Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Four Eternal Battle

Jin Si spread his hand and showed the soul gem in his hand.

"Come on, this is your destiny."

Although Thanos was excited, he was not anxious.

Thanos used the Time Stone to create a time capsule within himself.

Slow down your body's speed, and this slowdown will make Thanos appear to others to be incredibly fast.

At the same time, he also covered his whole body with the energy of the Power Stone.

Then he rushed towards Jin Si at an incredible speed and reached out to grab the soul gem.

In the eyes of others, Thanos suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Then there was a crackling sound in the air.

The next moment, everyone saw Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet disappear, along with his right arm.

Jinsi held Thanos' right arm, pulled off the Infinity Gauntlet, put it on his hand, and at the same time set the last Mind Stone on it.

Infinite power swept through Jin Si's body like a torrent.

Although this is already the second time Jin Si has put on the Infinity Gauntlet.

But Jin Si still felt the incredible power of magnificence.

Thanos looked at Jin Si with incredible eyes.

Only he knew what happened in that moment.

Even though he holds five Infinity Stones.

But it still turned from being just one step away from success to a situation of no return in an instant.

As long as there were still conscious people around, they were shocked.

Thanos, who beat them until they were infertile, had everything taken away by Jin Si in an instant.

They all knew that Jin Si was scary, but they didn't expect Jin Si to be so scary.

Even Thanos in the Five Gods costume can't fight against that guy?

"Fire! Fire with all your might"

Thanos ignored that he only had one arm left and rushed directly towards Jin Si.

In the eyes of everyone,

Thanos is seeking his own death.

This is indeed the case. Thanos chose to end his journey in the most heroic way.

Facing Jin Si who could not be defeated, he did not flinch at all.

But in Jin Si's eyes, no matter how attractive Thanos' character is.

Nothing can hide the fact that he is an executioner.

In another moment, Thanos' head was taken off by Jin Si.

At this time, Temple 2 and a group of warships began to pour artillery fire on the ground.

The sky collapsed, the earth shook, and the mountains shook.

"Director... think of a solution quickly." Nick Fury shouted from behind the bunker.

Jin Si looked at the enemies in the sky, then raised the Infinity Gauntlet high and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Temple 2 and the battleship disappeared.

But not all enemies have disappeared...

Enemies rained down from the sky.

The Vanguard Legion and others fell like raindrops.

But...they are not ordinary falls.

How could Jin Si be so uncreative?

Whether it was a single soldier, a small spaceship, or a steel Leviathan, they all became fruit girls.

Fruits of all sizes fell from the sky.

Then it hit the ground, and the scene became a bloody mess.

At this moment, everyone was speechless.

Nick Fury opened his mouth, and finally made the right choice to shut up.

Although the latter matter is troublesome to deal with.

But as long as Jin Si is happy.

No one came out to accuse Jin Si.

If you go against Jin Si at this time, it will simply be a source of dissatisfaction for yourself.

Besides, the doomsday crisis has been resolved.

What else is there to criticize?

As long as the crisis of the end of the world can be resolved.

A little imperfection becomes inconsequential.

Jin Si stroked the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand.

The next moment, Jin Si soared into the sky and flew into space. Jin Si snapped his fingers again.

At the same time, Jin Si's right arm was carbonized in an instant, and the terrifying energy spread outwards with Jin Si's body as the center.

Whatever wish you make, you will have to bear the consequences.

Even the six Infinity Stones were shattered to varying degrees.

But just now, Jin Si made a wish that even he had backfired on.

The eternity of the past, present, and future will no longer be eternal, and the omnipresent eternity will only exist at this moment.

A figure appeared in the void, a figure that was nothing but existed.

This ethereal figure seems to contain thousands of stars, wearing a broken cloak, and its face seems real and illusory.

Jin Si once encountered Planet Devourer, one of the five gods, in another universe.

But Planet Devourer and Eternity are two completely different levels.

Although Galactus is known as the strongest god as long as he is in full state.

In fact he is never full because he is always hungry.

Therefore, Planet Devourer has an astonishing record of total defeat.

As long as there is a superhero or super villain with some strength.

They all found a sense of presence in Galactus.

But eternity is different, it is the proof of the existence of all time.

It can also be said that he is time itself.

He guards time and also guards eternity.

Once there is a threat to eternity at a certain point in time, he will send thugs to do something.

And now, eternity is no longer eternal.

Omnipresence also becomes presence in the here and now.

In many multiverses, Thanos collected six Infinity Stones, and then fought against the gods of the universe and defeated them, including Eternity.

However, in the universe they are now in, the power of the Infinity Stones is not stronger than Eternity, and is even a bit weaker.

It is never possible to simply erase it by snapping your fingers.

When Jin Si traveled to the endgame in 2023.

Jin Si put on the Infinity Gauntlet for the first time, not only because he wanted to realize his wish.

At the same time, it is also to verify the upper limit of infinite gems.

So this time Jin Si decided to use infinite gems to weaken eternity.

It's impossible to completely eliminate it, but it should be no problem if it's weakened.

At the cost of one arm, Jin Si weakened eternity and imprisoned the eternal power of time.

"Brother, do you need me to state our grudges?"

"No need, the eternal enemy will perish in eternity." Eternal didn't talk nonsense at all, he was going to fight Jin Si directly.

"Wait a moment." Jin Si interrupted Yong's attack preparations.

Eternal did not take advantage of the situation to attack, but stopped.

Jin Si took the six infinity stones, threw them into his mouth, and chewed them.

"Okay, let's get started."

A more violent force than before swept through Jin Si's body.

When Jin Si snapped his fingers for the last time, the Infinity Stones were already about to collapse.

So Jinsi plans to use the final waste.

Especially when the power gem was chewed, the impact like a devil's pepper spurted out from Jin Si's mouth.

Head straight towards eternity directly ahead.

But such violent energy disappeared the moment it hit eternity.

"Although I have lost eternity, I am still eternity. Whatever you have..."


Jin Si punched Eternal in the face.

"No way? Do you really think you still have an invincible buff?"

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