Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and forty-four. I have the final say on this outpost.

"Is there a person sitting on Mothra's head?"

"It seems like he is really human..."

"Zoom the camera in."

Chen Ling's eyes widened, and everyone else looked confused.

When Chen Ling saw that person, her expression was filled with astonishment.

Why is that guy?

"Wu Hao, come to the command center." Chen Ling took out the communicator and said.

Wu Taidou ran to the command center.

"Xiaoling, did you call me?"

Wu Taidou had already made up his mind to let go of the past and change his life.

As a result, when I saw Chen Ling again here, Wu Taidou changed back to Wu Hao, the licking dog in the past.

Chen Ling pointed to the surveillance screen on the sea: "Is that your master?"

Wu Taidou took a closer look, his expression was a little strange.

Why did his master end up on top of a strange titan monster?

At this moment, Jin Si, who was standing above the little round face, took out... peeing in public.

There were more than a dozen people in the command center watching Jin Si's performance, and everyone felt a little speechless.

"Do you recognize this person?" Dr. Serizawa asked.

"It's his teacher." Chen Ling said.

She didn't want to admit that she knew this man.

Wu Taidou turned his head, and he didn't really want to admit it.

"Wu Hao, bring him in. He looks very familiar with Mothra. Maybe he can help us."

Wu Taidou readily accepted Chen Ling's instructions.

Take a small submarine to the surface.

Wu Taidou waved to Jin Si, who had a round face above him: "Master."

Jin Si looked down and saw his good apprentice.

Dr. Serizawa, who is in the command center at the moment: "Dr. Chen, your boyfriend is not smart enough. On the sea, such a strong sea breeze cannot be heard at such a distance."

Chen Ling pondered for a long time, Wu Taidou was not smart enough, she admitted it.

But she doesn't accept the title of boyfriend.

"It's an ex-boyfriend." Chen Ling corrected: "Besides, the guy on top of Mothra has very good ears."


Before Dr. Serizawa could finish speaking, Jin Si, who had a round face above his head, spotted Wu Taidou below.


"I think it was probably what he saw, not what he heard." Dr. Serizawa said stiffly: "Besides, how did he get down from a height of tens of meters?"

This is other people's problem too.

But for Wu Taidou and Jin Si, this is not a problem.

Everyone in the command center saw Jin Si stepping out of the head of the little round face, and then falling directly.

"He must be crazy. That's a height of tens of meters. If he falls, he will be dead even if there is the sea below!"

Only Wu Taidou and Jin Si, who were involved, looked disapproving.

But soon Wu Taidou lost his composure.

Because Jin Si felt like it was going to hit his submarine directly.


The submarine succeeded in becoming a real submarine, and it never had the chance to surface again.

Just when everyone in the command center thought that Jin Si and the submarine had perished together, Jin Si and Wu Taidou surfaced.

"Chen Ling, can you send another submarine to pick us up?" Wu Taidou said helplessly to the communicator.

Not long after, Jinsi was connected to Outpost No. 54, located in the headquarters of the Bermuda Deep Sea Zone.

A group of people came to greet Jin Si. They all wanted to know from Jin Si why Jin Si could stand on top of Mothra, and... how Jin Si planned to compensate the small submarine worth millions.

"Hello, sir, I am Inoshiro Serizawa, the head of the Biological Research Department of the Imperial Organization."

At this moment, a black female in military uniform next to Dr. Serizawa came forward: "Sir, come with us."

"Dwarf winter melon, who are you?"

The female black face darkened and said coldly: "I am Colonel Foster, and I have reason to suspect that you have stolen our country's military secrets."

Colonel Foster feels that Jin Si may have mastered the method of controlling the Titan monster.

So I want to control Jinsi as soon as possible and get the secrets.

Jin Si suddenly grabbed Colonel Foster's neck with one hand and lifted him into the air.

Colonel Foster's top soldiers immediately drew their guns and pointed them at Jin Si.

"Let go... Stop it all, stop it! You have something to say..." Dr. Serizawa quickly tried to dissuade him.

Jin Si did not let go: "Believe it or not, I will let you feed the monster now?"


A soldier finally fired, but Colonel Foster blocked the bullet first.

Jin Si's eyes showed a fierce look, Wu Taidou saw Jin Si's expression and screamed secretly.

"Master, put her down first..."

"I now ask everyone here to disarm, otherwise I will kill everyone here."

"Master, you can't do this..."

"I can!"

Wu Taidou secretly scolded the old black woman for being crazy.

Inexplicably, Jin Si was charged with a crime.

Isn't this making yourself unhappy?

"Sir, there are two hundred armed personnel stationed in Outpost No. 54. You can't do anything by yourself. I think this is a misunderstanding. We should clear up the misunderstanding now." Dr. Serizawa thought. It's a big thing that has been turned into a small thing.

Wu Taidou's heart trembled, he knew that Jin Si could do it.

Jin Si looked at Dr. Serizawa with a smile: "Maybe I can't do it, but there is something that can do it."

At this moment, the little round face above the sea moved.

It dived into the sea and appeared outside Outpost No. 54.

Although it is in the deep sea, it is not affected by anything.

The little round face spread its wings, reaching an astonishing length of two hundred and forty meters.

Its head flashes red, a dangerous attack signal.

"Outpost No. 54 was attacked by a Titan monster, and all the researchers and soldiers stationed there were killed. What do you think of this script?"

"Sir, you are also in the outpost now. If Mothra attacks the outpost and sea water flows into the outpost, we will all die."

"Dr. Serizawa, maybe we will all die, but my master will not. Have you forgotten that he just jumped from a height of tens of meters? His physique is far stronger than ordinary people." Wu Taidou helplessly corrected Serizawa. The words of Dr. Ze.

Dr. Serizawa was stunned for a moment and looked at Wu Taidou in astonishment.

He looked at Jin Si again. This man with only one arm and seemingly weak energy had nothing to do with being strong.

Although the outpost has powerful military defense weapons.

But this thing is to give them a sense of psychological safety.

To the Titan monsters, these weapons are no different than toys.

"By the way, Colonel, where is your hometown? After I destroy this place, I will take Mothra and send all your household registration books to reunite with you." Jin Si's eyes scanned the surroundings again Soldier: "You also want to reunite your family, right?"

When the first soldier lowered his weapon, other soldiers also lowered their weapons.

"Now I declare that I have the final say."

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