Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and thirty-three This is a serious environmental organization

Emma was dumbfounded and looked at Wu Hao and Chen Ling in shock.

The two could barely understand the conversation between Jin Si and Emma.

"He is not a good person, nor is he our friend." Chen Ling said in jerky English.

Emma is very sad, what's wrong with this.

After working as their translator for a long time, he turned out to be a kidnapper.

"Hand over the money you have." Jin Si said.

"Sir, do you know my identity? If something happens to me, it will cause a diplomatic accident."

"Ms. Emma, ​​I know who you are, and I even know your plan with APEX. Are you sure you want to elevate an ordinary kidnapping incident to a diplomatic incident?"

Emma's expression couldn't help but change. It was impossible for anyone to know about her and APEX's plan.

She was very cautious when contacting APEX.

She couldn't even be traced by conventional means.

Even within APEX, only a few people know of her existence.

"I just want to be a bystander, but if you must drag me into the game, I don't mind playing. After all, I still have a bad relationship with some of the guys in your research subjects."

Jin Si turned back to Wu Hao and said, "What's your bank card number? This Ms. Emma said she has a crush on me and plans to invest in my project."

Wu Hao was about to cry. He felt that he might have committed a coordinated crime.

With a cold face, Emma transferred a sum of money to Wu Hao's bank card.

"Okay, Ms. Emma, ​​you are free, little mouse, see you off."

Emma didn't expect Jin Si to let her go so easily.

Wu Hao dragged Emma's bodyguard out and put him in the car.

Of course, Chen Ling left too.

Back home, Wu Hao looked at Jin Si in confusion.

Jin Si lay on his side on the sofa, eating fresh fruit: "I thought you would never come back. What did you do when you came back? Don't you know that I am a criminal?"

Wu Hao looked at Jin Si: "Aren't you afraid of that foreigner calling the police?"

"She has a handle on me.


"What handle?"

"Maybe she has the leverage to destroy all mankind."

Wu Hao only thought that Jin Si was talking nonsense.

But looking at the situation just now, plus a few words that I vaguely understood.

It seemed that the woman did have some leverage in his hands.

"So, she's not a good person either?"

"It depends on how you understand her career. If you look at it from another perspective, she is the most holy person in the world."

"Which angle?"

"Her child was killed by a man, and she thought the man who killed her child was the savior."

"Does that mean she's crazy?"

"It can also be understood that way."

"Isn't it dangerous for Xiaoling to follow her?"

"Don't worry, the organization she invited your wife to join is a serious organization, and she is the only person in charge of that organization who is not serious."

Wu Hao was still worried and was about to call Chen Ling, but it showed that there was no signal and he couldn't get through.

"What should I do? I can't get through Xiaoling's phone number. I want to call the police."

Wu Hao anxiously wanted to call the police.

Jin Si still had an indifferent attitude.

"I have already said that the organization she joined is a serious organization."

"What's the origin of that organization?"

"What's the name of the old American one? Oh, it was founded by President Truman. The purpose of the organization is to protect the ecology and environment around the world. It's called the Monarch Organization."

"What the hell, is this an environmental organization called this? Are you sure this is a serious organization?"

"Do you know about the three-headed monster melee in San Francisco two years ago?"

"Is this organization related to the three-headed monster?"

"Well, there are outposts all over the world. Each outpost represents a monster. Outpost No. 61 is deep in the dense forest of the Southern Province, at the ruins of an ancient temple. An insect was found there. Monster-like creature, codename: Mothra, that is what your wife wants to study."

"Studying monsters? Is it dangerous?"

"Mothra is the friendliest monster, of course, provided you don't feed it with a gun."

"Are you also a researcher?"

Jin Si would know so much inside information.

Wu Hao had to suspect that Jin Si was also a member of the Emperor's organization.

"I have nothing to do with them at all, but their organization does have a lot of fun. I will join in the fun another day."

" just said that the woman named Emma wants to destroy the world, are you serious?"

"I can't say any more, or my fun will be gone."

"That woman wants to destroy the world."

"No, she just wants to destroy humans. She thinks humans are a virus on the earth. I think her idea is right. Purify the world. Don't you think we should applaud this great ideal?"

"Are you crazy?" Wu Hao couldn't help scolding: "I'm going to report to the government."

"How do you report it? You want to tell government officials that a murderer or kidnapper told you that there is a woman who wants to destroy all mankind. You should act quickly, is that right?"

"Uh..." Wu Hao was stunned for a moment.

Yes, even if he thinks it might be true.

But so what, he didn't have any evidence.

And I heard this from a wanted criminal.

It feels even less reliable.

"Then...what should we do?"

"If you don't do anything, the woman won't be able to succeed anyway."

"But she wants to destroy all mankind, aren't you in a hurry?"

"I've said it before, she can't succeed. What do you think humans rely on to rule the earth? If someone just jumped out and wanted to destroy humans, they could succeed, and humans wouldn't last as long as they are today, so you just eat first. Carrot Dan is worried."

The truth is this, but Wu Hao still feels uneasy.

Wu Hao looked at Jin Si for a long time, and finally said what he was saying: "Sir, please teach me martial arts."

Jin Si stood up from the sofa: "Why do you want to learn martial arts?"

"I think that if that woman really wants to destroy mankind, I must at least make my own efforts, but I can't do anything now. If I could have your strength, maybe I could do something."

"Martial arts can't save the world."

"I know, but I want to try." Wu Hao looked at Jin Si seriously.

"Then you have to call me Master."

"Master, please accept my disciple's bow."

"Will you call the police if I commit adultery in the future?"

Wu Hao suppressed his blush and whispered: "I will stop Master."

"Haha... I want to see how you will stop me. Starting tomorrow, give me ten kilograms of lead with your hands and feet."

"Master, do we have any sect?"

"No, how about you create a sect yourself."

"Disciples don't dare."

"Don't you dare, I think sooner or later you will point your fist at me."

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