Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifteen The Secret of the Demon God

The meeting ended and everyone began to prepare nervously.

Wanda and Vision find Jinsi.

I want to get Jin Si’s blessing.

What can Jin Si say? You fucking have fallen in love with this robot.

What can i say.

If dirty words could be used as blessings, Jin Si could give them blessings for three days and three nights.

Regarding the news that Thanos is about to attack, Nick Fury did a complete blockade.

Even within SHIELD, only Barton and Natasha knew.

Although SHIELD is also stepping up preparations for war, no one knows why.

Just treat it as a combat operation.

A meteor falling from the sky smashed Jin Si's new home.

Jin Si's new home once again turned into ashes.

Carol is back, the whole Women's Federation, no, I should say the whole universe, and she is the only one who will greet Jin Si like this.

Is Jin Si such a good-tempered person?

Even if it's an ex-girlfriend, I can't bear it.

That day, a magnitude 4 earthquake struck New York City.

Before this, the Seismological Bureau had not monitored the precursors of earthquakes at all.

A few hours later, Jin Si and Carol were lying in a messy mountainous area.

Surrounded by forest fires caused by their battle.

Seeing that it was about to spread outwards, Jin Si stood up decisively and extinguished the forest fire with a splash of niao, but... the smell was a bit stronger.

"Carol, did you know that's my new house?"

"Nick Fury sent me a message saying you plan to tell me the secret of the ancient demon?"

"Really? I forgot."

Carol turned over and sat on Jin Si's body,

He grabbed Jin Si's neck with both hands: "Do you know how much work I put down in order to come back? An invaded civilization fell under the gunfire of a higher civilization!"

"So...actually you don't love your job that much."

Carol shrugged: "The main thing is that my fame has spread in the universe, and I always have to do something to maintain my fame."

Jin Si sighed, Captain Marvel is also a working man.

"What is the secret of the ancient demon god?"

"Are you sure you want to know this shocking secret?"

"Speak quickly."

"They... are delicious!!!"

"???" Carol looked at Jin Si in confusion: "Are you kidding me?"

"No...I'm serious."

"You are really kidding me!"

Jin Si dragged out a huge corpse.

This is the ancient demon god he found not long ago.

This demon god slept deep underground for tens of thousands of years before he was dragged out by Jin Si and beaten to death.

Speaking of this demon, he had a relationship with Jin Si tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, he wanted to rule the earth, and then he wanted Jin Si to be his lackey.

Jin Si felt that there was something wrong with his brain.

It's not because he wants to be his lackey.

But because this demon wants to rule a group of primitive people.

This damn thing is either a flaw in the brain or something else.

So Jin Si decided to let him sober up.

This demon was beaten to the point of autism by Jin Si.

Before he turned autistic, he also claimed that he would destroy Jin Si and the earth he protected after I recovered from my injuries.

Jin Si has always known where he is autistic.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the devil to have some fun after his autism was over.

As a result, this wait lasted for tens of thousands of years, so much so that Jin Si himself forgot that such a demon god existed.

If it weren't for the best, it would be to entertain Carol who was about to come back.

Jinsi was looking for ingredients everywhere, and then he remembered that there was such a demon who wanted to destroy the world all the time.

This demon god who has been autistic for tens of thousands of years has not yet recovered half of his injuries.

With his recovery speed, it might take tens of thousands of years to recover.

So Jin Si didn't wait any longer. It was just a medium ingredient anyway, and tens of thousands of years would not allow him to become a high-end ingredient.

"Would you like to try it?"

"???" Carol felt that Jin Si was definitely playing tricks on her.

And then...Carol felt like her life had been in vain.

In the past, she maintained peace in the universe and killed countless demons.

But she really didn't know that the devil was so delicious.

This meat is full of surging energy.

She had always known in the past that many races would devour skills.

It's just that she can't understand the pleasure of that kind of devouring.

Now Carol feels that it is necessary for her to search for delicious food all over the universe after work.

"There are also things to pay attention to when choosing ingredients. First of all, you have to look at their skills. Those that are polluted and rotten can be eliminated first. Let’s not talk about how they taste. First of all, we ourselves will be disgusted. The second thing is to look at their Skills, energy attributes..."

Jin Si proudly shared his experience in selecting ingredients, while Carol silently took notes.

In this regard, no one in the entire universe is more experienced than Jin Si.

After exchanging experiences on food ingredients.

Only then did Carol talk about the side mission he came back this time, about the invasion of the Earth by the Dark Order.

Carol has traveled the universe for many years and naturally knows something about Thanos and his dark order.

That is the real gangster group in the universe.

Even Carol is a little wary of the Dark Order.

She has had several encounters with the Dark Order in the past.

But they were all minor frictions. For example, Carol killed millions of soldiers of the Dark Order to stop their actions.

The Dark Order never really went to war with Carol.

Now, neither Carol nor the Dark Order can avoid this head-on war.

"Jin, with your strength and the intelligence you have, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the Dark Order and Thanos, right? Even if you want to seize the Infinity Stones, no one seems to be able to stop you."

"The strength of the Dark Order and Thanos has never been a problem. In fact, I traveled through time a few years ago and defeated them once in the future. You were also present in the war in the future."

Carol's cheeks twitched. With his temper, he would probably have a conflict with Jin Si.

"Does your information come from your knowledge of the future?"

"That's right, I have other intelligence channels." Jin Si said.

"So you should be more confident in dealing with the Dark Order and Thanos."

"The key issue is the Infinity Stones. One of the Infinity Stones needs to be sacrificed to one's true love. Carol, I love you, so..."

Carol rolled her eyes and interrupted Jin Si: "It's not that you can't sacrifice your true love, it's that you don't have true love at all."

Jin Si was very embarrassed. What does it mean to expose his shortcomings in person?

Did I not satisfy you just now?

"What is your purpose in collecting the Infinity Stones? To rule the universe?"

"Am I that low? This kind of thought without depth has simply lowered my style."

"Then what exactly do you want to do?"

"I said I want to liberate the fate of all living beings in the universe. Do you believe it?"

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