Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and eleven collective food poisoning

No, the key point of the negotiation should not be that if you kill us, your son will die too.

Then you say, as long as you let my son go, I will let you leave.

This is the correct way to open a negotiation.

Why, I just said, you have to sacrifice your son.

Isn't that how negotiations are done?

Isn't it good to leave a way for each other to escape?

Even if we break up, we will still be the best ex...

Failure to live up to each other's sincerity will only result in mutual harm.

Of course, I felt Jin Si’s murderous intent.

Several groups of gods began to link each other's energies together.

They form a huge energy magnetic field between each other.

Within this magnetic field, the strength of each of them has been greatly improved.

Jin Si looked at the group of gods in front of him.

Didn't the radar say before that only six came?

Not counting the two killed by the first two waves of carpet bombing, there were nine members of the Celestial Group in front of them.

It seems that Radar's arithmetic is not very good, so I will give her some physics lessons later.

"It seems that this war is inevitable, right?" The leader of the Celestial God Group stared at Jin Si.

"Of course, you are not here for peace." Jin Si said matter-of-factly.

"Then let's start the war directly." The gods all raised their power to the extreme.

"Okay, now that you have shown your trump card, let's each take a step back and return my son to me, and you can go."


The Tenjin group members were a bit unaccustomed to this curve.

It feels like I can't even turn the steering wheel.

"What did you say?"

"It's just a hostage exchange.


The Tianshen group couldn't adapt to Jin Si's unconventional rhythm for a while.

"Didn't you just say..."

"Oh yes...we will fight to the death! Come on...let's fight."

Jinsi transformed into a giant ape form, and he was also in the form of a Saiyan giant ape.

"'re not..."

"It's nmb..." Jin Si had already rushed towards a member of the God Group.

"No! Stop him..."

Other members of the Celestial Group immediately lent their power to their companions who were in danger through the energy magnetic field.

The members of the deity group felt almost infinite power in an instant.

At this moment, he felt that he could kill his own father.

However, when the Saiyan giant ape crushed his head, he realized that he was overthinking.

Jin Si used the most brutal method to stuff the unlucky god group into his mouth, including his blood and flesh.

Finally, he took a deep breath and sucked in the flesh and blood residue scattered around him into his mouth.

Regardless of whether it was the Celestial Team, Little Nini, or Wanda, everyone's scalp was numb when they saw this scene.

Although both Xiao Nini and Wanda know that Jinsi's recipes cover a wide range of recipes.

But when they saw the giant giant being stuffed into Jin Si's mouth like that, they still felt their scalps tightening again.

That's not swallowing, it's dismembering, kneading, tearing, and chewing!

Although the process is not long, every step is very clear.

"Wanda, do you eat anything raw in your daily diet?"

Wanda looked at Nini who was sweating coldly and rolled her eyes: "Except for fruits, I don't eat other raw things."

"That's good. Your diet is very healthy." Xiao Nini added.

Of course, there was another sentence hidden in his belly.

Don't be like me and put everything in your mouth.

You might get a bad stomachache.

You see... your father has a bad stomach now and is vomiting...

Jin Si became disgusting again.

Anyway, that picture is absolutely disgusting.

Even he felt disgusted.

Another terrifying and twisted monster takes shape.

The aura of this monster is much more terrifying than that of the Gods.

Although the Celestials are also a rogue organization, they at least have the aura of maintaining peace in the universe.

So whether it's temperament or image, they all belong to the lawful camp.

But this monster made of the flesh and blood of the Celestials is nothing more than a sulfuric acid pickle.

Everyone in the deity group was disgusted.

"Wanda, do you think this thing is a true reflection of his heart?" Xiao Nini said while holding back her nausea.

If Howard is still alive, he will definitely refute what Xiao Nini said.

Jin Si's heart is definitely a million times more evil than this monster.

Jin Si looked at his creation, and he was also disgusted by his creation.

Sure enough, I really can't do the work of the God of Creation.

If one day, I really create a living planet.

There is a high probability that a lot of Cthulhu-style gadgets will be created.

"Since you don't want to talk, I have decided that I will turn you all into this thing."

The deity group almost fainted from crying in the toilet.

They have seen people go back on their word, but they have never seen people go back on their word in person, and it was just a matter of two sentences.

One moment they will fight to the death, the next moment they will fall in love, and the next moment they will die together.

This bastard is so crazy that he has no idea what he wants to do.

At this moment, the radar also rushed out from Jupiter.

Having just received the baptism of dark energy, Radar's injuries from the carpet bombing had also fully recovered.

Radar held the all-black death sword and looked at the group of gods with murderous intent.

However, when she sensed the energy magnetic field, she decisively took a few steps back.

As a former honorary member of the Tenjin group, of course she can do this.

At least when she was one of the Celestials.

But now she can no longer use it.

She used to use the power of the stars, which was equivalent to diesel fuel, but now she uses sulfuric acid as fuel.

That's right... Jin Si's dark energy and scarlet power are equivalent to sulfuric acid.

Just when Radar was considering whether to go up to join the team fight and use his ultimate move.

The remaining eight gods suddenly seemed to have collective food poisoning.

Some were covering their stomachs, some were covering their heads, and some were rolling in the void.

"Radar, what did you do?"

Radar is also a little confused. Isn't it you?

When Radar saw Jin Si, he was also confused, and he was considering whether to take the credit.

However, we also considered the danger of taking credit for military exploits.

He also considered his respect for Jin Si.

So she decided to live her life as a human being.

"I did not do anything. "

"Then what are they doing? Are they performing some kind of ritual? Or are they planning to pretend to be stupid and get away with it?"

Jin Si was sure that he had done nothing.

Therefore, these gods group must have some conspiracy.

You won’t be fooled!

Jin Si crossed his arms and watched from a distance.

You pretend, keep pretending.

It's just that these gods group felt like they were engaged in collective prostitution, and then they were infected with some 404 virus.

Some began to twist their bodies, some had horns on their heads, and some even stretched out their armors.

Anyway, this style of painting seems to have been contaminated by someone.

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