Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Four Transactions

"I don't need this thing. I advise you to find a place to bury it."

Jin Si doesn't want it, and at least for now, he's really not interested in it.

The Cosmic Cube is Loki's talisman.

"You can't give me any leverage to make my heart beat."

Loki looked at Jin Si. Indeed, the Cosmic Cube was the most valuable thing he could take out... To be precise, it was stolen.

Of course, there is nothing more valuable in this world than the Infinity Stones.

"That is to say, as long as I can bring out the bargaining chips, will you save Odin?"

"But you can't take it out."

"What if I help you find the locations of the other Infinity Stones?" Loki asked.

Loki felt that since an infinite stone could not impress Jin Si.

Then get a few more. If you collect six Infinity Stones, it will be equivalent to absolutely unrivaled power.

He didn't believe that Jin Si would not be moved.

"I know the location of every Infinity Stone. If I want, I can even collect five of them in one day." Jin Si said disapprovingly.

Loki looked at Jin Si in astonishment.

Does Jin Si know the location of all the Infinity Stones?

But he wasn't tempted to get it. Didn't he covet the power of the infinite stones?

If one Infinity Stone can't improve his strength, but if all the Infinity Stones are gathered together, wouldn't he be tempted?

No... He said that he could collect five Infinity Stones in one day, which means that there is one Infinity Stone that he cannot obtain in one day, which may also be understood as unobtainable!

Is it because he can't get the sixth Infinity Stone that he's not interested?

If you help him get the sixth Infinity Stone.

Does it mean that he is willing to help himself?


"If you are fooled,

I can't get it, and you can't get it. Jin Si said with certainty: "If you can really save all six infinite gems, you don't need my help. You can just snap your fingers and make a wish." "

Of course, just like Loki couldn't get the sixth Infinity Stone.

He also cannot use the power of the Infinity Stones.

To obtain soul gems, you need to sacrifice a person listed in your household registration book.

Loki is the last person to do this.

And he was unable to use the power of gathering six Infinity Stones because he was too weak.

If he uses it forcefully, there is a high probability that he will have the same result as Xiao Nini.

The people on Luo Ji's household registration book are basically those who would rather die than sacrifice their household registration book.

Loki was stunned for a moment, yes, if he could collect six infinity stones, then he would not be able to solve Odin's situation. Even if he pressed Jin Si to the ground and rubbed him, there would still be hope.

Loki hid his thoughts and looked at Jin Si with twinkling eyes.

"Mr. Jin, since you are not interested in the Infinity Stones, can you tell me the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones?"

Jin Si waved his hand: "I didn't say I wasn't interested in the infinite gems. You seem to have made a mistake. I have been waiting for someone who can help me collect the infinite gems. Do you understand what I mean?"

Loki stared at Jin Si, and he somewhat understood Jin Si's intention.

It’s not that he doesn’t want the infinite stones, he just wants to take advantage of them!

If he really wanted to collect all the infinite gems, this guy would definitely attack him.

"Mr. Jin, you are so sure. If someone else gets the six Infinity Stones, can you still get it?"

"It's very simple. Then make it impossible for the other party to collect all six."

To be honest, even if you collect all six wireless gems, you will most likely not be your opponent.

Ever since I traveled through Endgame in 2023.

After Jin Si personally used the Infinity Gauntlet once.

Jin Si also roughly determined the upper limit of the power of the six infinite stones.

Neither his first wish nor his second wish came true.

It shows that the Infinity Stones are not omnipotent.

And the Infinity Stones cannot annihilate themselves.

Jin Si already has an understanding of the principles of infinite gems.

The most powerful stone in the Infinity Stones is the Time Stone.

The rest are just power banks.

The Time Stone is powerful because it involves time, and time involves cause and effect.

To put it bluntly, the Time Stone is the most powerful causal weapon in the universe.

But it happened that the power of the time gem could not act on Jin Si.

As that saying goes, the Infinity Stones cannot interact with each other.

The power of time cannot interact with the power of time, and cause and effect cannot affect cause and effect.

In this universe, Jin Si just jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements.

Of course, there is another most important reason.

The soul in Jin Si's hands.

If you want to destroy Jin Si by snapping your fingers, you first need to seize the Mind Stone from Jin Si.

Haha... seize the soul gem from Jin Si...

Come on, if someone could do it, there wouldn't be any need for other Infinity Stones.

So this is destined to be an endless cycle.

Now Jin Si is waiting for the madman Zishu Jing to come and send him equipment.

Of course, if the person who sent the equipment was replaced by the God group, Jin Si would not refuse.

Whoever sends it is not sending it. When the intention arrives, the person also arrives.

Loki was a little worried. With his IQ, he generally understood that even if he really wanted to collect the infinite stones, he would most likely fail halfway.

He didn't know whether Purple Sweet Potato Essence could succeed, but he definitely couldn't succeed.

Jin Si looked at Loki and suddenly thought of an idea.

"I can do you a small favor if you help me find a few people."

"What are you doing? Curing Odin?"

"It's impossible to cure. I can teach you a magic trick."

"I need you to teach me magic?"

Loki's face didn't show it, but his tone already stated his current thoughts.

Although Loki clearly realized that he was no match for Jin Si.

But I don’t know how much magic I have mastered, so do I need someone to teach me magic?

Loki's magic was truly inherited from his mother.

Although I dare not say that I have practiced everything to the extreme.

But he believed that no one on earth could defeat him in magic.

Even though he had just been tortured by an unscrupulous mage not long ago.

"This magic can save your life at a critical moment."

"I do not need."

"No, you need it. In the future, you, Thor, and everyone in Asgard will die at the hands of the purple sweet potato spirit."

"How could..." Loki looked at Jin Si, and he saw a bit of seriousness on Jin Si's cynical face: "How do you know?"

"The Time Stone is also on Earth. Of course I saw the future of all of you through the Time Stone."

Loki's eyes flickered: "Will Thor die too?"

"Yes, he will have his neck broken by the man you once loyal to. By the way, he will also kill everyone in Asgard."

"Why should I believe what you say?"

"Well, I won't embarrass you. I can teach you magic first. Anyway, it shouldn't take too long for this to happen."

Jin Si's words already made Loki terrified.

"Who do you need me to help you find? I'm not good at finding people."

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