Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and thirty-one The days of being wanted

Wu Hao and his little girlfriend knew for the first time that there were such terrible people in this world.

The entire alley was stained red with blood, and the remnants of those gangsters were everywhere.

The sickly one-armed man looked like the kind of murderous demon in martial arts novels.

What is that guy doing?

He picked up the bloody wallets of the bastards.

Jin Si counted the many money were there.

Jin Si came to Wu Hao and his little girlfriend.

Wu Hao still stood in front of his little girlfriend, although he himself was trembling with fear.

My little girlfriend was even crying.

Jin Si pressed one hand on the wall, pushing Wu Hao and his little girlfriend against the wall.

"Kids, it's dangerous to go out at night."

Wu Hao could already smell the smell of blood coming from that arm.

However, with his little girlfriend still behind him at this time, he must not be cowardly.

"I'm not afraid of you! You murderer..."

"Don't you think I am doing harm to the people?"

"You are the murderer!"

"Well, it looks like I have two more innocent souls on my hands."


The wall that Jin Si was supporting has been crushed by Jin Si.

This terrifying grip had scared Wu Hao to the point of death.

At this moment, Wu Hao suddenly opened his arms, hugged Jin Si's waist tightly, and put his head under Jin Si's chest.

"Xiao Ling, run...I'll stop him!"

The girl named Xiaoling ran away.

Wu Hao spent his whole life nursing energy.

"Okay, your little girlfriend is gone, you can let go."

"I will never let go until I die..."


Jin Si gave the child a slap in the face.

Wu Hao, who said he would never let go, rolled and fell to the ground.

"Isn't it a bad idea? I want to kill you, but your little girlfriend ran away? You said I was doing harm to the people."

" didn't plan to kill us?"

The next moment, Jin Si suddenly grabbed Wu Hao's ankle and lifted it up.

Then he shook it, shook the wallet out and threw it away.

"Treat it as your life money."

Wu Hao watched Jin Si disappear under the night.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and Wu Hao realized that there were corpses and debris all around him.

This is China, right?

But what kind of world is this?

Jin Si walked around and found no superpowers, no magic, and no warriors.

Jin Si stole several newspapers at a newspaper stop, but they did not contain any content related to strange powers and chaos.

Just then, the ground shook.

earthquake? No, there was clearly some energy spreading from the ground just now.

Is there really no supernatural existence in this world?

Jin Si was deeply suspicious of this.

However, this energy spreads from the ground and covers an extremely wide area.

This city only covers one-tenth of the area, and there are also large areas of mountains and forests that are also covered by this energy.

Therefore, Jin Si could not find the source of energy.

Although this energy spreads underground, it does not seem to cause any damage to the geology.

The earthquake was not very powerful.

Jin Si sat on the roadside, eating fast food and waiting to see if there would be enough energy for next time.

At this moment, Wu Hao appeared in front of Jin Si.

And appearing with Wu Hao... there were also several police comrades.

"Comrade police, this is the person..."

"Don't move..."

Jin Si directly threw the fast food at it, got up and ran away.

"I'm sorry, you really dare to call the police? Just wait for me..." Jin Si shouted as he ran.

"Don't run away..."

The police and Wu Hao were chasing after him, but the police comrades were ordinary people, so of course they couldn't catch up with Jin Si.

"Who is that guy?"

"You look so sick and missing an arm, yet you can run so fast."

"Don't underestimate that person. According to this little brother, that guy tore those five fugitives alive with one hand."

Wu Hao originally took the police to the scene to collect evidence.

Unexpectedly, I met Jin Si on the road.

As a result, the police caught the gangsters.

After completing the transcript, Wu Hao went home.

But as soon as he got home, Wu Hao's mouth was pinched by a strong hand.

Wu Hao's pupils suddenly shrank.

That murderer!

"Shh! Don't make a sound! Do you understand?"

Wu Hao nodded.

But as soon as Jin Si let go, Wu Hao screamed.



With one slap, Wu Hao fainted immediately.

"A beautifully successful sleeping palm!"

Jin Si looked at Wu Hao, who had half his face swollen and fell to the ground with his neck crooked.

When Wu Hao woke up again, he found that his neck was crooked and very painful.

The room was dark, it must be evening.

Fei Mi's shouts came from the TV.

Wu Hao found Jin Si watching the DVD there.

Damn guy, he actually dug under his bed.

This guy must die!

Wu Hao moved carefully, as long as he ran out of the house, he would be saved.

"Southern Normal University, Paleontology, Chen Ling." Jin Si suddenly read: "Little guy, your girlfriend is very beautiful. If you run away now, I will have no choice but to find her."

Wu Hao understood, this guy had already found himself awake.

He simply stopped pretending and asked, "Do you have eyes in your back?"

"Your anger has changed." Jin Si said calmly.

"What do you want to do to me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in men. If your girlfriend asks that, I can only say that what is shown on TV is what I want to do."

"If you want to kill or chop me up, please do as you please. Don't hurt Chen Ling."

"Then it depends on whether you can cooperate."

"If you want money, just take it."

"I want to stay here for a few days. You shouldn't object."

"Does my objection matter?"

"Now, go get me something to eat, I haven't eaten in days."

"You were still eating fast food at noon."

"You're talking about noon five days ago, right?"

"Five days ago?" Wu Hao was stunned: "I clearly remember..."

"What do you remember? You slept for five days. I have never seen anyone sleep like this."

"I was in a coma for five days?"

"No, you just slept for five days."

"Did you beat me into a coma for five days?" Wu Hao finally understood why his neck hurt so much: "How many f*cks did you do?"

"Fart, my hand is so strong that I can grasp it to the smallest detail. There is absolutely no way I can make a mistake."

Wu Hao had no energy to argue with Jin Si, so he endured the pain and got up and went to the kitchen.

Then he knew why Jin Si would rather not eat for five days.

The kitchen was dark, and it felt like a small fire.

After a while, Wu Hao came out of the kitchen.

"Where's the food?"

"You destroyed all the kitchen utensils. How do you ask me to get you food? What did you do to my kitchen?"

"I just want to make egg fried rice."

"Did you use an atomic bomb?"

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