Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and seventeen Loki's useless efforts

Talk about nmb! Hela paid a tribute to her grandmother.

Then he launched an attack on Odin and killed him with another headshot.

Thor and Loki immediately came to help, but Hela swung the dragon's tail and kicked two beautiful and sexy faces.

Father and son work together and are abused together.

The father and son teamed up but failed to stop Hela.

Hela is too strong, and it can also be said that Odin without the power of the world is too useless.

And his current body made of gravel is too brittle.

There is no ability to withstand a blow.

The only advantage is that he can't die.

Hela didn't have any good options for this.

But Hela herself is also immortal.

And as long as she has her hands free, there are ways to completely kill Odin.

Don't forget, Hela is the goddess of death.

She is also proficient in death magic.

Just because I don't have time at the moment.

Coupled with the specific nature of the reincarnation of dirty soil.

For a while, Hela didn't have time to do research on Odin.

"You guys go away quickly, I'll stop you..."


Odin's body was shot out again.

Girl... could you please save some face for daddy?

not good! Hela told Odin with practical actions.

The grudges of this life will be settled tonight.

Odin's body was restored again.

Thor took the initiative to step forward and joined Odin in a battle between father and son, which was as powerful as gold.

The two of them released thunder at the same time towards Hela.

Hela was blown away.

This is the first time I succeeded.

But this is meaningless.

Hela stood up again unscathed.

As long as it's on Asgard's territory.

Hela has super strength, super speed, super self-healing, and infinite magic power.

If you dare to chop off her head, she will grow two for you to see.

When she fought with the Asgardian Guards in the early stage, the Asgardian Guards and the war ship stabbed her through thousands of holes, but she could recover as before in the next second, just like that.

And her fighting style is completely different from Odin and Thor.

Her fighting skills are honed from countless battles.

It's even different from Odin and Thor who only know how to use brute force.

It's true. Hela's fighting skills even surpassed Odin's, and she tortured Thor to the point where he couldn't find him.

In the past, Hela was Odin's trump card.

In the past, Hela did not have such invincible strength.

She used her merits to obtain Odin's reward and the power of the world of Asgard.

But it was also from that time that she began to swell.

Especially at that time, Odin felt that he wanted to be a good person.

So he ended the war, but how could Hela stop?

So it was logical that Hela was suppressed and finally sealed.

Hela certainly had plenty of reason to hate Odin.

But Odin knew very well that his eldest daughter had unparalleled strength.

But he is not a good politician.

And her ambition prompted her to constantly seize any honor and power that came close to her.

So from Odin's perspective, his choice was not wrong.

"Father...what's Hela's weakness?"

Odin thought for a moment, technique? strength? Psychological quality?

This guy is a perfect warrior, okay?

weakness? Odin couldn't help but glance at Thor next to him.

Suddenly he slapped Thor on the face.

"Father...what are you doing?"

"There are mosquitoes on your face."


Don’t I deserve a reasonable explanation?

Don't you even want to deal with your son?

Thor's heart ached so much that he couldn't breathe, but life had to go on and suffering still had to be endured.

"Hey..." The father and son sighed at the same time.

"Hey..." Loki was very tired. What he summoned might be a fake Odin.

In fact, what he summoned was Odin at his peak, well... peak of power.

As for his character, he probably belongs to Odin in his prime, as stupid and superficial as Thor.

Talking about Thor's character, if you don't give him a death certificate, I guess he will be mature and not get it.

Thor finally decided to go it alone, charging directly with a reckless man and fighting Hela in close combat.

Odin glanced at Thor and said to Loki beside him: "Loki, Thor and I are dragging you here while you go and resurrect Surtur's head with eternal fire."

Loki said, I fuck your whole family.

I was hoping to call you out and you could give me some fresh and refined methods.

It turns out your method is exactly the same as Thor's.

Then I resurrected you just to let you and Thor play tricks here?

That's not right...Loki suddenly remembered that Thor came back with Surtur's head some time after he first exiled Odin to the Earth.

Mud, this old silver coin has indeed installed surveillance cameras at home.

"Father, is there no other way?"


"any solution?"

"You block Hela while I resurrect Surtur."

Loki decisively turned around and left.

Loki came to the treasure house and quickly found Surtur's head.

Just when he was about to throw Surtur's head into the eternal fire.

Loki stopped and hesitated for a long time.

Loki took out the Cosmic Cube.

Loki inspired the power of the Tesseract.

A portal appears in front of you.

"What happened to Loki? Why is it so slow?" Odin couldn't help complaining.

too slow! The resurrecting of Surtur was so procrastinating.

His body has been beaten to pieces more than a dozen times.

Thor was also beaten by Hela for more than ten rounds like a broken sack.

On the other side, Valkyrie and Hulk are dealing with Hela's army of death and her mount Fenrir.

The Valkyrie also has extraordinary fighting skills and strength, but it is also quite difficult to face the army of death.

Especially now that she needs to protect the civilians of Asgard.

Hulk and Fenrir were at loggerheads.

"It's so lively here." A sudden voice came.

Valkyrie turned his head and saw a stranger grabbing the neck of a dead soldier and opening his Tianling Cap, seemingly studying the structure inside the brain.

Valkyrie was certain that this man was not an Asgardian.

"Get on the spaceship! Hurry up..."

Valkyrie shouted at Jin Si, and then concentrated on dealing with the army of death in front of him.

"I'm here to help." Jin Si said.

"How can you help? I don't want to be another burden on the battlefield."

"Girl, no one has ever dared to say to me on the battlefield that I am a burden."


A death soldier's long sword stabbed Jin Si from behind.

Valkyrie had a headache, and it wasn't good to refuse to save him, but there were countless words in his stomach that he wanted to spit out.

However, before she could take action, Jin Si threw away the death soldier behind him as if nothing had happened, and then pulled out the weapon from his chest.

"Valkyrie, I would like to invite you to join an organization that has a great mission and is extremely powerful. Are you interested?"

"What organization?"

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