Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and nine trump cards

At this moment the radar swelled.

Carrying the all-black death sword, she felt that she could challenge the entire group of gods alone.

Just like Odin back then, when he put on the Destroyer armor, he felt like he could defeat the entire group of gods.

When the first punch landed on her face, she felt no pain.

When the first kick hit her face, she felt there was still a chance for a comeback.

Then a group of super macho men shattered Radar’s dream of being a reckless man.

It was also the first time that she knew that these gangsters, who were usually boring and coquettish, were saving their energy to use on her.

If it were in another place, she would most likely not refuse.

But they used such big fists and such big hammers, which was too much.

"Boss... Hey, hey... Boss, if you don't come here, I will die for you."

You're not the only one who can buckle people, I can too.

In fact, Jin Si has been paying attention to this battle.

Not only is he paying attention, Xiao Nini and Wanda are also paying attention to this battle.

Little Nini had already detected the high-energy reaction below.

Then the aircraft was released and the entire battlefield was broadcast live.

But, you see, if you let them intervene, you are really looking down on them.

These giants, who can easily reach tens of thousands of kilometers in height, can produce a nuclear explosion with the equivalent of tens of billions of dollars with one punch. How can they intervene? Relying on face?

"Uncle, the radar looks badly beaten, won't you help?"

Xiao Nini and Wanda knew that the only surprise in this battle could only be Jin Si.

And even they are not sure whether Jin Si's intervention can change the outcome.

The power of these gods was completely beyond their imagination.

And the key is that there are really many.

"We really need to intervene.

After all, radar is a very useful tool. "

Jin Si got out of the spaceship again and then transformed into tens of thousands of clones.

Immediately afterwards, all Jinsi's clones opened their mouths at the same time, and each clone's mouth was brewing a Tailed Beast Jade.

In an instant, tens of thousands of tailed beast jades of different colors pierced the sky of Jupiter.

Boom boom boom——

Countless violent explosions fell densely on the Great Red Spot.

The terrifying tailed beast jade like raindrops directly knocked the many gods in the center of the battlefield into confusion.

Brilliant shocks bloomed around the giants.

These tailed beast jades are all star-destroying ones.

If any one of them landed on an ordinary planet, it would be able to roast all the living things on the planet's surface.

Tens of thousands of star-destroying tailed beast jade struck the Great Red Spot.

The land composed of solid hydrogen and helium in the Great Red Spot has long been fragmented.

Including those giants, they feel like they have taken a sauna.

A layer of skin fell off all over his body.

It's so sour and refreshing, not to mention how enjoyable it is.

Anyway, several of the Celestials' armors have been ripped apart.

Then their bodies appeared, some in the form of colorful molluscs.

Some are in the form of furry beasts.

Of course, some people reveal their true nature, that is, they show their true power.

Some people's symptoms mean that they suffer from kidney deficiency early in life.

That's the Celestial Team, half of their power comes from their suits.

Of course, this wave of carpet bombing not only caused heavy losses to the Tianjin group.

The same goes for radar...

Jinsi's indifference is really no difference.

Wanda and Xiao Nini looked at this scene in stunned silence.

Jin Si's attack just now directly caused the loss of most of Xiao Nini's reconnaissance aircraft.

However, half of the reconnaissance aircraft was still left behind to completely record everything that happened on the battlefield.

In the eyes of humans, every attack by Jin Si can cause the extinction of all life on the earth.

Especially Wanda, what she could feel was the terrifying aura emitted by Jin Si at that moment.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

Those members of the Celestial Group whose suits were most seriously damaged rushed directly towards the members of the Celestial Group whose suits were relatively intact, and then merged directly with them!

"Holy shit, can the gods still play the combination game?"

After the merger, the Celestial Team is significantly stronger.

That is visible to the naked eye.

"Uncle...they have become stronger..."

Even Xiao Nini, who is a Level 2 disabled person when she takes off her suit, can see that the Celestial Team has become stronger.

"It seems I have to come up with a trick."

Both Xiao Nini and Wanda's eyes lit up.

A trick? Can we finally see Jin Si’s trump card?

Thinking about it, in this situation, even Jin Si might have to use a special move.

Then... they saw the scene of thousands of cannons firing again.

Then the combined Celestial Team was once again disabled by a salvo of thousands of artillery fire.

"Uncle... didn't you say you wanted to use a special move?"

"Yeah, that's my trick."

"..." Wanda and Little Nini.

Although the God group also has long-range attack methods.

But facing Jin Si, who has been in the low-Earth orbit of Jupiter for tens of thousands of kilometers.

There's really nothing the Gods can do.

This is like an anti-aircraft gun that can shoot into the sky, but cannot shoot into outer space.

This completely unreasonable attack method made the members of the Celestial God Team want to die.

Little Nini and Wanda were also speechless.

This is not the kind of battle they want.

What they wanted to see was a back-and-forth fight between Jin Si and Tian Shen.

At least, if it's a close fight.

Only then could they feel that Jin Si was not completely invincible.

But Jin Si was too shameless and didn't give the Gods group a chance to fight in close combat.

"Uncle, you will lose your tool man like this." Xiao Nini felt that she needed to ask Jin Si to change his tactics.

If Jin Si keeps fighting like this, he won't even be able to collect data.

Why do you think Xiao Nini has to join Lai to participate in this battle that he is not qualified to participate in at all?

Just to watch the battle and collect data.

Jin Si thought for a while: "What you said makes sense."

Little Nini was secretly happy and took the bait.

Jin Si and his clones used *** to open their eyes again.

God hinders the earthquake! !

In an instant, thousands of meteorites with diameters ranging from thousands to hundreds of kilometers appeared in Jupiter's low-Earth orbit.

Little Nini and Wanda's eyes widened again.

What Jin Si summoned was not a falling star at all.

What he summoned was probably a meteorite belt.

This dense collection of meteorites appears in Jupiter's low Earth orbit.

Naturally affected by Jupiter's gravity, it drags the flame arc and falls into Jupiter's atmosphere.

Little Nini and Wanda were completely speechless.

Not to mention the tailed beast jade before, you have summoned so many meteorites now.

Is there still a way for your tool man to survive?

Jin Si doesn't care and kills the enemy efficiently. This is what he wants to do now.

As for the radar, with the protection of the all-black death sword and the blessing of her own power, at least her vitality is many times higher than before.

Not to mention that when the radar was affected, his body was beaten to pieces just like the other Celestials.

In fact, she can recover quickly every time, and then she becomes a manly woman again.

However, she has understood the current situation. Now is definitely not the time to make achievements. The criterion for making achievements is to be alive first, so she decisively pretends to be a grandson and lies on the ground first.

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