start now."

"The sooner the better."

For Natasha, Jin Si is her nightmare.

Fatty Wang drew a pattern of a magic circle on the ground, and then placed his severed finger in the middle of the magic circle.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Natasha asked, still a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, my grandfather gave me a fortune-telling when he passed away. My life will go smoothly, unless I meet a person named Jin, in which case I need to avoid him immediately."

"What does it mean?"

"It means it is destined, just like you know that you will die on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, and before that, no matter how you commit suicide, you will not succeed."

"That's good……"

Natasha doesn't understand Chinese and knows Jin Si's real name.

But she didn't take it to heart, after all, the divination Fatty Wang said was too vague.

Besides, Fatty Wang’s pronunciation is not accurate either.

The two of them completely missed the opportunity to receive information.

Fatty Wang activated the magic circle, and the severed finger trembled slightly, and then traces of scarlet energy emerged.

Fatty Wang frowned, this severed finger could actually have such huge power.

And this strange power gave him a creepy feeling.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just an evil spirit anyway.

No matter how powerful the evil spirit is, it is still an evil spirit and is nothing to worry about.

"Three to five days, nine buckets open and close, the heavenly palace guides, and the dead return."

Fatty Wang felt that when he summoned evil spirits, his magic power consumption was a little high.

This made Fatty Wang a little wary.

At this moment, a red hole appeared on the heads of Fatty Wang and Natasha.

A bald head emerged, wearing a floral shirt.

“Who’s interrupting my Hawaiian vacation?”

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