Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Ten 1 Get up and watch the meteor shower

Radar made up his mind not to get up.

But, when I saw balls falling from the sky.

The radar was instantly blown up. If he didn't hide, he would really fall to his knees.

Just like a hunter in World of Warcraft, you can avoid a wave of lock-on attacks by using the suspended animation skill, but you can't avoid AOE.

run! This is the wisest choice.

The radar transformed into a cheetah, running wildly in the roaring battlefield.

At this moment, Radar saw a tall member of the Celestial Group in front of him.

Instead of running away, he put up a huge barrier.


With his body of tens of thousands of kilometers, a meteorite with a diameter of one thousand kilometers is like a bullet to him.

When a meteorite crashed down, the barrier rippled.

Radar pounced on him, and while his barrier was fluctuating, he slapped his former Celestial Team comrade on the back of the head with his paw.

The god group staggered a few steps that day, but before he could curse, another meteorite fell down.


Amid the violent shocks, the member of the Celestial Team felt happy in his chest.

However, this injury is not fatal.

Each group of gods has the ability to destroy a world.

At the same time, they also have the strength to resist the doomsday strike.

So although this blow hurt him, his injuries were recovering quickly.

Of course...if he can recover from his injuries.

There is still a real meteor shower falling in the sky.

He wanted to allocate part of his strength to resist this damn meteor shower.

At this moment, another meteor hurtled towards him.

This member of the God Group quickly increased his defense.

However, the radar did not move away. Instead, it went up and slapped the Celestial Team's shield with its paw.

The shield of the God Group immediately vibrated.

The meteor also fell at this time.

The shield of the gods collapsed in an instant.

With a terrifying impact, the meteor blasted open the chest of the God Group for the second time.

The deity group fell to their knees unsteadily.

Radar came back with another wave of backstabbing.

The radar in the cheetah form pounced on the back of the Celestial God Group, biting off a piece of meat.

"Damn... Radas... Nar..."

But at this moment, Radar's eyes showed an expression called panic.

A huge celestial body with a diameter of at least five thousand kilometers shrouded the battlefield.

Although this thing is still only one-tenth the size of most of the gods.

But it's still very scary.

If this thing is smashed down, Jupiter's orbit may shift.

At this moment, the Celestial Group, who was stabbed in the back by the radar, was unable to resist this huge celestial body.

He could only roar in pain: "Compatriots, destroy that thing...or we will all die!"

In nature, body size determines position in the food chain.

However, in the social group of intelligent races, body size is no longer the only criterion for determining victory or defeat.

After all, it is common sense that a bullet can kill someone, and it is also common sense that a grenade can kill several people.

The same is true for this celestial body with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers.

If this thing was just hovering in the universe.

They can cut this celestial body like a watermelon in a matter of minutes.

But now this celestial body is falling at an alarming speed.

Even the gods don't want to take a wave of frontal damage.

At this time, several groups of gods could only work together to display their respective abilities.

Five beams of different colors shoot towards the huge celestial body in the sky.

With the joint efforts of the five gods, the celestial body was finally stopped from falling.

At least the speed is much slower. As long as this kind of celestial body slows down, the threat to the Celestial God Group will be greatly reduced.

But they definitely haven't seen Naruto.

They don't know that Tianzhen Zhenxing's classic gameplay is stacking Arhats!

When they were breathing a sigh of relief that they had stopped the meteorite.

A dark celestial body enveloped the sky.

At this moment, all the gods' heads were numb.

The object's mass alarmed them.

Just the fact that it is close to the diameter of Jupiter has already made them regretful.

The God Team was so frightened that Wanda and Little Nini were also stunned.

"Uncle, you don't want to completely destroy Jupiter, do you?"

Xiao Nini feels that this guy Jin Si can do anything.

If Jupiter is destroyed, the Earth will probably suffer as well.

Don't think that Jupiter has little influence on the earth.

In fact, it's quite big. First of all, Jupiter's position in the solar system is MT, which is designed to attract passing homeless meteorites.

Avoid the possibility of other planets being hit.

Secondly, Jupiter also has a gravitational effect on the earth.

If Jupiter disappeared, the orbits of the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon would shift.

Even the orbits of other planets in the solar system will be affected.

It will have a huge impact on the overall pattern of the solar system.

And a little bit of feedback on the earth will be a disaster for mankind.

"You can't do this! Dad...Pietro is still on Jupiter." Wanda shouted quickly.

"What's so good about Pietro? The worst I can do is adopt a younger brother for you."

Wanda was so angry that her liver ached, that was my biological brother.

"Dad, we are here to save Pietro!"

Jin Si looked back at Wanda, who had a firm and determined look in the spaceship.

"Alright alright……"

Wanda insisted, and Jin Si had to go back to the main task.

The dark energy of the Dark Star pours into Jupiter like a flood.

This is really a huge flood, and the big red spot was dyed black in an instant.

And it’s still spreading.

Wherever the dark energy spreads, the Celestials will lose their ability to absorb the power of Jupiter's stars.

If they forcibly absorb Jupiter's star power, they will most likely get food poisoning.

What's even more frightening is that dark energy begins to sweep across Jupiter.

This resulted in all the Celestial beings having to leave the surface of Jupiter.

If you don't leave, you really won't be able to leave.

Jin Si picked up a long bow, well, it was Solidar. Wrath of the Stars.

Of course, it's a magically modified orange bow.

Jin Si aimed at a group of gods flying into the universe.

call out--

That day the God Group instantly fell into Jupiter's atmosphere.

Jin Si targeted another group of gods.

"Defend quickly...that demon is attacking us..."

Jin Si curled his lips and said to be reasonable, he was being a bitch and did not hurt anyone in secret.

Forget it, since you think this is called undercover, just change it.

Jin Si moved and transformed into a roc, flying across tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

Like a bolt of lightning streaking across the orbit of Jupiter.

The head of a god group has been caught by Jin Si's claws.

"Isn't this wave of stabbing someone in the back?"

The members of the God Group looked at Jin Si solemnly.

A head-on confrontation with Jin Si has always been a situation they tried their best to avoid.

But now, they have come this far.

"Demon from other dimensions, your bloodline is still in our hands. Without our guidance, he will be lost in eternity."

"Just what I said to you, I would rather sacrifice my son, but you must die too."

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