Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and fourteen Wanda, are you in love?

Nick Fury stared at Jin Si: "Director, what do you want the infinite stones for?"

"Used to kill my enemies."

"Director, are there any enemies you can't kill?"

"My enemy belongs to me and I can't kill him, and he can't kill me. But if you add six infinity stones, it will be different."

Nick Fury thought for a while, but still had no idea of ​​stopping Jin Si.

After all, if Jin Si wants to destroy all mankind and the earth, he doesn't need infinite stones.

So it makes no difference whether there are Infinity Stones or not.

The first thing we have to face now is not the time bomb Jin Si.

But the Thanos whom he has never met before.

"Director, what should we do?"

"Call back your strongest fighting force."

"Are you talking about Carol?" Nick Fury asked: "She's very busy. I'm not sure if I can call her back."

"Just tell her that if she comes back, I will tell her the secret about the devil."

Last time Jin Si whetted Carol's appetite, until they broke up, Carol didn't learn from Jin Si what the so-called secret of the devil was.

Avengers assemble!

To our surprise, everyone was present this time.

Including several new characters, such as Spider-Man and the little black cat of Wakanda.

Nick Fury and Jin Si also arrived at the scene later.

The originally noisy scene, after seeing Jin Si, all the rebellious Avengers calmed down.

"Little Spider, who is that guy?" the little black cat T'Challa asked in a low voice.

Because he and Spider-Man were in the same grade, T'Challa happened to participate in Avengers special training and final exams with Spider-Man after accepting Nick Fury's invitation.

So the two of them are relatively familiar with each other.

Especially after T'Challa showed off his abilities.

Spidey admired him even more.

T'Challa is indeed very powerful, and he has wealth that surpasses that of Little Nini.

So now Spidey is T'Challa's follower.

"The Director of SHIELD...our immediate boss...and he's also a demon!"

T'Challa looked at Jin Si who came to the scene and sat on his seat with his legs crossed.

Jin Si put a hand on Scarlett Natasha's shoulder dishonestly.

"Natasha, have you been working too hard recently? I think you seem to have aged a lot."

Natasha had a dark look on her face. The most taboo word for women is old.

"Would you like me to help you regain your youth? You know, I can do anything. Look at Scott, his skin is better than yours."

"Get out!" Natasha said unhappy.

Jin Si shrugged, and Nick Fury began to explain the situation on the podium.

Different from the astonishment of the members of the Women's Federation, Xiao Nini and Steve's expressions were more solemn than ever before.

Because when the two of them fought in New York in 2012, they learned that there would be such an enemy in the future.

And they failed in the future!

Now, this enemy has finally arrived.

Both Nini and Steve were secretly making up their minds.

This time, they're definitely not going to make the same mistakes as some of the crap out there in the future.

"The enemy this time is very powerful, powerful enough to make the entire earth despair." Nick Fury said in a very serious tone: "So, are you ready? Fight for the earth."

"Director, based on the information you have released, it seems we have little chance of winning." Barton said.

In addition to being a member of the Women's Federation, he is also a super agent.

Her analysis of intelligence is far superior to other members of the Women's Federation.

Others were either excited, excited, or scared.

Patton, on the other hand, is able to analyze the gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves.

If the Chitauri in the 2012 Battle of New York were just cannon fodder.

So how powerful should Thanos’ main force be?

And whether it is the Chitauri or the Vanguard Legion, they are based on the population of a planet.

And they also have a technological level that far exceeds that of people on earth.

How to fight this?

"Yes, in a conventional battle, the Earth has almost no chance of winning." Nick Fury nodded: "But there is a turning point, and that is the Infinity Stones."

"Infinity stones?"

Everyone looked confused. This was the first time they had heard the term Infinity Stones.

Except for Little Nini and Steve.

"There are two Infinity Stones on Earth right now, and one of them is within our S.H.I.E.L.D. agency."

"Director, what are the infinite stones?" Natasha asked.

"The Cosmic Cube and the Mind Stone are the Infinity Stones. It is said that six singularities were born at the beginning of the explosion of the universe, and these six singularities are the Infinity Stones. Each one has infinite energy." Nick Fury said: " And Thanos’ goal is the Infinity Stones on Earth.”

"Then can't we avoid war by giving him the Infinity Stones?" said Little Spider.

At this time, let alone Nick Fury, everyone else looked at Spidey as if they were an idiot.

If only it were that simple.

"Can Infinity Stones increase power?" Little Nini asked.

Nick Fury didn't know. According to Jin Si, it was possible, but he didn't know how to enhance it.

"Okay, let's talk about the Mind Stone retained by SHIELD. We have two people here who can use the Mind Stone to enhance their power." Jin Si said, "Wanda and Vision are both fine."

"How to enhance it?" Wanda asked.

Jin Si looked at Wanda and then at Vision.

Are they getting better? If it gets better, just for Wanda’s sake, forget it.

After all, Jin Si doesn't want the Scarlet Witch to become the Red Widow.

If it doesn't work out, let Vision sacrifice it.

"Wanda, have you been in love recently?"

"Huh?" Wanda was startled and glanced at Vision subconsciously.

This glance made Jin Si feel that he had been hit.

Sure enough, he still didn't stop him.

You said that you are also a beautiful girl, but if you have normal aesthetics, you wouldn't fall in love with a robot.

Nick Fury also secretly complained.

He probably understood Jin Si's current mood.

The good cabbage has been eaten by pigs...Jin Si is planning to pass away...

Nick Fury couldn't help but complain about Wanda and Vision again.

You say that you and the earth are in danger, but you are still talking about love there.

It seems that a women's federation law will be introduced in the future, and romance will not be allowed within the Avengers.

"Director...should we talk about business first?"

"Isn't what I said serious?"

"It's business...but it's not today's theme." Nick Fury was very tired, wondering why all the Avengers were giant babies. Nick Fury felt that he was just a hard-working nanny.

Jin Si said feebly: "Absorb the spiritual power of the Mind Stone directly, and it can be enhanced without a headshot."

Fuck me... After hearing what Jin Si said, Nick Fury cursed in his heart.

If you say that, who would dare to use it?


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