Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and forty-six Wu Taidou: I won’t lick anymore

Jin Si boarded the small submarine.

Everyone looked at Jin Si with the eyes of farewell to the hero.

After sending Jin Si away, the captain immediately ordered the evacuation.

Just kidding, a 10-megaton nuclear warhead.

The impact of the explosion could reach a diameter of fifty kilometers.

They didn't want to be buried with Jin Si.

The ruins themselves are also a molten cave.

After entering the lava cave, Godzilla can be seen lying on top of the huge altar.

It lay there weakly, slowly absorbing the radiation of geothermal nuclear energy.

At its speed, it would probably take even eighteen hundred years to fully recover.

"Hello, Mr. Brother, the food delivery guy is here."

Jin Si started the countdown to the nuclear bomb.

Mr. Brother just opened his eyes and glanced at Jin Si.

The nuclear bomb exploded at this moment.

The devastating nuclear explosion engulfed Jin Si and Brother in an instant.

The nuclear submarine on which Wu Taidou was riding was shaken by violent currents.

Although they have driven dozens of kilometers away, they are still inevitably impacted.

Wu Taidou felt heavy and complicated.

No matter how much grudges he had with Jin Si.

They all disappeared with this explosion.

But when they returned to the base, bad news came.

Titan monsters are awakening all over the world.

And these titan beasts are headed in the direction of Boston.

Among them, the two fastest monsters are Balrog Rodon and Ghidorah.

These two monsters are already wreaking havoc in the skies over Boston.

Military fighter jets have started a battle with two flying monsters.

It's just that their tickling...the two flying monsters were a lot of fun.

Especially Raton, it has supersonic flight speed.

Coupled with the high temperature it constantly emits, wherever it flies, it will inevitably trigger an ultra-high temperature heat storm.

For the human side, this is a battle with no hope in sight.

Almost all human weapons cannot pose a threat to them.

When everyone in Outpost No. 54 saw the news.

They all felt a little thump in their hearts. The condition of Godzilla, whom they had high hopes for, was now unknown.

If Godzilla didn't recover like they expected.

So for human beings, it is almost equivalent to a disaster.

Especially Ghidorah, the results obtained from the analysis of data detected by humans.

Ghidorah is constantly changing the ecology of the earth.

It's breaking down the Earth's air and causing superstorms.

And it's also awakening other Titan monsters.

If other Titan monsters surrender to it.

Then these Titan monsters will also become its accomplices.

For the Titan monsters, the Earth's environment is not static.

They can adapt to any environment by changing their body functions and structures.

But humans and other ordinary species cannot change in a short period of time.

So what awaits mankind at that time is destruction.

At this time, everyone in the base felt their own insignificance.

"Send me to Boston." Wu Taidou said.

"What? Haozi, what are you talking about?"

Wu Taidou looked at Chen Ling and then at everyone: "Since my master can sacrifice himself for mankind, I can too."

At this time, he truly let go of the past.

Suddenly, he felt that Chen Ling was just averagely beautiful.

"Besides, you didn't call me here to let me watch a show."

"Haozi, stop saying stupid things."

Wu Taidou's eyes remained calm: "I didn't say anything stupid. I know what I'm talking about and what I'm going to face."

"Mr. Wu, I will take you there." Colonel Foster said with his head wrapped in gauze.

Wu Taidou originally wanted to express his gratitude to Colonel Foster.

But when he came into contact with Colonel Foster's eyes that contained some kind of mating signal.

Wu Taidou suddenly became frightened... Could this short winter melon be interested in him?

Great...that kiss really has nothing to do with me.

We were all helpless at the time...

Without further ado, Wu Taidou finally made up his mind.

Maybe he couldn't save the world, but he still wanted to try.

On a transport plane bound for Boston.

Wu Taidou has been paying attention to the news.

Now all over the world, governments of various countries have dispatched a large number of armed forces to try to prevent the Titan monster from marching towards Boston.

Although they did not understand the purpose of the Titan monster, almost everyone had a premonition.

Once these Titan monsters gather in Boston, it may be the end of humanity and even the planet.

Transport planes came to Boston at the time of aviation.

What they saw was debris and ruins everywhere.

Golden lightning roared in the distance.

The sky seemed alive.

Ghidorah's huge body loomed in the dark clouds.

On the other side is the sky dyed red by Raton.

Countless fighter groups are fighting to the death in Yularton.

But all their efforts seemed so forceful.

Rodan performed a dance-like trajectory in the air, and the red fighter jets fell like a meteor shower.

Foster looked at Wu Taidou: "What are you going to do?"

"Help me get close to Raton."

Foster did not refuse Wu Taidou's request.

She didn't know what Wu Taidou was going to do.

But she knew that no matter what she said, nothing could change Wu Taidou's determination.

The transport plane arrived near Raton.

Wu Taidou jumped out of the plane in full view of everyone.

Foster was stunned for a moment, and everyone was a little at a loss.

"He didn't bring a parachute just now, did he?"


"Colonel... you'd better come and take a look."


The adjutant took the footage captured by the onboard camera.

The camera captured Wu Taidou falling.

But the next moment, Wu Taidou's body suddenly ejected an obvious stream of exhaust gas, and his figure suddenly dived towards Raton.

"Does he have any other flying devices on him?"

"No, it looks like he has nothing..."

"This unscientific!"

"Isn't he some kind of reformed person secretly researched by the Chinese government?"

"Or maybe he's an alien after all."

At this moment, Wu Taidou barely controlled the balance of his body.

In fact flying was more difficult than he thought.

He can control his Qi to move his body at high speeds.

But this movement is more like gliding than flying.

Wu Taidou quickly caught up with Raton and fell behind Raton at the same time.

Raton didn't feel that there was an extra bug on his body.

But Wu Taidou found that the high temperature emanating from Laton's body was already making it difficult for him to resist.

Raton was hatched from the lava of the volcano's crater.

It exudes scorching heat all the time.

Wu Taidou had to stabilize his body while trying to resist the high temperature.

Wu Taidou took a deep breath, put his palms together and drew them back slightly. An unimaginable energy was brewing between his palms.

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