Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Two Princess 2 and Princess 3

Strange has just returned from the past to the present time.

Then two vicious women broke into the temple.

Strange first took a look at the condition of the temple. In the past few days since he left, the temple has been almost restored.

Don't think that time travel can travel one second and come back the next.

In fact, it is almost impossible to get stuck for a second, because time travel will cause time ripples, and it will take several days to calm down the ripples.

If Ancient One was still alive, he should be able to do it, but Strange has only just left the Novice Village.

Strange glanced at the two women in front of him, and a green light flashed through the Eyes of Agamotto, and then he understood the identities of the two women.

Thor and Loki from Asgard.

Strange was a little surprised at first when he saw their female identities.

But soon I thought of Jin Si.

He couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for the two of them.

Even the gods of Asgard are not immune to Jin Si's bad taste.

"Are you the Supreme Mage of Earth?" Thor looked Strange up and down.

He didn't feel an aura of fear on Strange's body.

He had heard Odin say before that the Supreme Mage had been guarding the earth from outside demons for hundreds of years. He was so powerful that even Odin could not defeat him.

However, Thor felt that Strange was ordinary, even weak.

"Two princes of Asgard...princess, what do you want to do with me?"

"I wonder where my father is," Thor said.

Strange felt it and shook his head: "I found no trace of your father."

"Didn't you say that the Supreme Mage knows everything on earth?"

Strange is a little tired of Thor, the prince of Asgard really can't speak.

"Able to obscure my senses,

There is only one possibility, Odin has been in contact with someone, and I think the two of them will be familiar with it. "

"Who is it? Guys like you who hesitate and talk in riddles are the most annoying." Thor said dissatisfied.

He doesn't like using his brain, even after becoming a woman.

Of course, using your brain has nothing to do with gender.

"Jin Si! I think you should be familiar with him."

Loki's expression changed several times in a short period of time.

Apparently, he took the name very seriously.

Thor was a little surprised. It wasn't that he didn't mind, but he really didn't like to be in contact with Jin Si.

Of course, no one likes to come into contact with Jin Si.

Jin Si has successfully made everyone he knows dislike or hate him.

"Okay, thank you anyway, although the answer you gave makes me very unhappy." Thor said goodbye to Strange and turned to leave.

Loki looked at Strange: "Little Mage, you are not worthy of the title of Supreme Mage."

Strange said disapprovingly: "You are very suitable for your identity as the third princess of Asgard."

What Loki hates most now is when people call him princess.

He shook his hands and a pile of daggers appeared.

"Little mage, you are offending the gods. Do you know the consequences?"

Strange just waved next, and a portal suddenly appeared under Loki's feet.


Unprepared, Loki fell directly into the portal.

"Um..." Thor was a little speechless, helpless at Loki's ability to stir up trouble.

"Would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea? It will probably take a while for him to land."

"Is there any wine?"


"All right."

Half an hour later, another portal appeared. Loki fell out of the portal and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, there are two shock absorbers, otherwise the acceleration of gravity would definitely cause serious injury to him.

Loki jumped up suddenly and pointed at Strange angrily: "Do you know that I just kept falling for half an hour!? You damn bastard..."

"Do you want to keep falling for another half hour? Or longer."

"This matter is not over yet." Loki said the toughest words in the most cowardly tone.

Loki left angrily, and although Thor was rude, he took the initiative to apologize to Strange on Loki's behalf.

After Thor left the temple, he contacted his comrades in the Women's Federation.

The location of Jin Si's residence was obtained from them.

Thor and Loki came to Jinsi's door.

Loki took out his weapon out of habit.

Obviously, Loki regards Jin Si as his enemy, and the most dangerous enemy.

"Put away your weapons." Thor glanced at Loki.

"Those guys are not good people. They are not like your masquerade friends."

"Have you ever been able to beat him?" Thor's idea was simple.

On the one hand, he didn't want to fight Jin Si, and on the other hand, he couldn't beat Jin Si.

Therefore, it is better to avoid conflicts as much as possible.

If he could survive the fight, there would be no need for Loki to express his stance.

He now directly bombed the house in front of him.

Loki put away his weapon reluctantly.

Follow Thor into the house.

Knock knock knock——

If it were anywhere else, Thor would basically just kick the door open.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. is no exception.

But here he really couldn't stand up.

The door opened, and a fat one-eyed dragon Odin opened the door.

Odin was wearing a nightgown, holding a beer in one hand and a remote control in the other.

It was obviously an unprepared surprise.

Odin can restore the majesty and unfathomability of a god-king in an instant.

"You are here."

"Father, did you know we were coming?"

"I have been waiting for you for a long time." Odin said lightly.

"Father, what are you..." Thor and Loki had never seen Odin so weak.

They feel that Odin is like a candle in the wind that will be extinguished at any time.

"As you can see, I am about to die."

"This is impossible!" Thor refused to believe it.

In his eyes, Odin is eternal and will never die or be defeated.

Loki was even more shocked and blamed himself, because he had banished Odin, causing him to die.

Do you really...really hold it in your mouth that much?

"It's impossible for Loki to do such a thing." Thor immediately strangled Loki's penis.

"It has nothing to do with Loki." Odin shook his head: "It is that my life is coming to an end. This is an inevitable process for both humans and gods."

Loki's banishment of Odin was actually an inducement.

Loki used magic to seal away Odin's power, causing him to weaken even faster.

Of course, the main reason why Loki was able to seal Odin and banish him was because Odin volunteered.

He owed Loki something, and thought he was going to die, so he would satisfy Loki a little.

Anyway, even without Loki, he would only have a few more months.

This little time is meaningless, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to conduct py transactions with Jin Si.

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