Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Two Emperor Organization

"Go out and buy me something to eat."

"Aren't you afraid that I will bring the police to your door?"

"Then you'd better make sure the police catch me, otherwise I'll go find your wife. There's a DVD under your bed that seems to be titled Husband's Former Criminal. Do you have any impressions of this movie?"

Wu Hao felt bad: "Can you behave like a martial arts master? Who do you think you are a hero if you threaten me with a weak woman?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really not a hero, so don't bother the police comrades for a wasted trip."

"Where's my money?"

"Here, I feel a little sorry for living here for free these days, so I plan to sell you some gifts."

"You use my money to buy me a gift?"


"What about the gift?"

"I haven't even gone out, how can I buy a gift?"

"Give me the money and I'll go out and buy food."

Wu Hao went out and after a while.

There was a rapid knock on the door.

You idiot, you forgot your key.

Jin Si opened the door and found that it was not Wu Hao, but his little girlfriend Chen Ling.

Just as Chen Ling was about to open her mouth, Jin Si grabbed Chen Ling's mouth and dragged her into the house.

"You watch the content on TV, and if you just make a little noise, I don't guarantee that the content on the TV will not actually happen, do you understand?"

Tears welled up in Chen Ling's eyes.

"I'm asking you, do you understand?"

Chen Ling nodded quickly: "Woo hoo..."

Chen Ling was more sensible than her man and didn't scream.

Chen Ling looked at Jin Si tremblingly: "Where is Haozi?"

" in the bathroom..."

Chen Ling turned her head. The bathroom door was not closed, and the darkness inside made Chen Ling feel scared.

"stop looking,

He couldn't get out, he just didn't obey, and then..."

Chen Ling held back her fear and tears, biting her lower lip, her body trembling slightly.

No wonder no one answered Wu Hao's calls these days.

It turned out to be because...

At this moment, Wu Hao opened the door and came in, holding fast food in his hand.

"Xiao Ling? You..."

"Haozi? Are you not dead?"


"I...I thought you were dead."

Wu Hao looked at Jin Si angrily: "What did you say to Xiaoling?"

"No." Jin Si scratched his butt and took the fast food from Wu Hao's hand: "You really don't know how to buy more when your girlfriend comes."

"Haozi, what happened to him?"

Wu Hao could only tell Chen Ling about the situation.

Jin Si was eating his fast food and suddenly raised his head and said, "What a pity. If you had just brought the police here, there would have been a hostage-taking incident."

" # % # %" Wu Hao and Chen Ling.

The young couple felt that this guy's bad taste was outrageous.

"Won't you come and have something to eat?"

Seeing Jin Si devouring his food, the two of them were really not in the mood to sit with Jin Si.

"Sir, you can leave as soon as you finish eating. I promise I won't report you again." Wu Hao said.

Knock knock knock——

At this moment, there was another knock on the door.

Wu Hao and Chen Ling immediately became nervous.

Isn't it the police who are coming?

The two of them looked at Jin Si at the same time.

Jin Si wiped the grease from his mouth: "Do you have any foreign friends?"


"So do you have any foreign friends with guns?"


"You'll have it soon."

Jin Si stood up and came to the door, opened the door, pulled it toward the outside, and then threw it into the house.

A tall foreigner hit the wall inside the house.

Then Jin Si dragged a foreign woman by her hair and entered the house.

The two looked at each other, and the foreign woman kept shouting.

"Stop...stop...I mean no harm..."

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Jin Si asked.

Wu Hao and Chen Ling didn't expect Jin Si's English to be so fluent.

They all thought that Jin Si was a blind streamer who ran away from some deep mountain.

"I am the person in charge of Outpost 61, I am Emma Russell, my God...why are you doing this to me?"

"Do you know what Outpost 61 she talks about?"

"I don't know." They both replied in unison.

"I'm here to invite Ms. Chen... I hope he can work for me. I don't mean any harm."

"What's that Outpost Sixty-One for?"

"I can't say anything, I can't say anything until I get an accurate answer," Emma said.

Jin Si looked at the two people and relayed the words to them.

Wu Hao thought for a while and said to Jin Si, "Can you let her go first?"

Then, Jin Si acted as a temporary translator.

Wu Hao and Chen Ling's English proficiency is limited to the test.

It was very difficult to communicate with Emma.

"My client said that he can't be recruited by just any cat or dog. If you are sincere, you need to show it first. Also, you followed her all the way here. It doesn't seem like a serious organization."

"Our organization is legal and cooperates with the United Nations and your country." Emma said.

"What is the name of your organization?"

"Emperor Organization."

Jin Si touched his chin, and a similar person suddenly popped into his mind.

Is this the monster universe?

"Outpost 61? Are you studying Mothra?"

Emma immediately became alert: "Do you know about the Emperor Organization?"

Jin Si not only knew about the Imperial Organization, he also knew that the woman in front of him was a lunatic.

Because Godzilla appeared two years ago and fought with the male and female Muto in San Francisco.

The imperial organization also gradually surfaced.

Although the Imperial Organization is no longer a secret internationally.

However, the private sector still belongs to a relatively mysterious organization.

Emma's child died in the battle between Godzilla and Muto two years ago.

Then, Emma felt that the Titan monsters were the saviors of the world and humans were viruses.

This brain circuit...well, there's nothing wrong with it.

So she is ostensibly the head of Outpost 61 of the Monarch Organization.

In fact, he colluded with the APEX organization to release and awaken all the Titan monsters found so far at once, purifying the world.

And she also invented a sonar device that can control the Titan monsters.

Trying to control the Titan monsters with this no.

Emma looked at Chen Ling and took out a photo: "Ms. Chen, your mother was once a member of our organization. Now I sincerely invite you to join us and complete our research together."

Chen Ling took the photo, which was a photo of her mother and Emma.

"She said she and your mother used to be colleagues."

Chen Ling couldn't make a decision for a while and looked at Wu Hao again.

"You decide for yourself." Wu Hao said.

"Ms. Emma, ​​I accept your invitation."

At this moment, Emma's follower woke up. He suddenly jumped up and immediately drew his gun and was about to shoot Jin Si.

However, the gun fell into Jin Si's hand as soon as he faced him.

Jin Si smashed the butt of his gun, causing him to faint immediately.

"Um...Sir, I think the misunderstanding has been resolved?"

"I think you may have made a mistake. I am the kidnapper, and the two of them are my hostages. Now, I have two more hostages." Jin Si grinned.

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