Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Seven You lied

Qigong wave! The moment Wu Taidou pushed his palms.

All the accumulated energy turned into a torrent of light and was released in an instant.

At this moment, it was as if time had frozen.

Everyone on the transport plane watched this scene happen with incredible expressions.


The beam failed to penetrate Raton's back armor.

It's like a circus show.

All the foreshadowing turned out to be just a joke.

Ladon roared in pain.

The body spun rapidly in the air.

Wu Taidou was thrown away directly.

Wu Taidou was filled with despair.

Why, I made breakthroughs again and again, but in the end I got this result.

Originally, Wu Taidou thought it would be okay this time.

What Jin Si can do, he can definitely do.

The result was a huge disappointment.

Wu Taidou hit the ground hard and fell unconscious.

Because Ghidorah's actions completely deviated from APEX's vision.

At this time, the APEX organization was also completely in chaos.

Emma had a dispute with Jonah Allen, the leader of the APEX organization.

Oka Russell overheard the conversation between his mother and Jonah Allen, and then stole the Titan sonar device from the APEX organization while they were evacuating.

He also ran to Fenway Park in Boston and used the Fenway Park broadcast to broadcast the Titan sonar device.

This sound wave can control the monster's behavior to a certain extent.

Of course, if you want to make a fortune, get promoted, and rule the world through this thing, you must be thinking too much.

And this thing doesn't work against Ghidorah, or it's ineffective against Alpha-level Titan monsters.

On the contrary, this sound wave can also cause Alpha-level monsters to chase them.

In the final analysis, it is because the Alpha-level Titan monsters feel that this thing affects their rule.

Oka Russell originally chose to follow her mother Emma, ​​mainly because she wanted to use her small body to help her mother return from her lost way.

In fact, if you want to say that her mother is bad, that's not necessarily true. Being crazy and being bad are two different things.

Even if his brain is wet or bad, the things he does are still maddening.

For example, Jinsi has both.

However, the children born between these two people generally have more upright views, another example is Jin Si.

Oka Russell also has the same three-dimensional outlook.

Her mother wants to reboot the system with the Titan Monster again.

Then she discovered that Ghidorah had no ID and was an illegal immigrant, and her attitude immediately changed.

Then Oka Russell did everything her mother wanted to do before she had time to do it.

But it was accompanied by a tremor that shook the earth and the mountains.

Ghidorah lands in Fenway Park.

Ghidorah was yelling, which little brat ruined my good deeds.

Only then did I convince the other Titan monsters to start their own business and set up a separate business.

In the end, I don’t know which little brat actually cut off my network cable, oh!

Oka Russell picked up the instrument and ran away.

Ghidorah also discovered the fleeing Oka Russell.

Yell, you are a bitch!

Directly emit gravity rays to hunt down Oka.

In the end, he was directly blown away by a close-range explosion.

Watching Ghidorah's terrifying body approaching.

A thought flashed through Oka's mind, how does this guy taste.

The three dragon heads exude endless killing intent.

At this moment, a hand suddenly placed on Oka's shoulder.

Oka turned around and found a thin, one-armed man standing behind him.

"Little brother, can you help me take care of this guy?" Jin Si threw Wu Taidou to Oka.

Oka was originally worried about the other party's safety, but when he heard Jin Si's words, he immediately became unhappy.

"I'm a woman."

Jin Si lowered his head and looked at his flat chest.

Then he compared Oka's chest.

"you're lying."

Oka clenched his fists,

Mom, this is a potential stock.

"How old are you?" Jin Si asked again.

"Fourteen years old... I develop slowly."

"Nonsense. You white people generally develop early. I've met several of them who could suffocate me at the age of thirteen or fourteen."


Oka was not stingy with his palm and slapped Jin Si on the face.

And Ghidorah's three heads stared at Jin Si.

It couldn't recognize Jin Si. On the one hand, Jin Si had changed his appearance long ago.

Furthermore, Jin Si’s aura is also different.

But that temperament seemed familiar.

Ghidorah felt that Jin Si's body exuded an inexplicable danger.

"Sir, I think you should run away as soon as possible... maybe you can survive." Oka didn't want to talk nonsense to Jin Si: "This big guy is here for me."

"Little brother, you have a lot of friends. I also know a few Titan monster friends. Let's chat some other time."

"Forget it, let's die together."

Oka obviously didn't notice that Ghidorah didn't kill him for a long time.

When Ghidorah hesitated, he missed his opportunity.

A blue atomic breath bombarded his body.

The true King of Monsters appears. After eating a 10-million-ton nuclear blast, Godzilla becomes thicker, bigger and longer.

The earth-shattering roar announced its arrival.

"Fat boy can't do it. If it were me, I would take advantage of the mistress to fall to the ground and take him away. Fat boy actually succeeded in one move and still pretended to be a bitch."

Oka glanced at Jin Si, and it seemed to make sense.

Sure enough, as soon as Jin Si finished speaking, Ghidorah got up.

Ghidorah's atomic breath didn't cause any trouble.

Two super monsters collided together.

In terms of size, Ghidorah's wingspan reaches 500 meters.

Godzilla is 190 meters tall, and only 240 meters tall including his tail.

Ghidorah weighs 140,000 tons, while Godzilla only weighs 96,000 tons.

But Godzilla has the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat.

Mainly because Godzilla had just eaten and drank enough, and his whole body was full of energy.

At this moment, Wu Taidou, who was still unconscious, suddenly woke up and jumped up.

"Where is this? Why am I here?" Wu Taidou looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Oka: "Did you save me?"

"No, it's that... Huh? Did that person run away?" Oka was also a little distracted. The guy ran so fast that he didn't know when he disappeared.

Wu Taidou did not continue to ask, and looked up at Godzilla and Ghidorah fighting in front of him.

Wu Taidou's face looked a little ugly. In the end, he still couldn't do anything.

At this moment, Mothra also appeared on the stage. He came up with a set of three saliva combos and instantly stuck Ghidorah's three heads to the outer wall of the skyscraper.

Godzilla saw the opportunity and launched a vicious dog attack, pressing Ghidorah to the ground and rubbing it.

Mothra took off again, planning to backstab Ghidorah again.

As a result, it was stabbed in the back by someone else.

Laton, the second- and fifth-year-old boy who had been hiding in the dust, suddenly appeared.

A sonic boom hit Mothra, and he was immediately suspicious of Mothra.

Wu Taidou immediately became worried when he saw Mothra being attacked.

Seeing the Erwuzi attacking Mothra again, Wu Taidou used Qigong Wave without hesitation.

Oka's eyes widened. What happened to that beam of light just now?

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