Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and eight, can you use your brain?

"Each member of the Celestial God Group possesses the power of stars. They can obtain the power of visible stars in the universe." Radar said.

"You already introduced your abilities last time, there is no need to repeat them."

"No, you still don't understand. Jupiter is also a star, and it is right under their feet. This star has unparalleled power, and it is so close to them."

"If we want to absorb the power of the stars, isn't the sun also very close?"

"If such a close star is absorbed rashly, the Celestial Formation will only turn into a roasted sweet potato."

"Has roasted sweet potato become world-famous?"

"Uncle, what should we do now? Shall we go down?" Xiao Nini asked.

Don't Look Wanda pointed out Pietro's location on the Great Red Spot.

But the key problem is that the Great Red Spot has a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers, which is about the same diameter as the Earth.

With an area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers, this is no longer just finding a needle in a haystack, but really finding the essence of a haystack.

"Is there any way you can find Pietro in such a large area?"


Jin Si looked at Wanda again: "Can you accurately sense the direction where Pietro is?"


"So, you two are useless...forget it."

After all, she is her own daughter, so she still cannot be described as trash.

"At this time, we should use wisdom to solve the problem." Jin Si said seriously.

Wanda and Xiao Nini both had hehe expressions on their faces.

wisdom? You are worthy of mentioning this word.

Then the two of them looked at Jin Si as if they were pretending to be sexy.

Come on, start your show.

Jin Si moved his hands and feet and suddenly grabbed the back of Radar's neck.


Jin Si left the spacecraft with the radar.

Then Xiao Nini and Wanda felt Jin Si's boundless spiritual power.

"Listen to the gods below, your companions are in my hands. Now I ask you to surrender to me immediately, otherwise, you will have to say goodbye to your companions."

Xiao Nini and Wanda looked at Jin Si's back outside the spaceship.

Then he said silently... scum.

Although they had never had any hope in Jin Si's character.

But at this moment, they realized that Jin Si not only had no character, but also had no morals at all.

After all, he is also a lackey who is trying to reverse his plan.

Not to mention re-employing him, at least give him some respect.

Jin Si's spiritual power swept across Jupiter.

"I'll count to three. If you don't answer, I'll take action. Three, two, one!"

The light in Jin Si's hand flashed past.

Radar lost his upper body, and half of his body fell into Jupiter below.

Little Nini and Wanda are both a little dull.

They thought Jin Si was just talking casually.

But he didn't expect that Jin Si would actually do it like this.

The observers of the God Group are watching the scene happening in the sky.

And watched Radar's body fall into the atmosphere.

After waiting for a moment, the observers stepped forward to recover Radar's body.

When he came to the radar, he raised his hand to recover the body.

The 'corpse' of the radar suddenly emitted a black light.

The observer quickly stepped away, but it was already too late.

The next moment, the black light turned into substantial tentacles and wrapped around the observer.

The observer immediately cut off the black light tentacles wrapped around his body.

Half of Radar's body also stood up at this time.

The body recovered quickly, and at the same time, a mud-like black substance emerged from the body.

The observer stared at the radar: "Symbiote? No..."

As the Celestial God Group, they inspected countless planets.

Of course he is no stranger to symbiotes.

But it is impossible for the symbiote to parasitize the Celestials.

The level difference between the two is quite big.

Unless it's Gnar, the symbiote god.

But Gnar is sleeping now.

And although the characteristics of the symbiote appear on Radar, there is no aura of the symbiote.

"Radars, wake up!" Observers felt that Radas was probably mentally controlled.

"Zeno, I'm awake and I know what I'm doing."

"Then why...attacked me?"

"Maybe it's because... I betrayed you."

"What?" The observer looked in disbelief.

Stop it, okay? You and I are both created by eternity.

Who are you betraying? To betray me is to betray eternity.

A single thought can obliterate you forever.

Only crazy people betray.

Radar has a black light sword in his hand.

The observers were frightened and backed away.

"Are you Nar!? You are not Redas!"

The observer is certain that he feels that Redath has been possessed by the symbiote god.

Otherwise, where did he get the all-black death sword?

It couldn't have been Radas who secretly killed Gnar.

Radas definitely doesn't have this ability.

After all, this is the superhero universe, but Gnar and his weapons are completely fantasy. Everyone's world view is not on the same level, which is everyone's fear.

If Radas was really stubborn, then maybe Nal would chop her up on the spot.

Of course, the person standing in front of the observer now is not Nar or Radas.

She is Radar, Jin Si’s loyal dog.

Now Radar no longer cares about betrayal or not.

I just chose justice...

Jinsi can get Gnar's all-black death sword.

That could only mean that Gnar was either kneeling or dead.

And given Jin Si's nature, there is a high probability that Nal will be filled by Jin Si.

Who is Nar? He may not be the strongest man in the universe, but he is definitely the most reckless man in the universe.

That is a super reckless man who dares to stand face to face with the five gods and go shopping in the Court of Life.

Even if he has been beaten a hundred times by heroes from all walks of life.

But did Gnar deliver it? When he woke up, he was a reckless man again.

Now that the life or death of this reckless man is unknown, and his thick long hair falls into Jin Si's hands, Nal's life or death is not that important.

Therefore, Radar feels that Jin Si's character is still trustworthy, and it is time for him to make his own contribution to the cause of peace in the universe.

Radar raised the all-black Death Sword and rushed towards the observer.

The Observer's armor burst into a flash of golden light.

But Radar struck down with a sword, and the golden light was split into two.

Also separated was the Observer's armor.

The observers were frightened and ran away.

Marder, are you so crazy with the all-black Death Sword?

Just think of it as giving you a face.

"Brothers, we have a ruthless man here, come and help me..." The observer decisively called for support.

Nar, little boy, just wait for me.

After my brother comes, it will be time for us to settle things.

Soon, other members of the Celestial Team arrived.

All of them are big-bodied, round-waisted, plump and plump, with fleshy faces.

They are all local kings from all the mountains. They usually work together to rob, kill and buy goods, and maintain the peace of the universe.

Nal, right, reckless man, right?

The all-black Death Sword stays! We will leave you a complete body today.

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