Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Three Guests

"Casey, are you sure there's a waterfall here?"

"I'm sure."

Several high school students dressed simply, all wearing loose big T-shirts and shorts with perky buttocks.

"I've been here twice. Every time I take a shower under the waterfall, I feel refreshed. It's summer vacation, so I asked you to come with me." Casey said confidently: "That waterfall must be blessed. Passing mountain spring."

Several girls came to the waterfall, although they were all locals.

But I was still surprised by this magnificent waterfall.

"I've been around here before, and I had no idea there was a waterfall here."

Several girls put on bikinis and hurriedly jumped into the pool.

They had no idea that they were on top of the waterfall.

Another man was drooling over them.

These girls are really bold, no... not only bold, but also bold.

What did they eat growing up?

Everyone is so well developed, they are all so fierce!

And since no one else was around, they changed their clothes without restraint.

Jin Si felt that it was great that these girls did not regard him as an outsider.

Unfortunately, happy times are always short-lived.

They played for two hours and then it was over.

Jin Si was very disappointed, so Jin Si decided to leave them to spend the night on the mountain.

"Why did it rain suddenly?"

"Hurry down the mountain, otherwise it will be dangerous."

Casey said worriedly, the rain came out of nowhere.

It rarely rains so heavily here, and it pours down in just ten seconds.

They didn't run a few steps when they discovered that the mountain road had been washed away.

They wanted to call for help, but their phones were soaked in water as soon as they took them out.

And unfortunately,

Everyone’s cell phones were soaked together.

Several girls had no choice but to turn back and find a place to hide from the rain.

I searched for more than ten minutes in the rain.

A wooden house in the forest comes into view.

Several girls rushed into the wooden house without thinking.

Jin Si was waiting for their arrival inside the house.

Four eyes facing each other...wrong, ten eyes.

The four girls faced Jin Si with eight eyes.

"Sorry...sir...we are here to take shelter from the rain."

"Oh, that's it." Jin Si looked at the girls with a smile: "Have you eaten? Do you want to eat something?"

"Thank you, no sir, can I borrow the phone?"

Casey was still a little defensive.

After all, Jin Si was a man, but she was not too nervous.

After all, there are four of them, and Jin Si looks so thin and has only one arm.

"Of course." Jin Si handed the phone to Casey.

Casey answered the phone and found that there was no signal.

"Sir, there is no signal here?"

"If the weather is good, yes. If the weather is bad, I can't help you. You can wait until the rain stops and try again."

The girls had no choice but to hope that the rain would stop.

Then their stomachs began to growl.

"Sir, can you give us something to eat?"

Jinsi had already prepared dinner.

The girls were reserved at first.

But soon he started devouring it.

They are really hungry.

Jin Si looked at the girls: "Have you ever thought about the reasons why I live alone in the wilderness? For example, I might be a murderer."

The girls' expressions froze for a moment, and they looked at Jin Si in shock and horror.

"Maybe I drugged your food."


All four girls began to retching in horror.

"I'm just kidding."

Casey looked at Jin Si in horror: " are indeed joking, right?"

"Of course." Jin Si stood up: "It looks like the rain won't stop tonight. I'm going to prepare a bedroom for you. You don't mind four people crowded into one room tonight, right?"

"do not mind."

Several girls obviously no longer had the relaxed joy they had before.

The look in Jin Si's eyes was filled with fear.

After Jin Si left, they started talking to each other.

"Do you think that person looks like some kind of perverted murderer?"

"I'm not sure, but he must be a bit unsociable living alone in a place far away from people. Such people are probably lonely or have psychological problems."

"Then what do we do now?"

"Let's run now."

As soon as they had eaten and drank enough, the girls couldn't hold back their eagerness to move.

"If we run out at this time, we might die outside." Casey said, "You don't know how cold it is here at night, and it's still raining, so our energy will be exhausted quickly."

At this moment, Jin Si came down with a messy quilt in his arms, and then threw the quilt outside the door.

"I'm cleaning up your room. If you haven't eaten enough, there's still some in the pot."

Several girls looked at each other in confusion. When Cathy saw Jin Si going upstairs again, she immediately ran out the door and checked the quilt.

The quilt looked like it had been through a battle, and there was a pool of blood on it.

Back at the table, the other three girls all stared at Kathy.

"Casey, what did you find?"

"There are blood stains on the sheet, which looks like evidence from a murder scene. Maybe our guess is right. A murder may have occurred in this house."

"Are we going to die here?" A little girl cried softly.

Casey glanced at the stairs again, then trotted to the kitchen, pulled out a knife and hid it.

Not long after, Jin Si came downstairs: "Your bedroom is ready. By the way, if you need it, you can take a hot shower first. Don't be restrained. Just treat it as your own home."

Several girls were so nervous that they exploded.

Everyone followed Jin Si tremblingly.

The bedroom looks pretty neat and clean.

There are some damage and scratches on the walls though.

"Has anyone lived in this room?"

"The room I usually use for keeping pets."

"Do you have pets?"


"Why didn't you see it?" Casey asked.

"I'm afraid they will scare you." Jin Si shrugged and said, "Okay, call me again if you need to. I live in that room."

After Jin Si left, several girls gathered together and then all took out knives to defend themselves.

However, after waiting for a long time, they did not see Jin Si coming.

At night, the rain was still very heavy and there was no sign of stopping.

The other three girls were already tired and fell asleep.

Originally, they agreed that each person would be responsible for guard duty for two hours.

But time has passed, and the three girls slept like dead pigs.

Today they were both having fun and worrying, and they were all very tired.

Casey was also very tired, but at this moment she still managed to gather her energy and take charge of the guard work.

At this moment, Casey saw out the window and downstairs, Jin Si walked out in the rain.

What was this guy doing out on such a rainy day?

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