Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty-Five In order to save this world

The expressions of a group of people were as if they had been fed a piece of cake.

They explained with practical actions what it means to lure the wolf into the house.

At the same time, they all complained about Colonel Foster, who inexplicably turned the guests into enemies.

Wu Taidou could only reluctantly persuade Jin Si to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

But he couldn't guarantee that if Jin Si really had murderous intentions, he would be able to stop Jin Si.

"Sir, the earth is facing an unprecedented crisis now, and we should not be at war here."

"Don't you think it's this little winter melon bitch who's causing internal friction?"

"I think there might be some misunderstanding."

"No misunderstanding, I know exactly what this little winter melon bitch is thinking, but I'm not a fussy person, so instead of killing her, I'll just beat her until her brain is damaged."


Wu Taidou immediately came up and expressed his thoughts with practical actions.

Jin Si suddenly pushed Colonel Foster towards Wu Taidou.

Wu Taidou had no time to dodge...and then his first kiss was gone.

"Ah..." Wu Taidou lost his mind and rushed towards Jin Si.


Jin Si gave him a nap set meal.

However, Wu Taidou stood up strongly and glared at Jin Si angrily.

Jin Si put his hand on Chen Ling's shoulder: "Xiao Ling, I swear he must have stuck out his tongue just now."

"I don't!"

"You have."

"I didn't...Xiaoling, I didn't."

"Haozi, forget it." Chen Ling didn't know how to comfort Wu Taidou.

How does Wu Taidou feel now?

In front of his goddess, his first kiss was gone.

The person you want to talk to is not a goddess, so who can you talk to for explanation?

"So, don't meddle in other people's business next time!" Jin Si threatened.

Wu Taidou glared at Jin Si even more angrily.

"If you look at me again, believe it or not, I'll make you even break your boy skills on the spot!"

Wu Taidou suppressed his blush and said, "I'm not a virgin!"

"No, no, did you give it to your left hand or your right hand for the first time?"


Everyone was threatened by Jin Si, and no one resisted Jin Si for the time being.

Now everyone has a headache, a Titan monster is wreaking havoc everywhere.

As a result, there was another problem on their side.

Of course, there are no restrictions on normal work exchanges.

At this time Dr. Serizawa's deputy ran over.

"Sir, Mothra emits an ultrasonic wave and it seems to be in a hurry."

Jin Si came to the floor-to-ceiling window at the edge of the base and looked at the small round face outside the window.

The little round face is emitting a special frequency.

"I know, I'll take care of it. You go up to the sea and wait for me."

"Sir...this floor-to-ceiling window is three hundred centimeters thick."

This is in the deep sea. Without enough strength, the seawater pressure can crush this glass window.

And this kind of fiber glass, let alone transmitting sound, cannot be broken even by tactical missiles.

But, surprisingly, Mothra actually surfaced.

Everyone looked at Jin Si with incredible eyes.

How do they communicate with each other?

"Do you have a nuclear bomb here?"

"what you up to?"

No one believed that it was a wise choice to hand over the nuclear bomb to Jin Si, a dangerous person.

"Of course I'm wiping your butts." Jin Si said angrily: "You injured Godzilla, and now you can only feed him so that he has enough energy to recover."

Dr. Serizawa agreed with Jin Si's idea with both hands.

He concluded the same thing.

Later, under the persuasion of Dr. Serizawa.

Others still agreed to take out nuclear bombs and feed them to Godzilla.

On the way to Godzilla's lair.

Dr. Serizawa has always been around Jin Si.

"Sir, can you tell me how you communicate with Mothra."

"Because he's handsome."

Dr. Serizawa was silent for a while.

He wanted to confirm whether there was something wrong with his aesthetics.

Or maybe Mothra’s aesthetics are completely different from humans.

Finally he confirmed that Jin Si was lying.

This series of judgments is entirely due to his seriousness and rigor in science.

"Besides being handsome?"

“It’s important to master a foreign language.”

Dr. Serizawa feels that it is no longer a foreign language, okay?

Your language does not span countries, it spans species.

But when the submarine arrived outside Godzilla's lair, everyone was stunned by the scene outside.

This is simply a huge ancient ruin.

The grandeur even surpasses all ancient buildings that have been discovered today.

This is a temple built by ancient people for their gods.

The temple's murals depict their worship of Godzilla.

Even the military submarine they were riding in now seemed so small in front of this temple.

"I suggest we stop here," the captain said at this time.

"Did something happen?"

The captain pointed to the frighteningly high radiation value on the screen: "If we stay here for thirty minutes, I guarantee that we will not be able to have children in the future, and even if we do, they will be mutated."

"I finally understand why Godzilla built his nest here."

This put a layer of gloom in everyone's mind.

Apparently, their feeding program suffered a huge blow before it even started.

"I'll do it." Dr. Serizawa said seriously, with a bit of determination in his eyes.

His father was the backbone of the Imperial organization back then and had been studying Godzilla his whole life.

Later he passed the mantle to Dr. Serizawa.

Dr. Serizawa has always firmly believed that humans and Titan monsters can coexist.

And I have always wanted to pass this idea on.

"I'd better go," Jin Si said.

Everyone else looked surprised.

"Why are you so surprised? You probably want me to die so that you can solve a big problem."

"Sir, you should understand the consequences of this, right?"

"To save the world."

Everyone actually discovered the brilliance of a holy mother on Jin Si's face.

At this moment, even Wu Taidou, who had a deep hatred for Jin Si, looked incredulous.

" don't have to do this..."

"How about you come?"


Wu Taidou said, Master, you should come.

This will save the world and reduce the harm.

It's like killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone.

"Sir, you don't have to be like this." Dr. Serizawa felt that if he could end his life in this way, it would be a reward.

"Okay, even if you die, you can still grab it." Jin Si rolled his eyes: "I made an agreement with Mothra, so you don't have to worry about this matter. Besides, do you really think a nuclear bomb can kill me?"

No one believed Jin Si's words, not even Wu Taidou, who thought he knew Jin Si best.

This is the ultimate weapon of mankind, and no living thing can survive this weapon.

Godzilla stood up silently, Muto silently raised his hands, and all the Titans expressed dissatisfaction.

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