Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and thirty-seven The organization needs you

At this moment, the Titan monster's second tail whip swept over again.

Wu Hao used all his strength and waved a green sword light.

The tail of the Titan monster was cut off directly.

The Titan monster was furious and slapped him, and Wu Hao flew out again.

This time, Wu Hao completely lost his combat effectiveness. He was sent flying a hundred meters away and lay on the ground seriously injured.

The Titan monsters are about to give chase.

The fighter group launched a fierce attack at this time.

The armored division in the distance also launched an artillery offensive.

The Titan monster roared wildly, a large amount of mist filled its body, and then disappeared.

This is the second time a Titan monster has appeared in public view since the San Francisco Monster War.

The Chinese government named the monster 梼杌, after the monster in ancient Chinese mythology.

Yaozhu's known abilities are flying and atomization.

The outside world was noisy, but Wu Hao was very quiet.

At this moment, his whole body was wrapped in gauze, and his limbs were hanging.

Enjoying Jinsi's service.

"Master, what are you doing with this tail?"

"You are currently weak. This stuff is very tonic. I just brought it back to replenish your health. Come on, drink this bowl of soup."

"But the bowl of soup you stewed for me is pig whip, right?"


"Didn't you say you wanted to use the monster's tail to patch up my body?"

"You are too weak right now. Have you ever heard that a weak body cannot be replenished?"

"But why are you eating it yourself?"

"I'm not weak."

"Didn't you say you prepared it for me?"

"I'll give it to you. You're weak and can't eat. I won't waste it and will eat it for you. Is there any problem with this logic?"

What can Wu Hao say?

I can only say thank you to your family.

"Master, tell me the truth, you actually asked me to die just to get the tail of this monster, right?"


The bowl in Jin Si's hand fell to the ground and he looked at Wu Hao with tears in his eyes: "You don't believe in being a teacher?"

Seeing Jin Si's expression, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Although Jin Si is not serious, he is not a bad person.

So I probably misunderstood Jin Si.

"Yes, your guess is correct. I just want to send you to death. I want to cut off a piece of the monster's flesh. But who am I doing it for? Isn't it for myself? Why can't you understand me as a teacher? good intentions.”

Wu Hao is autistic, and now he just wants to swear.

Maybe even bad words are not enough to describe his current mood.

Damn it, just cover it up and lie to me.

Knock knock knock——

At this moment, the door rang.

Jin Si glanced at the door: "People from the government are coming to the door. I'll get out of the way first."

Wu Hao was very curious about how Jin Si did it, knowing who was outside the door without opening the door.

Not long after, the door opened, using professional lockpicking skills.

The person outside the door originally thought there was no one in the room.

As a result, he opened the door and saw Wu Hao with bandages all over his body. The scene was awkward for a while.

"Um... hello, Mr. Wu."

"Who are you?"

"I'm from Guoan, you can call me Lao Lin."

"Is this the reason why you broke open my door?"

Lao Lin looked around: "Classmate Wu, how did you get this injury?"

"I fell, uncle, it has nothing to do with you."

"Classmate Wu, I won't beat around the bush with you. You were the one who fought with Yongzhu that day, right? Your injuries probably happened at that time as well."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Classmate Wu, we have already investigated and we also have video footage of the time."

Wu Hao was silent, and Lao Lin continued: "Classmate Wu, the country needs you."

In fact, Lao Lin was not sure when he came this time.

After all, the video footage at that time was all taken by onboard cameras.

The picture is not clear, and fighter jets are flying around, so many pictures and processes are just fragments.

Lao Lin and his colleagues also found several suspected suspicious objects before.

So he had no substantial evidence to prove whether Wu Hao was the person that day.

But when he saw that Wu Hao was injured all over his body, he was already 80% sure.

Now looking at Wu Hao's reaction, he could basically conclude that Wu Hao was that person.

Wu Hao still didn't respond. It wasn't that he was thinking, but that his mind was blank.

"Classmate Wu, now the country is facing a severe test. You also know that the emergence of the Titan monster has brought great losses to the country and the people, so the higher-ups plan to form a team to deal with this emergency situation. Now I sincerely invite you to join this organization and fight alongside us."

"I..." Wu Hao had an impulse for a moment.

I really wanted to agree immediately.

But he was afraid of Jin Si's objection.

"let me consider it."

"Yes, this is not mandatory." Lao Lin said, "By the way, Classmate Wu, I see that your injury is not serious now. Let me help you arrange a hospital."

"no, I'm fine."

"You need it. Classmate Wu was injured in order to protect the safety of the people. Although it cannot be made public, he still needs to be treated accordingly."

"It's really no need..."

At this moment, Jin Si's voice came to Wu Hao's ears: "Go, go, it won't save me the time to serve you."

If Wu Hao hadn't been immobile, he would have run away on the spot.

What do you think you call serving me? Do you have any misunderstandings about serving?

Under Lao Lin's arrangement, Wu Hao finally enjoyed real high-end medical care.

Of course, the main reason why Lao Lin was so enthusiastic about arranging a hospital for Wu Hao was because he wanted Wu Hao to have a physical examination of his whole body, inside and out.

Wu Hao's body is no different from most people's.

If I had to say a difference, it would be strength.

It can be said that if Wu Hao went to be a quackery, he could really do it ten times a night.

There is also drug resistance.

Lao Lin added some ingredients to Wu Hao's medicine, but Wu Hao didn't feel anything at all.

The second is his self-healing speed. Apart from comprehensive treatment, Wu Hao's recovery speed is at least ten times that of ordinary people.

Wu Hao actually recovered from the injury that originally took several months to recover from.

As for his ability, he also got the answer based on his insinuations.

I heard Wu Hao said it was martial arts and he had a master.

Lao Lin immediately enthusiastically expressed that he would give Wu Hao and his master a set of five insurances and one fund.

It's a pity that Wu Hao didn't dare to teach martial arts casually without Jin Si's consent.

Furthermore, he didn't think it was a good thing for Jin Si to join the organization.

Wu Hao felt that bringing Jin Si into the organization would only affect the purity of the organization.

Therefore, after Lao Lin's several hints, he said that he would discuss it with Jin Si later.

Later, Wu Hao also recovered and became a glorious member of No. 0. This No. 0 organization is a special operations organization established by the country specifically to deal with the emergence of Titan monsters.

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