Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-eight: Meeting Yaozhu again

Yaozhu has completely disappeared since that time.

Organization Zero conducted many investigations into nearby mountains and forests.

But no effective results were obtained.

Wu Hao also participated in the investigation as a member of Organization Zero.

Of course nothing was found.

So now Zero is also taking on a side job.

For example, take part in archeology and investigate the remains of prehistoric civilizations.

There are documents and legends about Titan monsters all over China.

There is evidence that Titan monsters once roamed this world.

They did not disappear over time, they just temporarily slept in some mysterious place.

New Titan monsters are being discovered not just in China, but all over the world.

For example, the Balrog Rodon was discovered at Outpost 56 on Isla Mara, Mexico.

Another example is Antarctic Outpost No. 32, Ghidorah, known as Monster Zero.

Newly discovered monsters appear all the time.

Hua Xia also discovered a few animals, except for Yaozhu, who had already woken up and has no news at present.

All other monsters are asleep.

The only one who is not sleeping is the Queen of Monsters, Mothra at Outpost No. 61 of the Ancient Temple of Southern Province.

It is not sleeping, but in the form of a larval egg.

Chen Ling studied and researched at Outpost 61.

Her progress was very obvious, and she not only successfully obtained her doctorate.

And is already the second-in-command of Outpost 61.

"Ling, the superiors have decided to let you go to Outpost No. 54 as the person in charge there." Emma came to Chen Ling and said.

"Outpost Fifty-Four?"

"The Bermuda Bastion of the Pacific, the number one monster, Godzilla."

Chen Ling almost jumped up with excitement.

Outpost 54, Godzilla, was the first monster discovered, as early as 1945.

At that time, Godzilla was fighting another monster called the Death Swarm.

The death swarm is not a titan monster. They are composed of a single individual. They can be split into countless small individuals or combined into a very large individual. As they devour more and more creatures, their number of individuals will also increase. Come bigger.

Then the then old American President Truman launched a nuclear strike against Godzilla and the swarm of death. The name of the nuclear bomb was called Fortress of Cheer.

The swarm of death was completely wiped out, but Godzilla was unscathed.

Chen Ling and Wu Hao have broken up for some time, mainly due to long-distance relationship.

Chen Ling spends most of her time working and researching in the closed Outpost No. 61.

During this period, Wu Hao traveled around the country.

Moreover, the work contents of both of them are confidential.

This resulted in the two of them not only spending less time together and staying apart more often, but they also couldn't talk for more than a few words each time they called each other.

Chen Ling even went to find Wu Hao several times without saying a word.

In the end, only Jin Si was found.

She didn't talk to Wu Hao as much as she did to Jin Si.

But before leaving, she still sent a message to Wu Hao.

She said that my mother had been promoted and made a fortune.

When Wu Hao returned to Nan Province, Chen Ling had been away for a month.

"Master, did Xiaoling say anything when she left?"

"She said you were awesome."

Wu Hao angrily grabbed Jin Si's collar.

Then he was slapped against the wall by Jin Si.

"It doesn't feel good, right? You and her are destined to be different people. One day she will be with another man..."

"Shut up!" A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Wu Hao's body, and at that moment the entrance door was broken through.

Jin Si rubbed his nose: "Everything was within my plan. Thanks to my teacher for pretending to be a villain, I finally made you have a breakthrough. I am very happy for you."

Wu Hao let out a long breath. After breaking through the entrance, his strength increased by leaps and bounds.

His mood also calmed down. Although he was still sad, he was no longer so impulsive.

Regarding Jin Si's shameless remarks, he just regarded them as farts.

At this moment, Wu Hao's cell phone rang.

"Team leader, we may have discovered Yongzhu."


"It's almost certain."

"Give me a seat and I'll be there immediately."

Wu Hao had no intention of arguing with Jin Si at this time and left in a hurry.

After arriving at the base, Wu Hao got on the helicopter and entered the deep jungle.

After flying in the air for an hour, the place is already surrounded by mountains and has deep forests and dense trees.

Directly below, there was a large area covered in fog.

Something could be vaguely seen moving in the fog.

This is not the first time they have found traces of Yongzhu.

in the past few contacts.

They discovered that Yaozhu's body could be atomized, making most of the current attacks ineffective.

And after being atomized, the 梼杌 will still move in the mist, and at the same time, a medium-sized individual can be created in the mist.

This is also why Wu Hao was able to move to other directions instantly in the fog when he first came into contact with him.

"Place the charge bomb." Wu Hao said.

Charge bombs cannot cause damage to Yaozhu.

However, it can make Yaozhu's atomization ability temporarily disappear.

"Team leader, it's just us?"

"Call for support, I'll hold it back for now." Wu Hao said.

The 梼杌 is a Titan monster that has been confirmed to be extremely dangerous.

So the government has been looking for 梼杌, trying to nip it in the bud.

In the past period of time, Yongzhu attacked several villages.

And after each attack, it will turn into a cloud of fog and flee the scene.

The government has reached the limit of its tolerance.

And he issued an order to Organization Zero to kill him as soon as he was discovered.

Organization Zero has long analyzed Yongzhu's various abilities and came up with several plans.

The first is that the charge bomb can effectively limit the atomization ability of Yaozhao.

Then use high-intensity artillery fire.

Don't give Yaozhu a chance to fight.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for human weapons to restrict Yongzhu's movements.

"Team leader, don't seek death."

Although the team members all know that Wu Hao is very powerful.

But this is great only for normal people.

If you are facing something like a Tao Zhu, with a tail length of 200 meters, a weight of 80,000 tons, and a moving speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

What is this concept? The fastest train only has a range of 500 to 600 kilometers.

The Yaozhu is a super cruise ship with twice the speed of a train.

Unless it is another Titan monster, nothing can withstand its collision.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't compete with it head-on." Wu Hao said confidently: "Lower the height of the helicopter a little."

"Team leader, you don't want to jump out of the plane, do you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and launch the charge bomb first."

The moment the charge bomb fell, Wu Hao also jumped down.

Wu Hao felt the Qi all over his body. He vaguely felt the Qi flowing around his body. It was a strange feeling. If he controlled the Qi at this time, could he reduce the speed of his fall? Or fly in the air?

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