Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Five 0 Miles Ahead

"There's no rush, just find a few losers and I can pay first."

The more Jin Si said this, the more uneasy Loki became.

This guy is definitely not looking for a Yakuza in the traditional sense.

There is a high probability that it is very dangerous.

"Why do you ask so many questions? You can't refuse anyway. You're right."

Anyway, now Luo Ji's household registration book is in Jin Si's hand, and Luo Ji really can't refuse.

Loki also understood this. If he refused this deal, Jin Si might do something evil again.

Thor didn't expect that Loki would actually mix with Jin Si.

These days we are almost inseparable.

Thor was a little doubtful whether Loki had made a py deal with Jin Si.

Thor is a little sour...

Why does Loki have to think so hard?

Is it a physiological need?

If this is the case, you can help yourself.

Who doesn’t know how to grind tofu?

"Uncle, Pietro is missing."

Xiao Nini's call came very suddenly.

"Missing?" Jin Si was a little surprised: "Isn't that guy going on vacation?"

At Pietro's speed, it would only take a matter of minutes to cross the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

So it is possible for him to appear in any corner of the earth in one day.

Jin Si thought they should all be used to it.

After all, it was common for Pietro to disappear for a few days or more.

Jin Si remembered that he had only met Pietro two days ago.

It's only been two days,

Why did you use the word missing?

Jin Si felt that there was no need to make a fuss.

There's no telling when Pietro will come back with local specialties from a certain place.

"No, it's true this time. Wanda said that she lost her perception of Pietro." Little Nini's voice seemed a little low: "Wanda said that Pietro either ran out of her perception range, or Just...dead."


"Wanda and Pietro are born with super-sense. Unless Pietro runs away from the earth, Wanda will not be able to feel it."

"Didn't you install any tracker, tracker, monitor, peeping device or anything like that on him?"

"Uncle, I feel that in your mind, I am a pervert."

"Your feelings are correct."

"Then do you have one?" Xiao Nini asked.

"No, I respect the children's free space to grow. How could I do something like this that has no privacy at all?"

"Uncle... Wanda is going crazy now."

"Well, I can roughly confirm that Pietro is not dead. As for where he is now, I don't know." Jin Si said helplessly.

"Then do you know who did it?" Xiao Nini vaguely felt that Jin Si might know something. Maybe Pietro's disappearance was related to Jin Si.

It wasn't that he doubted Jin Si's hand. In fact, he was certain that it was definitely not Jin Si's doing.

After all, if Jin Si really wanted to do something to Pietro, he wouldn't even need to hide it.

Jin Si also felt that it was not him. After all, even if he let Pietro explode on the spot, he would not cover it up.

The reason why Xiao Nini suspected that Pietro's disappearance was related to Jin Si.

The main reason is that Pietro is a small and transparent character in SHIELD and the Women's Federation.

Even though he carries the aura of being Jin Si's biological son, he is still an out-and-out transparent person.

She has mediocre strength and gentle personality. She usually lives alone. Except for the eldest brother Xiao Nini, she has almost no in-depth communication with anyone else in the Women's Federation.

Externally, Pietro has little visibility, and even hostile organizations have little interest in Pietro.

Besides, what Pietro is best at is running.

If he wants to run, no one can stop him.

If you want to catch Pietro, you have to have a group of beautiful girls to turn him into a soft-legged shrimp first.

And you have to move quickly... After all, Pietro is also very fast in some aspects. This refers to his recovery speed. Don't get it wrong.

Therefore, if you want to get the thankless Pietro, the greatest possibility is not to target SHIELD or the Women's Federation.

It was aimed at a certain villain. After all, Pietro's most valuable title was that of a certain villain's biological son.

"Uncle, who is the other party?"

"There are several gods with whom I have old grudges."

"Is it like Thor?" Little Nini suddenly felt excited. This was definitely a battle between gods.

And if you follow Jin Si to collect people, you will definitely not lose money.

"It's not the same." Jin Si said.

"What's different?"

"These enemies of mine are the kind who can use one slap to turn the earth into a basketball racket."


Xiao Nini calmed down instantly, and he felt that a long-term plan was needed.

"Uncle, where is the nearest habitable planet? Is it far from the earth?"

Little Nini is already planning to immigrate to another planet.

"Don't worry, if those old dogs can beat me, they won't need to be so careful."

"Uncle, tell me, what should we do now? Where to find them."

If you can beat it, then there will be no problem.

Picking up human heads is delicious.

"I don't know, but I guess they will report to me soon after they have captured Pietro."

Knock knock knock——

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Well, the messenger is here."

Jin Si opened the door, and there was a tall woman outside.

"The ancient demon god, I am..."

Before the tall woman could finish her words, Jin Si grabbed her hair and dragged her into the house.

"Demon, do you want to start a war directly here? Or don't you want to know the whereabouts of your son?"

Before the tall woman could finish her words, Jin Si had already bitten off half of her neck.

The woman struggled to get up and wanted to resist.

But Jin Si punched through the heart and tore out the woman's heart.

"You don't need to say anything. When all you have left is your soul, you will have plenty of time to reminisce about the past."


Jin Si crushed the woman's head with his foot.

Jin Si really didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to kill him.

Originally, Jin Si thought that the other party had been acting cautiously since he came to Earth.

You wouldn't be so careless.

But it turns out that they underestimated Jin Si.

Later, after devouring the woman's essence, Jin Si hung the woman's body at the gate.

Jin Si pinched the woman's soul.

This woman is naturally also a member of the God Group.

Her body is a Cyclops with a height of 100,000 kilometers.

It is revealed after her soul is stripped from her body.

Even though she lost her body, her soul still had terrifying power.

However, after Jin Si swallowed half of her spirit body in one gulp, she became completely honest.

"Now, if I ask a question and you answer a question, if one of your answers dissatisfies me, I will take a bite of your spirit body. Do you understand?"

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