Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-six For the sake of all people in the world


Wu Hao screamed and fell down.

He felt that he was dead... No, he felt that he was dead.

Suddenly, he saw a foot!

A dying hallucination?

It is said that before people die, they will see the revolving door of life.

Then, Wu Hao felt a pain on his face.


Wu Hao hit a dozen water floats on the lake.

Gulu gulu——

When Wu Hao was about to fill the lake, a hand pulled him out of the water.


After Wu Hao vomited away the lake water and fish, he lay on the ground completely exhausted.

After resting for a while, I felt that apart from the face that was kicked by Jin Si, I had recovered to 60%.

"Master...why are you here?"

"I've always been here," Jin Si said.

"Then...then why don't you come out? Do you know how dangerous I was just now?"

"I know. I saw that you were having a good time, so you didn't come out to disrupt the situation."

Mainly because Jin Si was afraid that he would be handcuffed by the police comrade after he came out.

" can you tell that I am having fun?"

"I think you're happy and you have a different perspective on my point of view?"

Wu Hao felt very tired. Originally, he was worried that he had fallen several hundred meters away.

How could the acceleration of gravity be offset by Jin Si's disfiguring kick?

Now I don't even have the mood to ask.

Boom boom boom——

The battle in the sky continues.

The fighter jets kept firing, but it was almost impossible to cause damage to the monsters.

The monster suddenly stopped in the air.

The two fighter jets were unable to dodge and collided directly with the monster.

Wu Hao looked at the battle in the sky with worry written on his face.

But he could do nothing but worry.

And the monster is heading towards the city.

"Haozi, which direction is our home?"


"If our home is destroyed, will you have the money to buy a new one?"

"What do you think?"

"Sure enough, this Titan monster should be stopped, otherwise, this guy will definitely cause a lot of casualties."

Wu Hao rolled his eyes at Jin Si, if you hadn't asked that question, I would have really believed you.

"Master, could you stop it?"

"Master will teach you a big move today."

Jin Si took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

A tailed beast jade began to brew in his mouth.

Wu Hao felt the terrifying anger brewing around Jin Si's mouth.

The next moment, Jin Si was seen swallowing the black ball.

Wu Hao was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

He felt that Jin Si might explode on the spot.

Ever since he came into contact with martial arts, he knew the existence of Qi.

And he also knew that the human body could not carry too much energy in an instant.

But Jin Si actually swallowed such a huge amount of air directly into his mouth.

The result of this is... an explosion on the spot.

However, Jin Si did not explode on the spot.

The moment Jin Si opened his mouth, the huge energy turned into a beam of light and shot through the air.


The Titan monster, which was still showing off its control, didn't understand what was happening yet.

The tailed beast jade directly hit a certain 404 part of it.

This... this is a male monster.


The Titan monster roared and its body fell down.

Wu Hao was stunned. What kind of magical operation was this?

Sure enough, it goes straight to the point!

Jin Si turned his head and looked at Wu Hao, with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "I want to say that I didn't attack that place on purpose. Do you believe it?"

Damn it, he would use his words to make that beast infertile.

It's completely like the Titan monster jumping around in the sky by itself, jumping left and right.

Wu Hao thought for a while, but he didn't believe Jin Si's bad taste.

After landing, the Titan monster was already rolling on the ground in pain.

Jin Si turned away and went home to rinse his mouth.

It feels like my mouth is contaminated.

"Master, won't you stop it?"

"I'm not a god, so I can't stop you. Besides, the state machinery is already in motion, so it's not my turn to meddle in other people's affairs."

"But if it enters the city, many innocent people will be implicated."

"None of my business."

"But...our family will also suffer."

Jin Si stopped and looked embarrassed.

Jin Si took out a pair of egg knives and handed them to Wu Hao: "I leave them to you, go kill them."



"Didn't you say that practicing martial arts is for the sake of all people in the world? Are you giving in now?"

"But I..."

"It's okay. I'll give you the full scoop. Go ahead."

"Teacher, are you really going to take action when I'm in danger?"

"No, I will take revenge on you."

Wu Hao was about to cry, and Jin Si put his hand on his shoulder: "Go, it's time for you to dedicate yourself to the sake of the world."

"Master...I am still young."

"No one has ever died since ancient times, so go ahead with peace of mind. Maybe the country will erect a monument or write a book about you to pass it down to future generations."

"Master, I don't want to die..."

"Gan, you moron, if you don't go, I will arrange the first seven days for you now."

Jin Si made a real flying move, sending Wu Hao into the range of the Titan monster.

Wu Hao rolled several times on the ground and skillfully stopped the car with his face.

At this moment, the giant claw of the Titan monster smacked down.

Of course, the Titan monster was not attacking Wu Hao, it was just causing trouble on the spot.

Wu Hao immediately rolled around and narrowly avoided the giant claws of the Titan monster.

"Red buzzard report, red buzzard report, civilians appeared near the monster."

"Stop attacking! Stop attacking immediately..."

The top military officials immediately issued an order: "Ground troops, can they rescue civilians from the attack range?"

"Unable to approach, the Titan monster is in a rage at the moment."

Wu Hao didn't know how much trouble he had brought to the military.

At this moment, the Titan Monster discovered Wu Hao at his feet, and one of its tails swept towards him.

Wu Hao rolled his body and avoided the sweep of the tail.

But he apparently forgot that this Titan monster has two tails.

The other tail let out a loud roar and instantly slapped Wu Hao's body.

Wu Haoden felt a train traveling at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour hit him.

Wu Hao was blown away and hit the mountain wall, vomiting blood and foam in his mouth.

This whip hit him and basically killed half of his life.

At this moment, the Titan monster's tail struck again, this time directly stabbing Wu Hao with its tail hook.

Wu Hao's nerves became tense, and he kicked off the mountain wall with his soles, and was suddenly ejected.

The two swords in his hands were spinning wildly, and his body was like a spinning top in mid-air.

The tail of the Titan monster struck just in time. Wu Hao rotated around the tail in mid-air, and his two knives spun down like a meat grinder.

The end of the Titan monster's tail was directly sliced ​​into pieces by Wu Hao.

The fighter pilot looked at the surveillance screen with his eyes wide open.

"Fuck me, who is that person?"

The whole set of movements was smooth and smooth, but it was a pity that Wu Hao failed to stand firm in the end and fell directly to the ground.

The tail whip of the Titan monster just now was too powerful.

The miraculous counterattack just now was basically Wu Hao's limit.

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