Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand four hundred and forty-one. The service is in place and food is delivered to your door.

Latest website address: Dong Dong Dong——

There were strange noises under the valley where the Taozu lived.

It was like something was beating a drum.

When Yaozhu heard the sound, he jumped up immediately.

And looking at it, it looked very nervous.

The next moment, a giant beast emerged from the ground.

This is a Titan monster that is much larger than the Taozu.

It looks a lot like some kind of beetle, with its forelimbs incredibly thick and several slender tentacle-like hooks on its head.

It looks a bit like the MUTO that fought Godzilla in San Francisco in 2014.

In fact, it is indeed MUTO, but the biological father of the male and female MUTO in 2014.

Supreme Muto! One of the three Alpha-level Titan monsters.

In the Monster Universe, Godzilla, the oldest brother, is the Alpha-level Titan monster.

Next is Ghidorah, as the old enemy of Godzilla and the alien Titan monster, it is also the old enemy of Brother Brother.

The third Alpha-level Titan monster is the Supreme Muto.

Ordinary MUTOs are the pair of desperate mandarin ducks who fought with Mr. Brother in San Francisco.

If you are lucky, after a fight within the group, the winner will evolve into Queen Muto.

And after Queen Muto evolves, she becomes Supreme Muto.

At this time, the Supreme Muto can reproduce asexually, and they will parasitize their eggs into the bodies of other Titan monsters.

This supreme MUTO used Godzilla's older cousin as RBQ three thousand years ago, and then the male and female MUTOs were born.

Three thousand years ago, Godzilla's older cousin was believed by some people and was called Dagon.

In the original comics, Supreme Muto beat Godzilla four times.

Finally, with the help of Ms. Emma,

Only then did he help Godzilla complete his counterattack.

It has the nickname of earthquake catfish in Japan, or it is called earthquake bug or dragon beetle.

It can create earthquakes, as well as enhanced versions of electromagnetic pulses, and can even weaken Godzilla's atomic breath.

Now, Supreme Muto has set his sights on Yaozhu.

Yong Zhuo's whole body was covered with hair, and there was a bit of panic and fear in his eyes.

Supreme Muto is no less harmful than Ghidorah, not only to humans, but also to other Titan monsters.

It once caused human civilization to plunge into darkness. After the birth of its descendants, it will cleanse species around the world.

Until its descendants meet the conditions and evolve into Queen Muto, the ecology will return to balance.

After three thousand years of reincarnation, it will wake up from the ground again and carry out the next ecological disaster.

Their evolution is the process of raising gu.

If Queen Muto wants to evolve, she also needs more Queen Muto.

It is even possible that it needs to cultivate a second Supreme Muto, and then again fight and devour each other to reach the evolutionary conditions.

Their best host is Godzilla, the only Titan monster with a biological atomic furnace.

Of course, other Titan monsters also have biological uranium in their bodies, and they can also serve as hosts for Muto.

Supreme Muto went directly towards Yaozhu.

Although he was scared, he didn't run away.

But in just the first collision, Muto knocked him to the ground.

"Come on! Divine beast of China, don't lose." Jin Si shouted loudly.

Yaozhu roared, but Supreme Muto's roar was even louder. It had ultrasonic waves.

This ultrasonic wave is powerful enough to shatter Godzilla's dorsal fin.

Yuzhu's whole body was numb from the shock, and the feeling was second only to the time when his brother was hit by the Tailed Beast Jade that day.

Jin Si immediately became unhappy and shouted loudly: "Get up and fight me. You are a man who can torture my apprentice a hundred times."

Yaozhu didn't cheer up, but Supreme Muto expressed his regrets.

I am here to give birth to children, what are you doing there?

Immediately, a heavy punch was struck at the door of Jin Si's house.

Lands and lands collapsed, seas and rocks shattered...

Jin Si's new home was instantly destroyed.

Damn it, you just hit me, and you brought someone to destroy your home?

This is too much.

Jin Si felt that he was an audience watching boxing live.

Is it too much to suddenly get punched by the player on the left?

Jin Si kicked Supreme Muto's head off.

Yao Zhu was not polite. When he saw Supreme Muto was defeated, he started grabbing, biting and pulling him three times.

Supreme Muto roared again and fired another super ultrasonic wave.

Yao Zhu was instantly blasted away. When he got up again, he only dared to grin at Supreme Muto from a distance, but did not dare to take the initiative to step forward.

"I'm sorry, you fucking know how to bully others? Are you afraid of being tough?"

Jin Si was angry that he refused to argue, and immediately yelled: "What does this little RB have to be afraid of? Come up here and don't embarrass us China, okay?"

Yaozhu said that if you can't beat him, you just can't beat him.

I am the Alpha level, and I am the Abel level.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Supreme Muto aimed his bloody mouth at Jin Si, preparing to send a super ultrasonic wave to Jin Si as well.

Jin Si also opened his mouth, wasn't he just talking.

When it comes to talking nonsense, we have never lost to anyone.


With an earth-shattering bang.

Supreme Muto's head is gone.

Yao Zhu shrank his head in fear.

Jin Si looked at Yaozhu, wondering if he wanted to kill someone and silence him.

Yongzhu sensed Jin Si's evil intentions, turned around and ran away.

Jin Si caught Yao Zhu back and wiped his saliva: "Why are you running away? I won't eat you."


Yaozhu roared.

Jin Si stared.


Jin Si narrowed his eyes, this guy is smarter than he thought.

"Reach out, sit down, stand up, roll over..."

Come on, who trained this guy?

Forget it, I won’t eat it for now.

Jin Si turned back to look at Supreme Muto.

It should taste good.

Jin Si and Yaozhu salivated at the same time.

Fix it first!

"Wu Hao, you're not dead, that's great! That's great..." Lao Lin patted Wu Taidou on the shoulder, his face full of relief.

For more than a month since Wu Taidou disappeared, Organization Zero has come to a standstill.

"I saw the battle scenes at that time, and you seemed to be...scorched...and you're not dead yet?"

Wu Taidou looked bitter: "My master saved me."

"I keep hearing you mention your master, can you introduce him to me?"

Wu Taidou shook his head quickly: "No, no, my master doesn't like to have contact with outsiders, so I'd better stop."

Just kidding, with Jin Si’s character, if he really joins Organization Zero, will he still have a foothold?

Even the entire Zero Organization may become a mess.

So I decided not to!

"By the way, Lao Lin, I changed my name. Please help me apply for documents."

"Change your name? Why did you change your name?"

"Just treat it as a whim." Wu Taidou said.

Lao Lin didn't ask much about this, and added: "By the way, we have detected many unusual earthquakes recently. Through the satellite biological detection instrument, we discovered another Titan monster, and judging from the biomagnetic field response, , this Titan monster may still be on top of Yongzhu.”

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