Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Five Time

When Jin Si chewed up the time stone, what Jin Si felt was not energy.

It is the essence of reincarnation that Patriarch Bodhi left in his body.

That is the true power of time.

It is completely different from the power of time that Jin Si himself had previously mastered.

If we say that the essence of reincarnation left by Patriarch Bodhi in Jin Si’s body is a magnificent masterpiece.

Then the power of the Time Stone is the decoder.

Patriarch Bodhi originally hoped that Jin Si would understand the true meaning in the continuous reincarnation.

But Jin Si understood the power of time by mistake.

Jin Si now controls the status and strength of his body at every age.

This is the power given to him by reincarnation and the power given to him by time.

Jin Si did not understand the true meaning of reincarnation, but through the power of the time stone, Jin Si directly turned this magnificent masterpiece to the finale.

Jin Si clearly felt time flowing through his body.

Jin Si clenched his fists and looked at Eternity with evil intentions: "Hey...feel the anger from time."

Yongheng frowned, feeling the changes in Jin Si's body.

The kind of change he couldn't understand.

He, who holds the truth of the universe, cannot understand the changes in Jin Si.

Jin Si grasped his hand and time stopped.

The time of the entire universe stopped at this moment.

Only eternity can move, because like Jin Si, he is not bound by time.

However, his body began to become substantial and energy began to shape his body.

He turned into a huge mist, surrounded by countless light filaments.

This is his true essence.

Those threads of light are countless timelines that connect the past, present and future.

But at this moment they were all cut off.

Eternity can no longer influence the time and destiny of the universe.

Jin Si transformed into his true form of a great ape, but even after transforming into his true form, Jin Si's right arm was still malnourished and shriveled.

Jin Si cut off his little wife and then gave birth to a new arm.

But the result did not improve. His little wife was still dying, and Jin Si was heartbroken.

Damage from the Infinity Stones is irreversible.

Jin Si felt that he might lose his little wife forever.

Jin Si looked at the eternal body fiercely.

Go all out! Summon the scarlet universe, summon the dark dimension!

To fight against the nearly infinite energy of eternity, we can only use the energy of two dimensions to fight it.

The scarlet power and dark energy are coming from left and right towards the eternal oppression in the middle.

Even the sum of energy in two dimensions cannot exceed the energy of a cosmic scale.

Of course, eternity also does not represent the energy of the entire universe.

Moreover, scarlet energy and dark energy are far more aggressive and corrosive than eternal energy.

The energy of Jinsi and the energy of eternity are constantly colliding.

You can take away several timelines every time.

The contaminated timelines become Jin Si's time power.

This is a very direct way of plundering.

And from beginning to end, Eternity never begged for mercy or surrendered.

He was fighting against Jin Si in his own way.

It was even difficult to feel fear or emotional fluctuations from him.

This is not about accepting fate, but letting nature take its course.

Emotions are characteristics of living things, but eternity is not living things.

To be more precise, it is an abstraction of real phenomena.

Therefore, there is an essential difference between him and Jin Si.

No matter how powerful Jin Si is, he is still a living thing, and eternity is energy itself.

Therefore, when Jin Si exhausted the eternal energy, only a drop of golden blood was left.

This process has gone through tens of thousands of years, but the outside world has not felt it.

Because Jin Si paused time.

Tens of thousands of years are just relative to gold and eternity.

To the outside world, it just happened in an instant.

Jin Si pointed his finger, and golden blood came to Jin Si's face.

This is the bloodline of time! !

Jin Si didn't get it himself, but he didn't expect to get it on Yongheng's body.

I lost an arm and gained a drop of time blood.

Jin Si began to fuse the blood of time.

But it remains the same for one year, ten years, one hundred years... and it remains the same for one hundred thousand years.

There is no sign of integration.

Jin Si is confused, this thing can't be integrated?

Jin Si tried taking it orally again, but it couldn't be integrated into his body.

Obviously, the time bloodline is completely different from other bloodlines in Jin Si's past.

Jin Si decided to change his mind. Since he couldn't integrate the time bloodline, he would absorb it.

Integration and absorption are obviously not the same concepts.

Fusion is to make the time bloodline become a part of one's body like other bloodlines.

Absorption is like energy becoming part of the force.

But it still didn't work...

Jin Si was very depressed, even though time was suspended.

But Jin Si still stayed in this time rift for hundreds of thousands of years.

This thing is so mysterious that Jin Si has no idea how to truly own it.

Although this thing is tangible and qualitative, it is not matter or energy.

Jin Si decided to ask his beloved master for clarification after returning.

Jin Si can already stop time at will, and it is different from the past where he used up 80% of his power in one hundredth of a second.

Jin Si now stops time without consuming any energy, just like an instinct.

This is the result of Jin Si mastering more of the power of time.

If time is regarded as a screw.

In the past, Jinsi just tightened the screws with bare hands, but now there is an extra wrench, and it is also an electric wrench.

You can easily turn the screw of time.

At this moment, in New York, after this war, nearly half of the urban area was destroyed.

There were also casualties in the Women's Federation.

When Jinsi returned to SHIELD, he was criticized by Steve.

"Why didn't you take action from the beginning!? You could have stopped all of this!" Steve looked at Jin Si with red eyes.

In the conference room, others lowered their heads.

Steve was brave in this moment.

Steve had every right to be angry.

Bucky died because of his best friend.

"I'll give you a minute to apologize." Jin Si said.

"If you kill me, I won't apologize to you." Steve had a tough attitude.

At this moment, he was already blinded by anger.

He couldn't accept Bucky's death no matter what.

He even felt that being killed by Jin Si Xun this time was a good choice.

At least he and Bucky could die on the same year, month and day.

"There are still ten seconds." Jin Si reminded.

Wanda stood up: "Dad... Steve was just impulsive."

"Sit down, you want me to kill Vision, right?"

Wanda sat down weakly.

"It's time." Jin Si adjusted his collar.

What shocked everyone was that Jin Si didn't do anything to Steve.

"Now, onto the next topic."

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