Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixteen: The Reincarnated Version of Odin

Carol didn't answer, but her disgusted eyes said it all.

"Look at you, our relationship has cracks because of this."

Carroll said that their relationship was never caused by distrust, but by Jin Si's character.

"It seems you haven't learned the full neutron star form yet."

"Do you want to learn the next few poses?"


After some discussion, the surrounding terrain has been destroyed.

Jinsi and Carol strolled back to the city.

"Carol, do you want to learn some other skills?"

"Serious or not?"

"If you need it, I can teach you some serious skills in an informal way."

Carol doesn't refuse anyone.

In the next few days, she and Jin Si continued to learn from each other and make progress together.

Don't underestimate Carol. As a defender of the peace of the universe, Carol has traveled among various civilizations. In addition to her strong strength, she has also learned many practical skills... and postures.

After Thor and Loki were kicked out of the Rainbow Bridge by Hela, they fled to the planet Sakaar ruled by the Master of the Universe.

Then he met Hulk and Odin's most loyal warrior, Valkyrie, on Sakaar.

Thor convinced Valkyrie to join him in the fight against Hela.

They stole a spaceship from the Grandmaster, and also recruited a wave of strong men from the Grandmaster's gladiators, and returned to Asgard to confront Hela.

However, a group of them were still pressed to the ground and rubbed by Hela.

In Asgard, Hela is immortal.

"Loki, you take the others and go first, I will stop Hela."

Thor is a little desperate for Hela's power.

Not long ago, he suffered another bloodbath, and his bloodline power was once again enhanced.

But facing Hela,

He still couldn't fight it.

As long as she is in Asgard, Hela is a bug-level existence.

No one can defeat her in Asgard.

"Thor, don't you understand? It's impossible for us to defeat him." Loki pulled Thor's arm: "As long as we are still in Asgard, there is no way we can win."

"No, it's not completely impossible to win." Thor showed that understanding expression for the first time.

In the past, Thor had always done what he wanted and was done.

No matter who he faced, he never gave up.

But what he was facing was Hela, something he felt personally.

A powerful enemy that is impossible to defeat by relying on brute force.

The last person who made him feel this way was Jin Si.

"What?" Loki expressed strong doubts that Thor could offer any practical advice.

"Go to the treasure room immediately and use eternal fire to resurrect Surtur's head."

"Thor, are you crazy? You know... that ancient prophecy, the fire giant Surtur will destroy Asgard..."

"Yes, I know, this is the result I want. Since I can't escape the destruction of Asgard, then I will create Ragnarok with my own hands."

Loki looked at Thor in disbelief.

The first time...this was definitely the first time he had seen Thor so wise.

"We can think of other ways..."

"No, I have already decided." Thor shook his head and looked at the Asgard refugees on the spaceship next to him: "They are the foundation of Asgard. This magnificent city is nothing, as long as there is They, Asgard can be rebuilt anywhere."

"Wait a minute...I'll first...I have a way." Loki said with a surprised look on his face.

He really couldn't bear to destroy Asgard.

"Do you have any idea?"

"What do you think Jin Si and I were doing some time ago?"

"do what?"

"He said that I would be threatened with death. I thought it was this time, so he taught me a magic. He said that this magic could allow me to avoid death, but this magic can only be used once."

Loki lied because he knew that the Hela in front of him was not his fate.

Jin Si has made it clear to him that the Purple Sweet Potato Essence is his death omen.

"What magic? Can it defeat Hela?"

"I don't know either. I've been practicing how to cast spells, but I've never actually finished casting them."

"Then give it a try." Thor certainly doesn't want Asgard to be destroyed.

He didn't want to destroy Asgard if he had the slightest chance.

Loki took a deep breath and pulled out a small bottle.

The small bottle contains red liquid.

Loki smashed the small bottle to the ground and pressed his palms to the ground. At the same time, the magic power began to be released, and the dirty soil was reincarnated!

A body made of gravel and dust appeared in front of everyone.

Hela, Loki and Thor were all stunned, looking at the figure in shock.

"Father!? Are you resurrected?" Thor shouted excitedly.

resurrection? Loki also looked incredulous, no... Odin is not resurrected.

He is back in another way!

Is it necromancy?

The awakened Odin also looked incredulous.

" I awakened?" Odin looked at his hands and at the same time looked at Hela: "Hila..."


Hela suddenly shot out a sword of the night sky.

Odin's head exploded instantly.

"No!" Thor roared.

Loki quickly caught Thor who was out of control: "Don't be impatient...just look."

I saw Odin's head recover again.

"Hela, this is not a polite greeting." Odin looked at Hela.

"No, compared to you who have exiled me for three thousand years, this greeting is already very polite." Hela said coldly: "Now, I can kill you with my own hands! How nice."

Odin smiled slightly. He knew that his current state was a wonderful magic.

And in this body, I don't need to think about death at all.

Odin raised his palm, and a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, landed on his palm, and turned into an eternal spear.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to answer my call."

Odin raised his spear and pointed it at Hela: "Maybe I should..."


The next moment, Odin's body was directly shot by Hela's Sword of the Night Sky.

Odin recovered again, but...the calmness and confidence on his face disappeared, replaced by shock.

"How could this power shouldn't be just this...what's going on?"

Odin found that he had lost the power of the world, although his true power was at its peak.

But in his current state, without the blessing of the power of the world, he is at best an enhanced version of Thor.

"You seem to be much weaker than I thought, father!" Hela stared at Odin: "It seems that after your death, the power of the world has left you. Even if you wake up again, you will not be able to use the power of the world again. force."

Odin was stunned...he had forgotten this!

The power of the world will return to the world after the death of its master.

"Hela, my daughter, I think... we can have a good talk."

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