Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and three Loki's self-sacrifice

Odin did not predict magic, but he received a few hints about the future from his wife.

That is not a good future, neither for his children nor for the people he protects.

So he chose Jin Si. Jin Si may not be a good person, but Jin Si is capable enough to protect the people of Asgard.

Of course, Odin knew very well that his eloquence could only fool Thor.

It is unrealistic to persuade Jin Si to generate electricity for love and protect the people of Asgard.

So the only way is to bundle interests.

"Father, go back to Asgard. Asgard cannot live without you."

Odin said, "Whether you believe it or not, my body and bones cannot withstand the fatigue of traveling and traveling."

Thor and Loki also had a helpless attitude towards Odin.

"Father, you must come back with us."

Odin's heart is very tired, why can't this guy understand.

I will die suddenly. Can you give me peace today?

Thor ignored him and pulled Odin out of the house.

At the same time, he raised his head and looked at the sky and shouted: "Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge."

No... Odin was roaring in his heart.

You bitch, why don’t you understand...

call out--

A rainbow fell from the sky and enveloped the three people.

And huge pressure instantly fell on Odin.

Odin felt unprecedented pain.


Odin vomited blood, and Heimdall in Asgard saw his boss vomiting blood and quickly stopped the Rainbow Bridge.

Thor and Loki were both shocked. Even most ordinary people could withstand this Rainbow Bridge.

But Odin, as the God King,

You couldn't resist the pressure of the Rainbow Bridge, right?

Odin sat down on the ground languidly.

"Father, how are you?" Thor quickly helped Odin up.

Odin's heart is very tired. I'm already like this. Can you just lie down and take a breath?

Thor's kind of support is basically the same as pulling.

And Thor can crush steel bars no matter how hard he exerts himself.

Even though Odin was found to be weak, Thor was still lavish.

"Thor, Loki...the future of Asgard needs you..."

"No...Father!" Thor held Odin firmly in his arms.

Odin spat out blood again and his body began to disintegrate into points of light.

Damn it, I'm really going to die in Thor's hands.

"If you don't let go, I'm going to die." Jin Si's voice came from behind.

When Loki saw Jin Si, his whole body jumped away like a spring.

Thor looked at Jin Si in surprise: "Why are you here?"

Jin Si slapped Thor on the head: "This is my house, what the hell are you asking?"

Thor finally let go of Odin.

Jin Si mentioned Odin and walked into the house.

"Let go of my father." Thor thought that Jin Si was going to be harmful to Odin.

Odin burst into tears. If Thor continues to act like this, he will probably not end well.

"Here you go." Jin Si threw Odin back into Thor's hands: "Go away."

Jin Si felt that Thor's mother must have raised the placenta when she gave birth to him.

"Father, I will take you away right now."

"You idiot..." Odin pushed Thor away with difficulty.

He felt that he knew why the future predicted by his wife would happen.

With Thor's intelligence, it's impossible for Asgard not to encounter a crisis.

"Mr. Jin, please excuse me." Odin looked at Jin Si pleadingly.

"Father, what else do you need to ask of him? What he can do, I can do too."

Odin and Loki turned their heads at the same time, expressing that they really didn't want to pay attention to this idiot.

"Please forgive this guy whose brain is not fully developed." Odin said sincerely.

Jin Si gave Odin some life force, boosted his health, and repaired some of his body.

Let him live for a few more days.

Jin Si has no interest in really renewing Odin's vitality.

Although Odin's level is not as good as that of Jinsi, Jinsi himself will have to break his muscles to renew his fee.

Even if Jin Si renews the vitality of a thousand ordinary people, it will still be inferior to one Odin.

But Odin is still weak.

"Thank you, Mr. King."

"It should be considered as reward."

"Father, did you make any deal with Jin?"

"You are mistaken. This reward is not some deal between your father and I, it is yours."

"What's mine?"

"You have provided me with so much fun, so it is reasonable for me to give you a certain amount of reward."

Unhappy... Thor said that he would kill this guy one day.

"Jin, how did you know I was coming?"

Jin Si rolled his eyes, the people you contacted from the Women's Federation are all my spies.

Thor and Loki were unable to bring Odin back.

He can only temporarily stay at Jinsi's house, and he is known as taking care of Odin.

However, Odin's life has entered a countdown.

In the eyes of Thor and Loki, Odin becomes weaker every day.

The most obvious performance is that it takes about ten minutes for Odin to pee every time.

Well...this weakness has begun to show itself in all aspects.

Even Thor and Loki had a premonition.

Odin may really be dead.

It was felt from his peeing state.

"Your Highness, Third Princess, why did you come to see me?"

Jin Si looked at Loki with a smile.

"Cure Odin and I will obey any of your commands."

Jin Si admired the beautiful Loki. It could be said that among the many men that Jin Si had sex with, Loki was the most beautiful, bar none.

To use a very common saying, Loki's whole body now exudes evil beauty.

"Sorry, I can't do it."

"you can do it."

Probably no one would have thought of Loki, who thought he was evil to the core.

He is the one who values ​​his family the most.

Neither to his parents nor to Thor.

When truly needed, he will pay any price, including his life.

Jin Si shook his head, there was nothing Loki needed.

And if Jin Si wants to renew Odin's life, he must pay at least one-fifth of his life span.

Jin Si is not that great. He sacrifices himself for this bad old man who has nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Jin, if you are willing to save Odin, I can tell you a secret, a secret that concerns all living creatures in this universe, including you."

"Is the secret you are talking about a story about a purple potato spirit who plans to collect six infinity stones and then snap his fingers?"

Loki's expression froze: "You know?"

"I know." Jin Si smiled and shrugged: "Not only that, there is another group of people who plan to collect the infinite gems and then use the power of the infinite gems to erase me."

Loki's eyes flickered, and it was clear that Jin Si knew much more than he imagined.

Loki looked at Jin Si: "What if I give you this?"

Loki took out the Cosmic Cube, which he had just received from Odin.

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