Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve The Death of Odin

Jin Si looked at the members of the Celestial God Group.

Jin Si couldn't help but begin to suspect that they had given birth to their own children.

Did he do something wrong without knowing it?

At this moment, Jin Si discovered that the dark energy and scarlet power of the monster he had created were rapidly decreasing.

At the same time, the dark energy and scarlet power of the gods are growing.

Radar figured out the situation. After Jin Si devoured the monster's predecessor, he created the monster.

However, the energy magnetic field of the monsters and gods still exists.

Their strengths are the way they coexist and complement each other.

Therefore, the power of monsters naturally flows into the bodies of other gods.

Naturally, the gods and goddesses were also contaminated by the power of Jin Si.

After a few minutes, these deformed gods began to calm down.

The power of stars, dark energy and scarlet power began to merge.

Eternity's connection to them begins to be erased.

These days the Gods group started to panic.

At this moment, they are like lone wolves who have been driven out of the wolf pack.

If their connection to eternity is erased, it means they have betrayed eternity.

Will be hunted by other groups of gods and even eternity.

Radar came to Jin Si and explained the situation to Jin Si.

"In other words, they have become my lackeys now, right?"

Although Radar is very reluctant to admit the title of lackey.

But at least now he's not the only one betraying Eternity.

Thinking of this, Radar feels much better.


Jin Si's brows were filled with joy.

He immediately opened his arms and shouted loudly: "Welcome to the big family."

"Eternal enemies! We will not surrender!" A group of gods said stubbornly that they had a bottom line.

Jin Si looked at the deity group and then snapped his fingers.


The stubborn god group exploded in an instant.

Dunima's was polluted...purified by her own power, yet she still dared to dance in front of her.

Anyone who rejects justice will eventually be punished by justice.

The next moment, Jin Si's power reorganized the Tianshen Group.

It's just that the level of putting it together is slightly inferior.

If it was a finely decorated house before, now it is a rough house.

"Hey, it's not assembled properly. Try it again."

Jin Si snapped his fingers again, and the rough house was blown up again.

Then Jin Si once again activated the dark energy and scarlet power to reassemble.

Well... this time it's a crappy project.

The body of this stubborn member of the God Group has been extremely distorted.

Even his soul is like that.

This kind of pain of body and soul made him miserable.

He was howling and struggling wildly.

He tried to repair his body and soul.

But Jin Si's power is too chaotic.

Even Jin Si himself can't be reshaped, let alone him.

"Forget it, let's do it." Jin Si gave up. One day he must become an artist, learn sculpture and painting, and prepare to become a creator god in the future.

Jin Si looked at the other gods: "Any of you who still have objections to your allegiance to me can raise your objections now. I am the most impartial person. I like to listen to everyone's opinions and suggestions, discuss together, and achieve win-win cooperation."

All the gods lowered their heads and did not dare to touch Jin Si's eyes.

Just look at the miserable condition of your companions.

They have now withdrawn from Eternal's circle of friends, whether actively or passively, anyway, they are already in a never-ending relationship with Eternal.

So there is no need for them to be stubborn and break with the new boss.

The new boss also has no intention of convincing people with virtue.

"Radar, they will be under your control from now on. Set some rules for them."

Jin Si returned to the spacecraft: "Solved, go home."

"Um...Uncle, have you forgotten something?"

"How is it possible? All my enemies have been subdued by me and impressed by my personal charm. They are all willing to become my lackeys."

Bullshit personal charm, those gods are totally forced to do nothing, okay?

"Dad...have you forgotten Pietro?"

"Well...everything is within my plan."

"You just forgot."

"No, not really."

Not long after, the radar brought back Pietro's whereabouts.

Pietro is imprisoned in a small dimension.

There were no surprises in the process of taking him out.

After those gods surrendered to Jin Si, they gave up the idea of ​​continuing to confront Jin Si.

Naturally, he will not hurt Pietro again.

Jin Si performed a physical examination on Pietro's entire body.

Make sure there are no sequelae.

Of course, if there is any mental illness left during the physical examination, it has nothing to do with Jin Si.

"Loki, have you seen your father?"

"No, isn't he at home?"

"Not here..."

Loki's expression couldn't help but change, because in the past few days, Odin had been weakening visibly.

It seemed like he could die at any time.

Now he suddenly disappeared.

This made Loki feel even more uneasy.

"He definitely won't be able to go very far in his current state. We'll look around for him."

Thor and Loki looked around anxiously for signs of Odin.

Finally, the two found Odin by a lake.

"Father, why did you come here alone?" Thor strode forward and asked.

Odin slowly turned around and glanced at Loki and Thor.

A kind smile appeared on his face.

"You are here."

"Father, let's go back." Thor stepped forward carelessly.

Only Loki stood there, that inexplicable heartache slowly filling his heart.

“The view here is great.”

"If you want, I'll bring you here tomorrow," Thor said.

Odin shook his head: "I'm tired."

Odin stretched out his palm, holding Thor's hand with one hand, and reaching out to Loki with the other hand.

Loki hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took Odin's hand.

"My child, Asgard is entrusted to you." Odin said to Loki.

To be honest, neither Thor nor Loki is the perfect successor in his mind.

What he needs is an heir with Loki's wisdom and Thor's courage, and if possible, it would be best to have the power of Hela.

But now he doesn't have many choices, or there is no choice at all.

Thor and Loki were his only options.

In comparison, he believed in Loki more than Thor, a fool.

Loki burst out emotionally at this moment, because he felt that Odin's words were meant for him.

That feeling of finally being recognized and trusted.


Odin's hand dropped, and his body began to weather, disintegrating into dots of afterglow.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Thor is still trying to catch those fleeting sparks.

But everything he is doing now is in vain.

Odin's final moments were completely annihilated before their eyes.

The brothers grieve over the loss of Odin.

The next moment, a cool breeze blew by.

A woman with disheveled hair appeared before them.

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