Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Two Infinity War

Hela discovered that after her power was sealed, all qualities became ordinary.

And sensory perception is also amplified, especially pain.

After breaking up unhappy at the dinner table, Hela took Jin Si back to her room.

"My dear, do you want to take a bath and take a shower before going to bed? You have worked hard all day."

Hela's face turned livid with anger and she threw herself on the bed.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep completely.

She was so tired, physically and mentally exhausted, that was her current state.

After Hela fell asleep, Jin Si let go of Hela.

When leaving the room, Odin was waiting for Jin Si outside the door.

"Kim, can you tell me where Loki went?"

"In exchange for my hand, he promised to do something for me."

"do what?"

"Go find Thanos and give him a gift."

"You know what Thanos is going to do, right?" Odin looked at Jin Si solemnly.


Loki is on Temple Two at the moment.

He has successfully become Thanos' second-in-command.

Because he sent the Cosmic Cube.

Of course, if you just offer the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, it will only offset the merits and demerits.

After all, he lost the Mind Stone.

And his real achievement was to inform Thanos of the locations of all the Infinity Stones.

Thanos first led his army to invade Xandar.

Although Xandar's Nova Corps is also advanced and powerful.

But facing Thanos' army, they were unable to fight against it.

The reason why Thanos can be called the first underworld king in the universe is because of his unparalleled vanguard army.

Especially when Thanos possesses the Space Stone,

Infinite energy makes Thanos' invasion easier.

Thanos obtained the second Infinity Stone, the Power Stone, with little effort.

Then Thanos went to the Collector Tanya Tiwan first.

Not long ago, while Odin was still alive, he sent the Reality Stone Aether Particles to the Collector for safekeeping.

Although the collector also has great strength.

However, faced with absolute power, the Collector was easily defeated by Thanos.

The Space Stone and Power Stone in Thanos' hands further enhance Thanos' power.

The Collector's ability is nothing compared to Thanos.

Thanos easily obtained the third stone, the Reality Stone.

And at this time, Quill rushed to the Collector with a group of Guardians of the Galaxy.

As a result, he collided with Thanos, who had just succeeded.

Quill said that he would put down his weapon and leave Thanos intact.

Thanos said, keep my daughter and keep your lives.

Then Thanos took Gamora away and gave everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy a different life.

But for the sake of Quill being his son-in-law.

Thanos still left the Guardians of the Galaxy alive.

Moreover, he saw that Quill was a bitch, so there was no guarantee that he would be of great use in the future if he was retained.

Then Thanos took Gamora to Vormir.

And under the leadership of Red Skull, the guardian of the soul gem, they came to the place of sacrifice.

Then I explained with tears what it means that my daughter is my heart and soul.

Soul for soul, Thanos traded Gamora's life for the Soul Stone.

At this point, Thanos has collected the Space Stone, Power Stone, Reality Stone and Soul Stone.

Next are the two Infinity Stones on Earth, the Mind Stone and the Time Stone.

As long as the last two Infinity Stones are obtained, Jin Si's great cause... no, Thanos' great cause will be completed.

When the shielding Temple II and several super battleships descended on the troubled New York, the whole world fell into panic.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the Women's Federation, and Master Kama Taj all mobilized to face the cosmic underworld group.

The first to attack was not the Dark Order, but Carol.

Carol soared into the sky, intending to crash the Temple II and several super battleships with its iron head.

However, she was only halfway through flying when a ray of purple light fell from the sky.

The unparalleled force directly knocked Carol down.

The place where Carol fell was in ruins.

Carroll was seriously injured in this blow.

Carol stood up holding her chest, and then a portal appeared directly in front of her.

Thanos strolled out of the portal, his right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, with four Infinity Stones shining brightly on it.

Carol felt an inexplicable palpitation in her heart.

At this time, other members of the Women's Federation arrived.

Little Nini fell next to Carol. At this moment, his suit has been upgraded to the Extremis suit, whose full name is the Extremis God-Killer suit: "Is this guy the big BOSS we are going to deal with this time?"

"Don't be careless, this guy is very strong!" Carol said solemnly.

"Of course I won't be careless."

At the same time, a golden portal appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Strange floated out.

Thanos waved his hand, and the spacecraft dropped beams of gravity rays. The Vanguard Corps and the Chitauri Corps then appeared, and the war began!

The Black Panther's fellow army, the Karma Taj Mage Army, and the Asgardian refugee army also arrived.

Tiny, Rhodes, Carol, Strange, Steve, Bucky, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Scott, Barton, Natasha, Thor, Hulk, Wanda, Quick Silver, Vision, all besieged Thanos alone.

It can be said that everyone in the Women's Federation has shown their talents, but they are facing Thanos who has absolute power.

The four Infinity Stones gave Thanos near-invincible power.

Jin Si and Hela stood on the rooftop of a high-rise building outside the battlefield.

"During the time I was sealed, such a strong person actually appeared in the universe." Hela felt deeply threatened.

However, when Hela saw Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet, a light flashed in her eyes.

Especially when it was inlaid with four infinity stones, Hela's breathing became rapid.

Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet is far from original.

There is another forgery in Odin's hoard.

What does this mean? Odin had similar thoughts back then.

As Odin's right-hand man, Hela certainly knows what the Infinity Gauntlet plus six Infinity Stones means.

"It's impossible for you to defeat that guy." Hela said, "But I can help."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I can assure you that after defeating that guy, I will voluntarily accept your seal." Hela said.

"No way? Did I seal a fake goddess of death?" Jin Si looked at Hela in disbelief.

"I just don't want to see a small character showing off in front of me."

"You think my lackeys can't deal with Thanos?"

"Obviously, they can't solve it. The Titan called Thanos is very strong, and he also has Infinity Stones. There is a huge level gap between the two."

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