Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Eight Xiaoji’s Memory Kill

The sudden Qigong wave disrupted Er Wu Zai's rhythm.

Mothra immediately goes up and hits you with a small punch.

Erwuzi was scratched all over by Mothra.

High temperature immediately burst out from Er Wu Zai's body, and the ends of Mothra's wings were ignited.

If you look at their respective skills, Erwuzai is very capable of restraining Mothra.

Putting aside Godzilla and Ghidorah, it completely crushes other Titan monsters in terms of level.

The other Titan monsters below them have more attribute restraints than others.

Mothra's skill is telepathy, which is actually an increase in mental power.

This is also what makes it smarter than other Titan monsters.

The second is paralyzing phosphorus powder and sticky mesh thread. These two skills are restrained by Er Wu Zai.

The high temperature emitted from Erwuzai's body can make the paralyzing phosphorus powder vaporize without being able to get close to it, and the same is true for the sticky mesh thread.

Even Mothra has a hard time getting close to Erwuzi.

Er Wu Zai rushed directly towards Mothra with his hot body.

He pressed it in front of a skyscraper and planned to eat it.

Mothra's physique was originally much smaller than Erwuzi.

Although its wingspan is more than 200 meters, its main body is actually only 30 meters, its height is 15 meters, and its weight is less than 20,000 tons.

The second fifth boy, Laton, has a wingspan of 260 meters, a height of 46 meters, and a weight of 39,000 tons.

Coupled with attribute restraint, Mothra has almost no power to parry.

Moreover, Erwuzai also has a beak with amazing biting and penetrating power.

Erwuzi aimed at Mothra's head and struck it down.

Mothra turned her head to avoid Er Wu Zai's beak.

However, in this suppressed state, the next blow may be fatal.

At this moment, Wu Taidou on the ground behind him fired another qigong cannon.

Interrupting Er Wu Zai's attack rhythm.

Er Wu Zai turned back to look at Wu Tai Dou, who decided to kill this annoying bug first.

At this time, Wu Taidou had fired three qigong cannons in succession, leaving him with no more energy left, and he knelt on the ground weakly.

Oka quickly came up and helped Wu Taidou up.

Wu Taidou pushed Oka away: "Run away."

Er Wu Zai spread his wings and flew towards Wu Tai Dou and Oka.

Jin Si, who had been watching the show in the dark, couldn't stand it anymore.

If he doesn't take action, Mothra and his beloved disciples will really fall to their knees.

Wu Taidou stood up with difficulty and once again gathered his last breath.

But the next moment, Wu Taidou was pulled back by his collar.

Before Wu Taidou could react, he saw Jin Si's back.


"This is an illusion. People always think of the people they respect and miss the most before they die." Jin Si said calmly.

Oka looked at Jin Si in shock: "You didn't run away?"


Jin Si slapped Oka on the forehead.

"Get out of my way kid, stay out of the way."

At this moment, Erwuzai's huge body shrouded themselves in front of them.

It was like a small mountain. Even the largest aircraft currently manufactured by mankind could not compare with the Titan monster in front of him.

Jin Si took a deep breath and roared——

Strengthen the Demonic Ape Roaring Skill!

In an instant, both Wu Taidou and Oka covered their ears.

The overwhelming roar turned into a devastating torrent in front of Jin Si.

Erwuzi had no time to evade, and his huge body had already collided with the rolling torrent that turned into a roar.

Even the Titan monsters couldn't withstand this overwhelming torrent.

Everything he passed was annihilated, whether it was a building or a child.

Erwuzi was in the torrent, and the flesh and blood on his body was almost stripped off.

However, it survived tenaciously. Its whole body was covered in bruises, and a large amount of flesh and blood and the lava covering the surface were peeled off. It looked very tragic.

Ghidorah, who had a hand-to-hand fight with Godzilla, had just picked up a blue buff, a power plant.

In an instant, thousands of thunders struck, reversing the situation.

In fact, Ghidorah has been in a weak state since he woke up.

However, this power plant completed charging it, directly giving him unprecedented strength.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were covered by wild thunder.

Even Godzilla, who was in full condition, was blown away by this violent thunder.

Ghidorah directly released a lightning storm, which seemed to turn the entire city into wasteland.

In fact, downtown Boston has long been reduced to ruins by the battle between Titan monsters.

However, Ghidorah did not pursue Godzilla.

Because it was attracted by Jin Si's whistle.

And in this roar, its bad memory was awakened.

In its hometown, it originally had a happy and happy family.

Its father was once a great hero who destroyed a world, and its mother gave birth to it and two lovely brothers.

Of course, in order to preserve the perfect love of his parents, he ate his two younger brothers.

They even plan to find a living planet together as a family when they grow up, and bring disaster and despair to this planet.

But all this changed after the arrival of the devil.

The demon began to massacre their clan.

The heroic father joined the Ghidorah Peace Corps in order to prevent his home from being destroyed and for world peace.

The picture of his father's bravery that Xiaoji originally expected did not appear.

It saw its father being torn apart by a scream.

Then its mother was beheaded by the demon again and again.

Its world, its home, its people were ravaged by that demon.

It escaped with several dragons of the same age and discussed finding a world to restore the vitality of the group.

Then for this great plan, Xiaoji ate other dragons of the same age.

The conquest of this world begins.

Originally it thought the world was safe.

But now, the nightmare has appeared again!

Ghidorah spread his wings and soared into the sky.

Stop making trouble, among countless universes and countless worlds, there are plenty of worlds for it to live in and conquer.

Why should I fight that nightmare?

Many forces originally thought that Ghidorah would launch a new round of attacks and destruction.

But when they discovered that Ghidorah never looked back, he flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters without any sign of stopping.

Only then did they realize that Ghidorah wasn't trying to make a big move, he was trying to run!

They didn't understand why Ghidorah, who clearly had the upper hand, wanted to run away?

As long as Godzilla is killed, won't he win?

When the other Titan monsters surrender, it can peacefully destroy the world.

Wu Taidou raised his head in surprise, looked at the direction Ghidorah was escaping, and then looked at Jin Si.

He discovered that the world-destroying Titan monster seemed to have escaped after seeing Jin Si.

Jin Si also raised his head and watched Ghidorah escape.

The next moment, Jin Si rose from the ground and rushed into the sky in an instant.

Both Wu Taidou and Oka couldn't help but look up at Jin Si.

Oka turned back and looked at Wu Taidou: "Can people fly?"

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