Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and seventy-two Actually you are my son


A big handprint was printed directly on Jin Si's face.

Jin Si was shot flying out with a confused look on his face.

Fatty Wang fully explained what it means to strike first and gain the upper hand.

Natasha was very excited. This was the first time she saw Jin Si being beaten.

In the past, Jin Si beat others, but this time it was finally his turn to be beaten.

Jin Si covered his face and stood up. Fatty Wang touched his fists. Jin Si's face felt really bad.

The evil spirit that had been punched by him in the past would not only be left alive, but would at least be paralyzed.

But Jin Si didn't look hurt at all.

Jin Si's eyes flashed fiercely, and Fatty Wang's face immediately became serious.

Both palms immediately propped up the Seraphim Shield.

Seeing the Seraphim Shield, Jin Si immediately knew the origin of Fatty Wang.

The cliffhanger came from Karma Taj.

Jin Si suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Fatty Wang's palms with both hands.


The Seraphim Shield instantly shattered.

Fatty Wang was shocked.

what happened? Can the Shield of Seraphim be crushed like this?

You must know that Seraphim's Shield has both physical and magic resistance.

It is absolutely impossible to be crushed by someone's hands.

Not even the Supreme Mage can do it.

How did the evil spirit in front of me do this?

Jin Si hit his head forward, and Fatty Wang's head was instantly covered with blood, and he staggered back a few steps.

However, Fatty Wang immediately stabilized his body, waved his palms, and unleashed Bossat's Thunder.

Golden lightning swept down with terrifying power.

Natasha quickly avoided this terrifying power.

But Bossat's thunder still split her house apart.

However, when Bossat's thunder fell in front of Jin Si.

Jin Si grabbed the other end of Bossat's Thunder with one hand.

With another tug, Fatty Wang was pulled in front of Jin Si.


Fatty Wang received another punch in the face.

The nosebleeds couldn't stop flowing down.

Fatty Wang already knew that this evil spirit was not something he could deal with.

With this terrifying strength, absolutely no one except the Supreme Mage can defeat this terrifying monster.

Fatty Wang immediately waved his arms and opened a portal.

Jin Si grabbed it from the air and the portal collapsed.

Fatty Wang vomited blood and felt sluggish.

Madhu... is dead this time. What kind of evil spirit has such terrifying power?

Even the great demon lord might not have such terrifying strength, right?

Can the portal be forcibly crushed?

Fatty Wang endured his injuries and couldn't run away, so he could only continue to fight.

Fatty Wang slapped his arms on the ground with all his strength,

In an instant, the entire space began to twist.

Jin Si still made a fist with one hand, thinking about tapping the air on his shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, the mirror dimension collapsed before it could open.

Fatty Wang was completely dumbfounded. Can the mirror dimension be broken? Is this a joke?

In fact, the mirror dimension can certainly be broken, as long as the force is strong enough.

The Purple Sweet Potato Spirit once used the Power Stone to smash the mirror dimension.

Jin Si looked at Fatty Wang with ferocious eyes.

"Hey hey hey..."

Natasha was already frightened and a little confused.

This fat man Wang has a humble appearance, but he is so powerful.

But what made her feel even more unacceptable was this.

Jin Si is actually more terrifying than imagined.

Such a powerful Fatty Wang couldn't even resist.

"Call the Supreme Mage and ask her to pay the ransom, otherwise, I will eat you alive today!"

Fatty Wang was so frightened that his legs were weak. The evil spirit in front of him knew about the Supreme Mage and actually made a call himself.

That is to say, he is not afraid of the Supreme Mage at all.

The most critical problem is that the Supreme Mage is simply not available.

"Sir, do you know what you are doing? Your request will make you go to war with the greatest mage in the world! The Supreme Mage has maintained this world for hundreds of years. Her power is beyond your imagination."

"You're just messing with me, Gu Yi, that damn bald man, is more familiar with me than you are."

Fatty Wang saw that he could not frighten Jin Si, so he was even more troubled.

"Supreme Mage...she is in retreat...she is injured."

Injuried? Will the old woman Gu Yi be injured?

Is there anyone in this world who can hurt Gu Yi?

"Retreat? That's perfect. I'll go find her now and find her a husband while she's in a bad state. Haha..."

"You are not allowed to be rude to the Supreme Mage! I will never allow you to offend the Supreme Mage!"

Although Fatty Wang is a bit unruly, he sincerely respects Gu Yi.

"Did you stop me?" Jin Si sneered.

"Even if it costs me my life, I will stop you."

"Okay, now you can start working hard."

Fatty Wang was furious, but his strength was insufficient and he was also desperate.

Natasha is such a rip off.

Can she kill this guy?

No, this guy is not an evil spirit at all.

Natasha was cheated!

Only then did Fatty Wang react.

Where could such a terrifying evil spirit exist?

But, now people have provoked it.

And it is likely to harm Kamal Taj.

Thinking of this, Fatty Wang started to have a headache.

The Supreme Master is currently in retreat.

It is estimated that Kama Taj would have difficulty fighting against the person in front of him.

The more Fatty Wang thought about it, the more heartbroken he became, and the more he thought about it, the more desperate he became.

Fatty Wang looked at Natasha complainingly, but when he turned around, he found that Natasha had already fled away.

Mudd, this little bitch!

You caused the trouble yourself, and now you want me to take the blame?

But he believed Natasha couldn't run far.

Even if she was able to run out of here, it was because Jin Si deliberately let her go.

"Sir, that woman has run away, aren't you going to chase her?"

"It's useless even if she buries herself in the ground."

"Your Excellency, this is an offense to me. Please forgive me."

"What if I don't forgive you?"

Fatty Wang was speechless and choked.

"Is your surname Wang?"

"You know me?"

"I don't know you, but I know your father." Jin Si suddenly looked at Fatty Wang seriously: "Actually, I am your father. Your mother and I were childhood sweethearts, but your father is a direct disciple of Ancient One. , he used his power to forcefully separate me and your mother, but what he didn’t know was that your mother and I actually had a child at that time, and it was you..."

"'re talking nonsense!" Fatty Wang was shocked.

"Okay, I'm talking nonsense."

Fatty Wang almost vomited blood. Damn it. Even if you are lying, you should at least respect this lie.

I was just getting into a good mood, and you just admitted that you were talking nonsense, which made people angry.

"Seeing as you are Xiao Wang's son, I won't kill you."

Fatty Wang secretly breathed out.

"But... although I won't kill you, it doesn't mean I will let you go."

"What do you want?"

"I won't embarrass you. I'll give you two choices. The first choice is that I will pull out your soul and put it on a dog. If you can survive tenaciously within a hundred years, our grudges will be over. It’s over, the second option is that you become my dog..."

"Woof woof woof..."

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