Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four Aliens

Casey hesitated whether to go out and take a look.

But her mind was filled with the plots of some horror movies.

In the end, Casey gave up the idea of ​​tracking.

She didn't know the terrain at all.

Let’s not talk about how dangerous that man is.

Heavy rain, dense forests, and darkness alone can be fatal.

So Casey thought it was better to stay in the house honestly.

If that man is really a threat to them.

In a house, the chances of winning may be better.

At least, there were four of them.

However, Casey still took advantage of Jin Si to go out and find more things that could be used as weapons.

For example, iron rods, ropes, or tools such as iron pliers.

And these things also made Casey more certain that Jin Si was not a good person.

After all, everything here is too complete.

It's hard not to suspect that these things are used to torture people.

There were still some blood stains on these tools.

An hour later, Jin Si came back from outside.

Casey found that under the night, the man's clothes were stained with blood.

Although the rain washed away a lot of it, Casey still saw blood stains when he came to the light in front of the eaves.

Dong dong dong——

Casey listened to the footsteps outside the door and unconsciously clenched the iron rod in his hand.

It's a pity that the plot she expected didn't happen.

She hid behind the door for a long time and didn't wait for Jinsi to come.

When she was expecting Jin Si to come in, she hit him with a hammer.

At this moment, Jin Si's voice suddenly came from the window.

"Miss Casey, what are you doing behind the door?"

"Huh?" Casey almost peed with fright.

Her legs were weak and she nestled behind the door, looking at Jin Si who suddenly appeared outside the window in horror.



Jin Si's smile looked particularly terrifying amidst the lightning and thunder.

"It's time to rest, don't think about it all day." Jin Si left the window sill.

Casey breathed a sigh of relief though.

However, he did not relax his vigilance because of Jin Si's words.

I stayed up all night and waited until early the next morning when the rain stopped.

Casey took the three girls and rushed down the mountain.

"Really, I didn't even eat breakfast."

Although I know it may be a misunderstanding.

However, she still felt that Jin Si was quite abnormal.

A person lives deep in that kind of mountain forest.

Moreover, running out alone on a rainy night and coming back covered in blood would make everyone think wrong.

After returning to the town, the four girls all let out a long breath.

After returning home, Cathy was scolded by her parents.

After all, the underage girl didn't come home all night, so Casey's parents immediately called the police.

Casey explained that he and his classmates were trapped in the forest.

Her parents were relieved. Laomei's parents were also worried that their children were fooling around outside.

Just then, Casey's brother ran in.

"Daddy, Mommy, Casey, come out and watch the flying saucers."

Casey is quite envious of this younger brother who is only seven or eight years old.

At least when he was his age, he would no longer say such stupid things.

However, her parents still cooperated and left the house.

But when they stood in the yard, the two of them kept looking up at the sky.

Kathy walked out of the house, and then her eyes glazed over.

Over the distant city, a huge celestial body appeared, many times larger than the city.

It was like a city standing above the clouds, so majestic and shocking.

In the following days, the so-called alien spacecraft became the front page headlines of all media.

All news pages are devoted to introducing the aircraft from extraterrestrial civilization.

For humans, this is a carnival.

Although a small number of people suggest that aliens do not come with good intentions.

But the vast majority of people still have an optimistic attitude.

People on the streets are also talking about this spacecraft from other civilizations.

Casey was not very interested in spaceships.

In the first two days, I discussed aliens with my classmates.

Then I lost interest.

Casey was bored at home and went out shopping alone.

I happened to see Jin Si walking with a big white dog.

"Hi, sir." Casey greeted proactively.

"Hi, your name is Kathy, right? Or Miss Brainstorm."

Casey felt a little embarrassed and immediately changed the subject: "So you really have a pet."

"Everything I said that day was true. I don't understand how I made you think that I would be a perverted murderer."

"The quilt you threw out of the house had blood stains on it."

"It belongs to it. It was left behind after a fight with another pet."

"Okay, I misunderstood you. I'll let you eat the ice cream." Casey apologized proactively.

"I need to rush to the supermarket to go shopping, and I don't have time." Jin Si said.

"The supermarkets in town are open."

"I'm afraid if it's too late, the end of the world will come."

Casey looked at Jin Si and then at the alien body in the sky.

"Are you also a supporter of the alien invasion theory?"

"I'm not a supporter of anyone. I only believe in the facts I feel. I think you and your family should quickly prepare some doomsday supplies."

"If they really had malicious intentions towards humans, they would have launched an attack long ago instead of just hanging in the air."

"Do you think they haven't taken action?" Jin Si looked at Casey.

"You want to say that their attack has already started, but humans didn't notice it, right?"

"Smart." Jin Si snapped his fingers.

"Then how did the aliens attack?"

"There are already their compatriots among humans."

"Is this your guess?"

"This is not speculation, this is fact."

"Well, it seems you don't quite believe me, so I still need to prepare for the end. Goodbye."

Although Cathy didn't believe what Jin Si said, her heart was still full of worry.

If those aliens really came with malicious intentions.

So how do humans fight against those aliens?

Can mankind's current technological level really defeat that group of aliens capable of interstellar navigation?

The next ten days were still calm.

The aliens did not launch a substantial attack.

But there has been no contact with human governments.

All mankind does not understand what these aliens are here to do.

An uneasy feeling began to spread.

The initially optimistic part of humanity has begun to realize something.

The summer vacation is over, but school has not started.

Casey was bored and met Jin Si again on the street.

She saw Jin Si pushing a shopping cart on the street, which was filled with various supplies.

"Hi, sir." Casey stepped forward: "Are you preparing doomsday supplies again?"

"Get ready early, the official alien attack is about to begin."

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