Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Three The Last Moments

The horror of Thanos almost needs no elaboration.

The most powerful and smartest people in the world gathered together to form this gang of gangsters.

But facing Thanos, they were powerless.

Especially Thanos, who currently possesses four Infinity Stones.

Let alone defeating Thanos, it would be difficult to even save one's life.

The infinitely powerful Hulk was sent flying out of the battlefield by Thanos, using the power of the Power Stone to punch him.

This punch may not kill the Hulk, but it can definitely make him autistic.

Scott used the Ant-Man suit to transform himself into a ten-story giant and stepped towards Thanos.

Thanos' body was instantly surrounded by red light, the Reality Stone!

The next moment, a body taller than Scott's giant size appeared.

Thanos punched out with a face-breaking punch, and Scott exited the battlefield.

Quicksilver quickly rushed to Thanos' feet, tied him into a rice dumpling in a tenth of a second, and hung hundreds of grenades on him.

But he obviously forgot the law of smoke without harm.

After the smoke was burned, Thanos appeared unscathed and punched Quicksilver with a full buff punch.

Wanda saw that Quicksilver was in danger and had to rush forward to block Quicksilver.

When Vision saw his wife rushing forward, he could only withdraw to protect his brother-in-law.

The young couple used their magic and abilities to prop up an energy barrier.

But this energy barrier seems so fragile in front of the power gem.

Wanda, Vision and Quicksilver were all instantly hit by the power stone and fell to the ground.

Thanos's power is completely unreasonable.

Thanos looked at the three people who fell in front of him and wanted to hit him again.

Carol rushed forward and blocked Thanos' punch.

Thanos was a little surprised that Carol was able to withstand his own punch.

Continuing to extract the energy from the power gem, the purple light on his arm became stronger and stronger.

His strength was getting stronger and stronger, and even Carol couldn't bear it. His right knee was already half-kneeling on the ground.

Carol was already injured at the beginning of the war, injured by Thanos' Power Stone.

Even though she turned on the Super Saiyan mode at this moment, it was still difficult for her to fight against Thanos' terrifying power.

This is a desperate battle.

Carol grabbed Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet and tried to pull it off.

How could Thanos be so easily defeated and his power increase tenfold in vain.


Carol was blown away.

Thanos rubbed his shoulders. The force he used just now was too great, even beyond the limit of what his body could bear.

Just then Steve and Bucky rushed up.

If the two of them participated in a butt beauty competition, they would win regardless of their current gender.

fighting? Now in the Women's Federation, most members can touch his buttocks without paying any price.

It's just so realistic...

The two of them basically just went through the motions and then walked out.

Hela's face gradually became serious, and even as a bystander, she could no longer remain calm.

Originally, Hela thought that as long as she was careful, she had a chance to defeat Thanos.

But soon she found that she had oversimplified the problem.

In terms of the strength shown by Thanos, and his proficiency with the Infinity Stones.

Not to mention myself who has left Asgard now.

Even in Asgard, I am afraid that I am no match for him.

Of course, if Thanos loses his Infinity Gauntlet, Hela is really not afraid of him.

The opponent is at best an enhanced version of Thor, probably similar to Odin.

But with the infinite weapons and the four-god costume, Thanos is already invincible.

The famous scene between Strange and Thanos appears.

Strange first used the Icon illusion to create dozens of illusory projections.

Each illusion shows its own special power, but Thanos's tactics are very simple. He is more proficient than anyone else in defeating ten societies with one force.

Although Thanos does not know magic, he is no stranger to magic.

His military advisor Wu Muhou is a master of magic.

In those few rounds of fighting, although Strange's magic was ever-changing, none of them could restrain Thanos.

It's like an eSports game.

Opposite are four divine outfits, professional players.

Our side has just released a piece of equipment, and we are still a Bronze player.

How to compare? Comparing who sent more heads?

Soon, Strange was defeated.

And the Eye of Agamotto hanging around his neck was pulled down and crushed by him.

Green light bloomed.

The fifth one, the time stone! Get started.

Thanos puts the Time Stone into the Infinity Gauntlet.

More surging power poured into Thanos' body.

Thanos took a deep breath and held up the Infinity Gauntlet: "I am destiny!"

Hela outside the battlefield sighed: "Let's go, humans have no chance of winning this war."

At this moment, Jin Si got off her body.

Heila was stunned for a moment: "What are you doing? Do you want me to fight for you?"

"No, you go." Jin Si shook his head and said.

"Leave? Will you let me go?"


A hint of joy flashed across Hela's face, and she turned around and left.

She was about to jump off the rooftop, but the next moment her jump turned into falling.

"Ah..." Hela smashed into a trash can.

"This stupid woman, how could I let her go so easily?" Jin Si muttered to himself.

Jin Si dug into his crotch and took out...the Soul Stone.

The moment the Mind Stone appears, it is like a bright beacon.

Thanos sensed the location of the Mind Stone almost instantly.

Before he could give the order, he found the Mind Stone coming towards him.

Thanos stood still and waited for the other party to deliver the Mind Stone to him.

Jin Si strolled over, looking at the Women's Federation who suffered heavy casualties along the way.

He walked all the way to Thanos without encountering any obstacles.

Thanos looked down at Jinsi from a high position.

"Are you here to surrender to me?"

"No, I'm here to stop you..." Jin Si thought about it and then said, "Okay, actually, I'm here to steal your Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity Stones."

"You?" Thanos looked at Jin Si in front of him.

"I want to give it a try." Jin Si said.

"Being a hero requires paying a price." Thanos said coldly: "So now, I give you one last chance to hand over the Mind Stone to me, so that you can survive and become a hero in this world."

He didn't know why, but he instinctively felt that this guy was dangerous.

But when I looked closer, I realized that the harmless person in front of me looked like a little sheep.

He didn't understand why there was such a big difference in feeling before and after.

But no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, he will not be careless at the last moment.

Thanos strengthened himself through five Infinity Stones, and the energy of the Infinity Stones flowed through his body.

"If I defeat you, I can also become a hero." Jin Si said.

"If you can defeat me." Thanos decided to use practical actions to tell Jin Si how stupid his idea was.

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