Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Seven Pietro is no longer in this world

Boom boom——

In a violent explosion.

Wanda and Little Nini equipped with the God Killer Armor appeared.

When they saw the corpse hanging in the wind at the door, they thought Jin Si had already fought with the enemy.

And Xiao Nini detected a high-energy reaction in the room, so she directly used her ultimate move to clear the way.

However, apart from the confused Jin Si and the razed house, there was only Radar who looked calm.

Wanda and Xiao Nini did not consider whether they might accidentally injure Jin Si.

Don't make trouble, they know themselves very well.

With this level of lethality, it is estimated that it cannot even sterilize Jinsi.

Of course, if you can hit the jackpot and hurt Jin Si, there's nothing wrong with it.

"What are you doing?"

"Uncle, where is the enemy? Where is the enemy?"

Jin Si looked at Xiao Nini and Wanda: "I think you destroyed my home on purpose."

"It's impossible. It's nothing. Uncle, you just said on the phone that the enemy is coming. Wanda and I came here specially to support you."

Little Nini lies without making a draft, and her face is not red but her heart is different.

Wanda turned her head away and said nothing.

Don't support me, they are just here to get information.

Jin Si looked at Xiao Nini's suit: "Why do I feel like your suit is anti-Jin Si armor again?"

"Uncle, you are mistaken. I have stopped developing that series a long time ago. This suit is a God-killer suit, and it does not match you." Xiao Nini said with a guilty conscience.

Well...he just changed the name of the series.

Then remove Jin Si’s avatar.

This God-Slayer suit is definitely not aimed at novice gods like Thor.

Anyway, little Nini looks down on Thor now.

With Thor's brain capacity, does he still need to waste his time to create a targeted suit?

Little Nini looked at the radar and whistled: "Hey, who is this beauty? Don't tell me that she is a man in disguise."

"She is Radar, the God Group." Jin Si introduced.

Little Nini and Wanda immediately took a few steps back and prepared for battle.

"Don't worry, I have convinced her. Radar understands the righteousness, changes her past, and decides to become my lackey, eradicate the universe rogue organization Celestial Group, and contribute to the peace of the universe."

Xiao Nini and Wanda looked at Jinsi and then at the radar.

Well... let's just believe that it was Jin Si who persuaded me.

"Where's the body outside?"

"It's Radar's. I changed her skin."

Xiao Nini and Wanda confirmed that Lida was defeated by Jin Si.

"Where is Pietro now?" Wanda asked.

"Wanda..." Jin Si's expression suddenly became solemn.

Seeing Jin Si's serious look, Wanda immediately felt frightened.

"Did Pietro...did he already..."

"Well... he is no longer in this world." Jin Si nodded sadly, and at the same time forced out a few tears: "Wanda... I'm sorry... it was me who failed to protect Pietro."

"No..." Wanda knelt on the ground in pain and cried bitterly.

Xiao Nini looked at Jin Si suspiciously.

Based on his understanding of kidnapping, would he easily kill the kidnapper before he was satisfied?

Xiao Nini is an expert on meat tickets.

He has extensive experience in being kidnapped.

"Pietro is really dead?"

"No...did I say Pietro is dead?"

"Didn't you say that Pietro is no longer in this world?"

"Yes, he is in Jupiter now and was kidnapped to Jupiter by the gods." Jin Si nodded matter-of-factly: "Why is your understanding so poor?"


Wanda fired a super powerful scarlet annihilation bomb and sent Jin Si back to the west.

Jin Si got up from the ruins in embarrassment.

Wanda stared at Jin Si with murderous intent.

"Don't make such jokes with me again!" Wanda stared at Jin Si coldly.

Jin Si glanced at Xiao Nini who was gloating about her misfortune, and fired a bomb that directly blew away Xiao Nini's God Killer suit, and also exploded Xiao Nini's underwear.

Xiao Nini looked at Jin Si with an innocent face: "Uncle..."

"Your suit is really useless. Do you have a new model?"

Xiao Nini looked bitter: "No more..."

How could it not be? Xiao Nini was already prepared to be destroyed when she came.

Therefore, the Godkiller armor he wears is an old version, and his main responsibility is to collect data.

"It seems that there is no way for you to go to rescue Pietro this time."

"Uncle, I just developed a spaceship. Of course, it is based on the spaceship you brought back last time." Xiao Nini said immediately: "And I also have other series of suits."

Wanda also had a determined expression on her face. She would go with this operation no matter what.

Let’s not talk about whether it can help in the battle.

At least you must follow.

If she hadn't followed him, Jin Si might not have cared about Pietro's life or death at all and only cared about his own nonsense.

Wanda was worried about putting Pietro's life and death in Jin Si's hands.

It has to be said that Xiao Nini's ability is already several levels ahead of all human beings.

The technological content of this spaceship is no less than that of the one brought back by Jin Si before.

This spacecraft, with an internal space of approximately more than 3,000 square meters, has ultra-high speed and wormhole traversal technology.

And Xiao Nini has secretly conducted flight experiments several times.

After several improvements, the technology of this spacecraft has become perfect.

The spaceship did not carry weapons, but it did carry a legion of steel armors.

It can be provided to Little Nini to choose at will, and there is also Super Artificial Intelligence Friday.

Friday can help Xiao Nini control other armors to fight.

Jin Si, Radar, Wanda and Xiao Nini took the spacecraft and arrived in the orbit near Jupiter.

Seeing the surface of Jupiter up close is far more spectacular than looking through a telescope.

The core of this gas planet is rocky, and its gravity is about two to three times that of Earth.

When Little Nini and Wanda were both shocked by the grandeur and splendor of Jupiter, Jin Si asked: "Wanda, can you sense Pietro's position here?"

Wanda closed her eyes, and after a brief perception, pointed to the location of Jupiter's Great Red Spot: "It should be there."

Jin Si looked at the radar: "Is it there?"

"Maybe so, I'm not sure."

"Are you not sure? You don't want to hide it for them, do you? They sent you to earth to die. You don't need to have mercy or sympathy for them. They all deserve to die."

Xiao Nini and Wanda looked at the radar. They also felt that letting their companions run in front of Jin Si and tell Jin Si that his son had been kidnapped was indeed an act of suicide.

"They have discovered your arrival, so they have hidden themselves. Believe me, this will not be an ordinary battle."

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