Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-One Punishment? award?

"Then what should I do now?"

"Don't worry, this magic is not permanent. It will be automatically lifted when the time is up." Jin Si said comfortingly.

" long will that take?" Valkyrie asked.

"Not necessarily. If it goes slowly, it will take a hundred years." Jin Si said.

"What about that piece?" Valkyrie's expression almost solidified.

"One minute."

"It's been a minute already."

"Yes, this is the characteristic of this magic. It's either a hundred years or a minute, so you can look forward to the option of a hundred years."

"You bastard!" Valkyrie roared angrily.

Thor and Odin said, it seems you have finally recognized this guy's face.


At this moment, Hulk roared in the distance.

He finally wrenched Fenrir's head off.

Then, he looked at Jin Si.

There was a bit of ferocity and a bit of hesitation in his eyes.

Eventually, his body began to shrink and he reverted back to Banner.

Sure enough, Hulk was still scared.

Banner came to Jin Si.

"Jin, long time no see."

"Hi, long time no see." Jin Si greeted Banner: "I originally thought that big guy was going to spar with me."

Banner smiled awkwardly. He and Hulk were actually the same soul, just another personality. To put it bluntly, it was schizophrenia.

So he knows exactly what Hulk is thinking.

Hela said, when you are chatting, can you consider the feelings of me, a female devil.

On board the refugee spaceship bound for Earth.

A group of people sit at a long table,

Jinsi and Hela shared a seat.

Hela wanted to resist Jin Si, but at this moment Jin Si was stuck to her like an octopus.

No matter how she resisted, it was useless, her power was really sealed.

And Jin Si can also control her limbs.

"People of the Middle Court, let me go, and I can forgive your sins."

"Sister, please save it, I won't let you go."

"Do you want to lose your freedom forever?"

"Haha... you have no idea how happy I am right now."

"Do you know how long the lifespan of an Asgardian is? The moment you die, it will be the day I regain my freedom."

"I am honored and satisfied to die in your arms."

Hela was crazy about Jin Si, but there was nothing she could do.

"If you unlock the seal, I can grant all your wishes."

"Are you telling the truth?"


Hela will tell him with practical actions that he will pay for his offense.

"My wish is forever, to seal you like this!"

Hela was trembling with anger, grabbed the knife and fork on the table, and stabbed Jin Si directly in the body.

But the moment it pierced Jin Si's arm, her own arm seemed to be stabbed.

"Didn't I say that this seal has completely bound our lives together. I will be a closer person than your husband. If you have one... If you are hurt, I will be hurt. At the same time, I will be hurt." Li, so do I."

Thor, who was sitting on the opposite seat, had his eyes shining: "I don't believe there is such magic."

Jin Si glanced at Thor: "Odin, I have decided to restore Thor to his original gender."

Jin Si proposed it once before, but Odin refused that time.

Because he felt that Jin Si might be uneasy and kind-hearted.

But this time Jin Si proposed again, and Odin was sure that this guy really had no good intentions.

There was definitely some conspiracy waiting for him.

"No need to refuse, I have already decided."

Odin was very tired. Hela was the person involved and could not see the truth of the matter.

The same goes for Thor, the fool. Doesn't he still understand?

Jin Si was obviously torturing Hela on purpose.

Why did Thor have to provoke Jin Si.

In his current state, who knows when he will be completely annihilated.

By then, no one will really be able to tell Thor.

"Where did Loki go?" Odin looked at Jin Si.

He was very sure that Jin Si was called by Loki.

However, with Jin Si's character, Loki would not be able to move Jin Si even if he was kneeling on the ground.

So Loki must have paid something to get Jin Si to come.

"Loki, he went on business."

"Where?" Thor asked.

"none of your business."

Thor stood up in a hurry and looked at Jin Si with a malicious look on his face: "Jin, don't forget, you are not who you were before."

"Do you know that if I unlock Hela's seal now, all the Asgardian refugees will turn into interstellar garbage?"


"Now, apologize to me, immediately, immediately!"

Thor still wanted to say a few words, and then fell under Odin's death gaze.

Thor finally gave in.

"Kim, I'm sorry."

"Do you think I will forgive you if you apologize?" Jin Si took the time to point his fingers, and Thor burst out of his clothes. Then his body was rapidly recovering, and he began to transform back into a man.

Odin and Thor were both confused.

Is this guy punishing himself? Or are you rewarding yourself?

Hela turned her head and glanced at Jin Si: "Can you still cast spells?"

"Your power is my power, of course I can cast spells."

"Then you can unlock the magic for me."

Valkyrie, who was still standing, shouted angrily.

"I can not do it."

"Why? You obviously..."

"Because I don't like it."

Valkyrie fell into an impotent rage.

Thor spoke up for justice at this time: "Jin, don't go too far, Valkyrie is my companion!"


Jin Si hit three consecutive gender changes, and Thor completed the gender rotation three times in an instant.

Thor immediately shut himself down.

Odin watched Jin Si tease his son.

An unknown fire broke out on the spot.

"Jin, don't be too..."

"Odin, do you also want to have a threesome?"

"Don't indulge Thor too much. He should be taught a lesson when it's time to teach him a lesson."

Odin felt that since he was dead, it was better not to waste his little remaining reputation.

Think about it if you become a woman...that scene will shock your body and mind.

"Don't worry, Odin. You haven't taken special medicine. I can't change your gender even if I want to. What's more, you are dead now, so you don't have to worry about what I will do to you."

When Odin heard this, he thought, yes, he seems to be unkillable now!

I am very buggy now, so I don’t need to be so timid.

"For you, do you miss your wife?"

Odin just wanted to make a move, but he behaved instantly.

Although Odin didn't have much contact with Jinsi.

But at this moment, he felt Jin Si's mourning intimately.

"By the way, Hela, I want to eat that, feed me."

"Do you think I will obey your orders?" Hela responded coldly.

"My dear, don't forget, what is my relationship with you now? If I am hungry, you will not feel well. Do you understand?"

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