Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-Five Mysterious Monster

After all, Officer Li is a veteran.

He knew that the fog in the mountains and forests was actually very dangerous.

Many experienced travelers will get lost due to the fog.

However, the whistling sound in the thick fog was very strange.

Sometimes it disappears and sometimes appears, sometimes far and sometimes near, and there are also blurry and huge black shadows whizzing past in the mist.

This made countless horror stories or movie plots flash through Officer Li's mind.

"Hello, I am Li Bin, Lao He. I am now near Zhang Village in Nangang District. Another guide and I got lost in the mountains and forests here. Please ask the bureau to send someone here."

Fortunately, the communication was not interrupted and their mobile phone signal was still there.

"Xiao Wu, we'd better wait where we are and don't wander around."

At this moment, a faint figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

A huge black shadow passed over their heads.

The two of them broke into cold sweat in an instant, the black shadow was so huge.

It feels like a jumbo aircraft, maybe bigger.

The two of them were stiff, and Officer Li couldn't calm down at this time.

"Xiao Wu, do you still have such a thing in your village?"

"Definitely not. I have lived here for more than 20 years. If there was such a thing, it would have been on the news."

Nangang District is part of the urban area, less than 20 kilometers away from the city center. If a huge thing appeared in such a short distance, it would definitely be on the news long ago, and it would not be their turn to discover it.

"Not in the past?"

"Definitely not."

Wu Hao said with certainty. Suddenly Wu Hao suddenly rushed towards Officer Li.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing?"

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw the huge creature passing in front of them, and the black shadow passed by close to the ground.

Just a little bit away, just a little bit away, Officer Li will be driven away by that thing.

The surrounding trees had been uprooted by the thing.

The next moment, Officer Li was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Xiao...Xiaowu...thank you."

Xiao Wu jumped up and looked at the mist on the other side, then his eyes wandered in the mist.

"Run!" Xiao Wu suddenly shouted in a low voice.


Before Officer Li could react, Xiao Wu pulled Officer Li and ran wildly.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu stopped again.

He felt that the thing's breath suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared directly in front of where they were running.

That thing seemed to have some kind of teleportation ability in the fog.

He was clearly behind him just now, but in the blink of an eye he appeared right in front of him again.

If Wu Hao hadn't been able to feel the presence of the aura, he would have been swallowed alive by that thing.

Wu Hao immediately turned around and ran.

But from running, Officer Li was already exhausted.

He doesn't have as much physical strength as Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, your physical good."

Officer Li was convinced.

He is the elite of the police force.

Before he got the title role, he was an athlete in the police force.

But at this moment, he himself was extremely tired.

But Wu Hao's face was not red, his heart was different, and his breathing was steady.

And he found that Wu Hao seemed to be able to find the direction in which the thing appeared without relying on his eyes.

"It will be good if you exercise more on weekdays," Wu Hao said.

exercise? Do you think our police station’s gym is unused?

Officer Li has the reputation of having the strongest physical strength in the police station.

I once chased a pickpocket through four streets, covering a distance of nearly fifteen kilometers.

And in this fog, the high humidity in the air accelerated his body's physical exertion.

"How did you find the direction in which that thing appeared?"

In this forest with visibility less than five meters, most of the function of the eyes has been lost.

"Exclusive secret recipe."

Officer Li is curious though.

But now is obviously not the time to ask questions.

"Let's go!" Wu Hao found that the thing had changed its direction again.

Just then, the wind started to blow.

The fog began to gradually disperse.

And the thing that had been chasing them slowly revealed its true identity.

When Wu Hao and Officer Li saw the thing clearly, they both felt boundless fear.

It was a huge and outrageous beast, its whole body covered with thick mane, its limbs thick, but its front and rear limbs were covered with membranes, similar to those of a bat or a flying squirrel, which also provided it with the power to glide.

Its hair is very thick, and if it were 10,000 times smaller, it might be a pretty silly pet.

But now it is only ferocious and violent, its red eyes exuding a bloodthirsty light.

It also has two slender tails with hooks at the end.

"Is this the kind of monster in the movie that ran out of the laboratory after undergoing transformation experiments?" Officer Li panicked.

The criminals he faced in the past did not include this kind of thing.

"Do you remember the news about the three-headed monster war that happened in the United States two years ago? I feel that this thing and the three-headed monster probably have the same origin. It may have just woken up recently. Anyway, I live in this village. In twenty years, I haven’t heard of any rumors of anyone missing or monsters appearing here.”

"What should we do now?"

Officer Li has no interest in studying where this thing came from.

This thing is simply not within his jurisdiction.

"Run." Wu Hao pulled Officer Li and started running for his life again.

Fortunately, the fog has cleared at this time, and this thing can no longer move at will.

"It's so stupid... This thing is chasing after our balls. The two of us together are not enough for it to fill the gap between its teeth."

"I guess I'm going crazy with hunger after sleeping for too long." Wu Hao was also helpless.

He has been practicing Kung Fu for several months.

But anyone with a clear mind will know.

Kung Fu can't deal with this thing.

It felt like he was probably just tickling this thing with all his strength.

Let alone him, even if Jin Si came, it felt like he was here to deliver food.

But they couldn't run as fast as this monster.

What's more, people can still fly.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be taken away in a wave.

The moment the bloody mouth came down, Wu Hao pushed Officer Li away.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, stretched out his body, grabbed a few monster manes, and rolled onto the monster's back.

The monster rolled several times in the air, trying to throw Wu Hao off.

At this time, Wu Hao used all his strength and would not let go, even if he was beaten to death.

Fortunately, this monster has a lot of hair on it, so rolling over on it a few times is not a big deal.

And being on it is really safer than running on the ground.

At least for the time being...

But it soon became unsafe.

Because at this moment, several fighter jets appeared in the distance.

And began to attack the monsters.

Boom boom boom——

The monster exploded.

The huge impact did not cause any substantial damage to the monster.

But Wu Hao on its back would suffer.

A missile exploded just a few meters away from him.

The huge impact instantly knocked Wu Hao off the monster's back.

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