Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-four A gift for you from my teacher

"How long have you been practicing Dragon Capturing Hands?"

"Master, it's been a month."

"Come and fight me."

"Master, I am no match for you."

"I know, I'm not teaching you martial arts just to let you defeat me."

"Master, I understand that you want me to maintain world peace."

"No, I just want to make you more tolerant."

Wu Hao took a deep breath and took a stance.

"The arm span is too short, will it be extended if it is extended? Straighten the legs, straighten... This move of face-to-butt is good."

Wu Hao originally felt that he and Jin Si had learned a lot, not only that they were better than their masters, but also that they beat Qian Lang to death.

At least I can fight Jin Si a few times.

Isn’t this too much to ask for?

As a result, the truth is, don’t talk about tricks.

I can't even catch the move well.

Even if Jin Si pointed her hip at him, he couldn't catch it.

It's better to say it's an attack than a beating.

Can't beat it, really can't beat it.

Although the martial arts he learned was very serious.

But he just couldn't defeat Jin Si's unorthodox moves.

However, Wu Hao's martial arts grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He himself can feel his own growth.

"Xiaoling, how is your work? Is it dangerous?"

"Very good, Haozi, why do you ask about my job? What dangers can there be in my job?"

Although Xiaoling is still in school, she already has several part-time jobs.

Wu Hao never asked about her work in the past.

Why did he take the initiative to ask about his job this time?

In Xiaoling’s view,

My current job can be said to be perfect.

It is in line with what you have learned in your major.

And the salary is high and the treatment is good.

The work content is also something she is very interested in.

Only the work content is confidential.

It is inconvenient to explain to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao looked at Xiaoling with worry in his eyes.

After all, he had already learned most of the truth from Jin Si.

It's too dangerous to study that kind of titan monster.

"By the way, how are you and that murderer?"

In fact, Wu Hao and Xiaoling have already figured it out.

If Jin Si had wanted to harm the two of them, he would have done it long ago.

It was during those first few days that my mind just couldn’t turn around.

Moreover, when Jin Si killed people, his methods were indeed too brutal.

Maybe that guy is not a good person.

But he's probably not a bad person.

"I'm learning kung fu from him recently." Wu Hao didn't hide anything from Xiaoling.

"Then after you learn kung fu, will you become a murderous demon like him?"

"How is that possible?" Wu Hao was speechless. He felt that Xiaoling might have some misunderstanding about martial arts.

"Xiao Ling, you have to be careful about that foreigner named Emma."

"What's wrong Emma?"

"I think she might not be a good person."

"Haozi, Emma is my immediate boss."

"I know, but that's how I feel."

"Emma is very nice, I think you'd better be careful about your master."

"Master is a good man, and the people he killed deserved it."

The above conversation has basically caused a rift between Wu Hao and Chen Ling.

And... they all have a huge misunderstanding of the people they support.

Emma is not a good person, and Jin Si is even less so.

"Master, how can I make Xiaoling understand that that foreign woman is not a good person?"

"Do you believe everything I said is true?"


"Why believe it?"


"Look, you are too subjective. You can only rely on your intuition to believe my words. Why do you think you can convince your wife?"

"Then what on earth am I going to do?"

"do nothing."

"Just looking at it like this?"

"It's not like doing nothing."

Wu Hao looked at Jin Si: "Master, what should we do?"

"There are so many movies under your bed, have you watched them all in vain?"

"Master, what does this have to do with the movie?"

"The best thing is to kill someone and then express that they will take her to a big city for development."


"Oh shit, you haven't thought about this at all?"

"Um...Master, neither she nor I have graduated yet."

"This is not a problem. Take it. This is the last gift from Master to you."

Wu Hao opened his hand and saw a box of security guards! ?

"This box of security guards is full of holes."

Wu Hao cursed secretly and silently put away the security guards.

Wu Hao thought about it, although Jin Si liked to talk nonsense.

But there seems to be some truth in this matter.

He didn't mean that the woman had to depend on the man, he just wanted to take Chen Ling away from her current job.

In the evening, Wu Hao practiced martial arts by the river.

Of course, the main reason is that he is too energetic.

Over the past few months, Wu Hao's muscles have become stronger and stronger.

It looks like a ferocious human beast.

His fists and feet showed his fierceness.

At this moment, a police car stopped on a small bridge not far away.

A policeman got out of the police car.

"Comrade Xiao Wu."

Wu Hao raised his head and looked at the police.

He didn't recognize the policeman.

"Have you forgotten me? Three months ago you came to the police station to report a crime and led us to the crime scene. Have you forgotten?"

"Officer Li." Wu Hao thought of the policeman on the bridge.

Officer Li walked to the river and patted Wu Hao on the shoulder: "I remember you were thin and small three months ago. How long ago did you practice so well? What can you eat?"

Wu Hao smiled awkwardly. He didn't want to discuss the main topic anymore, lest it involve Jin Si.

"Is Officer Li busy?"

"Yes, we are investigating missing persons cases recently. Several people have disappeared in the deep forest recently. The bureau suspects it is a criminal case, so I visited and investigated nearby."

Missing people? Wu Hao's first thought was whether it had something to do with Outpost No. 61.

Could it be that the monster wanted to eat people, so the researchers secretly captured people?

"Officer Li, I live near here. Is there anything you need my help with?"

"Are you familiar with the woods in this area?"

"I've been playing here since I was a kid, and I've been into the depths several times," Wu Hao said.

"Then did you hear any sounds? When I visited here today, I heard from nearby residents that strange sounds were often heard during this period. It was people here who heard that sound three days ago, and then several households A group of men went into the woods to explore, but they never came back."

"I didn't hear anything, so what's the sound?" Wu Hao shook his head.

"Then can you take me for a walk in the woods?"

"Okay." Wu Hao felt that there might be something wrong with Outpost No. 61.

Maybe if we bring the police over, we can really investigate the situation.

Wu Hao picked up his clothes and took Officer Li into the woods without saying a word.

However, not long after leaving, mist poured out of the forest.

This was the first time Wu Hao encountered such a heavy forest fog.

"No, the fog is too heavy and it will be dangerous. Let's go out first." Officer Li said.

At this moment, a whistling sound came from the heavy fog. The sound was like the roar of a wild beast or the sound of wind.

"Officer Li, did you hear anything?"

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