Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirteen Prelude to War

Remember in one second【】

Loki and Thor both looked at the woman who suddenly arrived in front of them in confusion.

The woman was also watching them. She felt the same blood from Thor, and she also discovered Loki's identity as a frost giant.

"Odin's child?" The woman was naturally their eldest sister, Hela, the goddess of death.

"Who are you?" Both Loki and Thor felt the dangerous aura of Hela.

"Is Odin finally dead? What a pity. I originally wanted to see it with my own eyes."

When Thor heard Hela's words, he suddenly became furious.

"who are you!?"

"Didn't Odin tell you? I am your sister, the first heir to Asgard!" Hela's face was filled with the expression that the whole world owes me.

"This is impossible!" Thor immediately retorted.

Only Loki remained silent.

Because he felt an aura similar to Thor's from Hela's body.

However, the biggest difference between them is that Hela is much more powerful than Thor.

"Now, surrender to your queen." Hela said coldly and arrogantly.

"Never!" Thor yelled, "I will not recognize your identity."

"Then die." Hela felt threatened by Thor.

Thor is not very old, but his sister has actually awakened her bloodline talent.

At her age, I don't have the talent she has.

In fact, when it comes to the development of bloodline talents, she may be close to herself.

If he didn't control the world power of Asgard.

Hela looked at Thor with more and more evil eyes.

Hela has been sealed for three thousand years, and she has barely grown during these three thousand years.

And this sister of mine is not only more talented than him, but she is also three thousand years older than him.

That is to say,

If left alone, she might surpass him before long.

And if Odin leaves something to her, such as the world power of other worlds in the Nine Realms.

Then it's more than just a threat.

Hela has a sword of the night sky in her hand.

Throw it towards Thor.

Thor was unable to dodge and his shoulder was penetrated.

Thor did not retreat but advanced, swinging his battle ax towards Hela.

But Hela just pinched the battle ax with her thumb and index finger.

Thor pulled the ax handle several times, but it couldn't be shaken.

"You know nothing about power!" Hela grabbed the edge of the ax with her palm and increased her strength.

The blade of the ax began to crack.

Hela was a little surprised. Is this a new weapon created by Odin for his sister?

It's actually harder than expected.

The next moment, Hela clenched her right fist and slammed it on the axe.


With a thunder, the battle ax was smashed to pieces.

Thor and Loki were knocked away at the same time.

Loki was so scared that he had never seen such a terrifying woman.

"Send us back to Asgard!!" Loki shouted towards the sky.

The Rainbow Bridge came down in an instant, covering Thor and Loki.

But at this moment, Hela also broke into the Rainbow Bridge.

The three immediately started fighting in the small space of the Rainbow Bridge.

It took little effort for Hela to throw Loki and Thor out of the Rainbow Bridge one after another.

When Jin Si came back, he found that Odin, Thor and Loki were gone.

At the same time, Jin Si found traces of the Rainbow Bridge on the nearby lakeside.

It seems that Asgard's disaster is finally about to begin.

Of course, Asgard's disaster is just the beginning, the purple sweet potato spirit is finally coming.

Xiao Nini sent a construction team to prepare compensation for Jinsi's house.

Jinsi came to SHIELD, and Nick Fury immediately came to report to Jinsi as before.

Jin Si sat at his desk, waiting for Nick Fury's long report to end.

"Nick Fury, prepare to call all the Avengers."

"???" Nick Fury looked at Jin Si in surprise: "Director, have you taken any action?"

"It's not about action, it's about protecting the earth." Jin Si said: "Soon, there will be a powerful alien force that will attack the earth."

Nick Fury knew that Jin Si knew a lot about aliens.

So when he heard Jin Si's words, his face immediately became solemn.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Jinsi will have to reorganize again.

"Director, are you familiar with that group of aliens?"

“It’s familiar even if it’s familiar, and it’s familiar even if it’s not familiar.”

Nick Fury wanted to slap Jin Si in the face on the spot.

However, considering that Jin Si was his commander, he still held back.

"Director, I don't understand enough, can you explain it?"

"I say familiar because I have fought with them before. If I say unfamiliar, it means I have never met them."

"..." Nick Fury looked at Jin Si with dull eyes.

"Don't you understand? I'll explain it to you again."

"No, I understand, no need." Nick Fury knew Jin Si very well.

With his urinary nature, the explanations will definitely become more profound.

"They are powerful, right?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"To me, it's just average. To you and all mankind, they are very powerful. The Chitauri in the Battle of New York in 2012 were their vanguard, or cannon fodder. They also have an elite unit called The Vanguard Legion, and secondly, their backbones are not inferior to the Avengers. Of course, if it is just these, the real threat is their leader, Thanos, the veteran rogue in the universe."

The Chitauri who fought against a government that was helpless?

Are they just cannon fodder?

Nick Fury's heart became heavier.

"Isn't their leader Thanos very powerful?"

"Well, if he takes off all his clothes, he will basically be an enhanced version of the Hulk, and when he comes this time, he will bring a few infinity stones with him."

"What Infinity Stones?"

"The Cosmic Cube and the Mind Stone are all Infinity Stones. There are a total of six Infinity Stones in the universe." Jin Si said: "The purpose of Thanos is to collect the six Infinity Stones and then gain the most powerful power in the universe."

"Can we negotiate?"

"Okay, Thanos is quite reasonable."

"Really?" Nick Fury expressed doubts about Jin Si's understanding of the word "reasonable".

"Yes, as long as he hands over the Infinity Stones he wants, he will only destroy half of humanity, and he will do what he says."

Isn’t this Nima’s name quite reasonable?

"In other words, this war is inevitable?"

"That's about it."

"When will they come?"

"It's probably just a month or two."

"Director, will you take action?"

"Yes." Jin Si nodded.

"Then what else are we preparing for? Since you know their detailed information, you should be fully confident about this war, right?"

"Then it depends on your performance. If you perform well and prevent Thanos' plan, then I will come out to clean up the mess and collect the loot. If you do not perform well enough, then I will wait until half of him is wiped out. Earthlings will take action later.”

" also want to collect six Infinity Stones?"


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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