Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Dalang, it’s time to take medicine

Latest website: Wu Hao said that he burst into tears.

"Master, I want to change my name."


"I want to let go of the past. I don't want to be the Wu Hao I was in the past."

"What does the name Dalang mean? Wu Dalang?" Jin Si asked: "Come on, Dalang, get up and take medicine."

"Dalang?" Wu Hao always felt that this name was weird. Anyway... he didn't like it: "Master, we will change the name later."

"Hey, you are so cautious about changing your name. Are your parents still there?"

"Um...not here anymore."

"Since your parents are not here, it is up to me to change your name."

"Master, I have my own ideas."

"Okay, tell me what you think, but I'm sure I won't listen."

Wu Hao said, you are really my good master.

"I plan to change my name to Wu Tai Dou. I want to practice martial arts to the extreme like you, Master."

"Actually, you just want to surpass me one day and then kill me, right?"

"Master, you misunderstood me."

"Misunderstanding? Our sect's tradition is to bully the master and destroy the ancestors. You swear on your Xiaoling, you don't have this idea."


"Master, I feel very uncomfortable now, please let me rest."

Wu Hao doesn't want to talk to Jin Si now. To be precise, his name should be Wu Taidou now.

After a few days of recovery, the charred skin on the body has fallen off and been replaced by new skin like a baby.

Moreover, Wu Taidou found that after this serious injury, his martial arts seemed to have improved a lot.

"It looks like you're recovering well from your injuries.


"Master, my feeling state has not recovered yet..."

"It's okay. This is enough for now. Anyway, I will get hurt later."

"Master... I still want to serve you by your side..."

"There is no conflict, let's go..." Jin Si kicked Wu Taidou out of the cave.

Wu Taidou screamed and fell in front of Yongzhu.

When Yongzhu saw Wu Taidou, he immediately roared furiously.

The slap hit Wu Taidou directly.

Wu Taidou was injured just now, but he was beaten to death in an instant.

Wu Taidou felt miserable... He looked up at the cave on the cliff.

Jin Si was sitting at the entrance of the cave looking at himself below.

Jin Si dropped a pair of egg knives: "Use this."

Wu Taidou turned over, picked up the egg knife and rushed towards Yaozhu.

Yaozhu slapped him with his paw again.

Wu Taidou immediately turned over to avoid it, and at the same time, the blade in his hand cut downwards.

One of Yongzhu's fingers was cut off.

Wu Taidou was delighted, it didn't seem to be very difficult.

As long as you are careful, you can slowly kill Yao Chu.


When Wu Taidou was having wild thoughts about Yaozhu.

Yaozhu's tail taught him that people still have to face reality.

Wu Taidou woke up again, this time he was okay, he was just in a coma for three days.

However, he became a rice dumpling again, and the air was filled with the aroma of meat.

Wu Taidou looked at Jin Si who was having a barbecue, and all his anger disappeared, and some only had appetite left.


"You're awake, you must be hungry."

No matter what, let’s fill our stomachs first, Wu Taidou thought in his heart.

"I'm hungry and there's nothing I can do. This is the only piece left." Jin Si said, eating the roasted meat on the fire.

"You bastard..."

Before Wu Taidou could finish his words, Jin Si asked him to kick him out of the cave.

Then he saw a big paw slap on his face.

When Wu Taidou woke up again, he felt that he should change his reckless character.

Especially when facing Jin Si.

Then Wu Taidou fell into a cycle.

Recuperate from the injury, fight with Yaozhu after the injury is healed, then get seriously injured, then recuperate again...

Every time he felt that he had improved, and every time he felt that he could fight with Yao Zhu for a few more rounds this time.

But it turns out that the Titan monster is simply not something that human beings can contend with.

No matter how Wu Taidou feels, he is no longer what he used to be.

He couldn't change the outcome and was seriously injured by Tao Zhu.

"Dalang, I am very disappointed in you."

"Master, my name is Wu Taidou now, not Dalang, and you let me fight with Yuzhu, just to make me improve, but every time I am seriously injured by Yuzhu a few times, I don't want to I think I can improve from the battle with Yongzhu.”

"Dalang, you have missed the point. I never had any expectations for your strength. I just hoped that you could cut more meat. But every time the harvest is so unstable, I am very disappointed in you."

Wu Da... Wu Tai vomited blood with fighting spirit.

You are so f*cking saying that the tradition of our sect is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors.

With a master like you, can you blame me for bullying my master and destroying my ancestors?

"Master, don't you think life in the mountains and forests is boring? How about we go back to the city."

"Do you think I don't want to go back? Some time ago, I was discovered by the police who came to inspect my home, and then I set my home on fire."

"Master...which family?"

"It's the home you imagined. Are you a waste? Your home is not fireproof."

"Master, if you want to run away, who can stop you? Why did you set my house on fire?" Wu Taidou was about to cry.

"Life should have a sense of ritual, just like when you barbecue, you must add some cumin, you name it."

Wu Taidou was so angry that he shut himself up.

He felt that he must have destroyed the world in his previous life.

Otherwise, why would I meet Jin Si in this life?

But no matter what he thinks, he must at least get over the trouble first.

But gradually, Wu Taidou changed his mind.

He felt that defeating Yaozhu was far away.

Might as well try to defeat Jin Si.

As long as Jin Si is defeated, all problems will be solved.

Wu Taidou couldn't help but praise his wit.

After recovering from five serious injuries, Wu Taidou finally felt that he might be able to defeat Jin Si.

Therefore, he decided to try to compete with Jin Si this time.


"I think you've almost recovered. Clean up and you can go."

"Wait, no... Master, what did you say?"

"I said you can go back."


"What are you? Are you reluctant to leave? Or do you have other dangerous ideas?"

"I...forget it, it's okay." Wu Taidou sighed, and sure enough, he accepted Jin Si's arrangement at the last moment.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to discuss with Jin Si anymore.

Wu Taidou felt that he was not a coward, but a reasonable acceptance of Jin Si's compromise.

Yes, it must be his master who feels that he is powerful enough to awe him.

That's why he took the initiative to let himself go.

"I'm leaving?"

"Well, let's go."

"What about you, Master?"

"What? Can't bear to leave me? Then you can stay."

"Well, I'm leaving." Wu Taidou didn't want to be a savage here anymore.

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