Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and fifty-five You emptied the supermarket?

Although Cathy has always been uneasy, she is just a high school girl and can't do anything.

On the way home, a car suddenly lost control and rushed towards her.

Casey was so frightened that he ran away and the car hit the side of the road.

Casey was about to step forward to curse, but found that the driver was dead.

He quickly took out his phone to call the police.

But she found that the phone could not be turned on.

At this moment, a plane crashed just over the town.

Just a few hundred meters ahead of Casey.

Casey was startled, and then one car after another on the road lost control.

Everyone is panicking.

No one knows what happened.

Casey suddenly looked towards the alien body that had been hovering in the air in the distance.

It's an alien! It's an alien attack!

Casey ran home quickly.

My parents and younger brother are all at home.

Casey breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Casey discovered that all electronic equipment could not be used.

Soon after, a police officer came to the community where Casey lived to make an announcement.

Now the whole country, and even the whole world, has lost communications.

Human beings lost control of the world almost instantly.

The civilization established by human beings has also returned to its original level in an instant.

Modern society is collapsing. In front of aliens, human beings are as weak as babies who are unable to fight back.

What Casey is even more worried about is that the alien attack will not be just one wave.

The town where Casey is located is not bad. After all, the town is not big and the population is not large. Everyone can see each other without looking up.

Although chaos also occurred, it was not serious.

The police are still maintaining order.

But in the city,

It has already been reduced to hell.

Breaking, smashing and looting are all basic operations.

Even now no message can be transmitted from the city.

But from the smoke rising over the city, we knew that the city was in complete chaos.

Being in a city is far more dangerous now than in a small town.

Casey's family has been hiding at home these days, afraid to go out.

But as the food at home gradually ran out.

They have to go to the supermarket to buy it.

But at this time, supermarkets have long lost their role as a supermarket.

But they arrived too late, the supermarket had already been emptied.

Everyone is worried.

After all, food is the hard currency of this era.

Without food, they cannot survive.

Casey suddenly thought of Jin Si.

"Dad, Mom, you take Sam home first. I know where there is food."

"You know?" Both parents expressed doubts about Casey's words.

Casey ran away without looking back.

Although the parents were worried about Cathy, Cathy ran too fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Casey ran to the mountains where Jin Si lived.

After some searching, I finally arrived at Jin Si’s residence.

But when she saw the mountains of supplies piled outside Jin Si's residence.

Casey's eyes were shining.

Is this guy the one who emptied the supermarket?

How did he do it alone?

Casey glanced around crookedly.

No sign of Jin Si was seen, and then Casey focused on the box of bread.

All she could take with her was this box of bread.

As soon as Casey picked up the bread, he saw Jin Si coming back with the big white dog.

Casey stood there awkwardly.

"Um... hello, sir."

"Kathy, stealing is not a good habit."

"Sir, there is no food at home. My brother has not eaten all day. I think... I want to ask you to help us."

"Sorry, no, after all, it's the end of the world now, and I need to stock up on food."

"Sir, please help me." Casey was about to cry.

"I warned you before, but you didn't believe me."

Kathy lowered her head. She had tentatively told her parents about her guesses and emergency preparations before.

However, both parents felt that since the aliens did not attack, they most likely had good intentions.

So there is no need to waste this money hoarding supplies.

The result is now dumbfounded.

"Sir, if you don't help me, then I will go to the town and spread the news that you have a lot of supplies here. You know everyone in the town is short of supplies now."

"It seems that you are forcing me to silence you." Jin Si looked at Casey sinisterly.

Casey turned pale with fright. She almost forgot that since the incident, at least ten people have died every day in the town.

In the apocalypse, the law has completely lost its effectiveness.

Casey looked at Jin Si and then at the piles of supplies.

Casey's eyes showed a look of determination, he stepped forward and reached out to take it out.

"As long as you are willing to help me, I am willing to pay any price."

Jin Si was so frightened that he quickly stepped back: "I'm not that kind of person."

Casey was no longer afraid at this time, and approached Jin Si with a sneer: "Don't lie, I know your look. There are too many boys in school who look at me with the same look as you."

It is impossible to say that Casey fell in love with Jinsi.

For her, morality and love are not important now.

Only the survival of yourself and your family is the most important.

Casey put his arms around Jin Si's neck.

"Admit it, you are no different from those boys."

"No, my skills are much better than theirs." Jin Si directly put Casey on his shoulders and walked into the house.

Jinsi actually refused, but it smells so good.

If you see red today, you should not work too hard.

Casey's face was still stained with tears.

Jin Si pushed a shopping cart of food to Casey.

When Kathy saw the entire shopping cart, she immediately felt relieved.

"Can you go back with me?"

Casey really had no intention of taking Jin Si to meet his parents.

The point is, this one shopping cart thing goes to town.

She might be torn to pieces by all the jealous people.

In the past few days, the town could barely maintain law and order.

But as everyone’s food and drink at home ran out.

Now everyone's moral level is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Casey even suspected that within a few days, there might be an incident of cannibalism.

"梼杌, please send her off."

"You send me a dog? What can it do?"

Although the Tao Tzu is very big, even bigger than most large dogs.

But Cathy didn't think a dog could keep herself and her food safe.

After all, guns still work today, and almost every household has one.

"It eats people." Jin Si said.

Casey didn't believe it. This big white dog looked innocent and didn't look like a dog that could bite.

"You squeezed too much energy out of me just now, and now my legs are weak."

Casey blushed and gritted his teeth. How about finding a chance to kill him and inherit his inheritance.

Cathy saw that Jin Si was unwilling to send her down the mountain, so she could only wait for it to get dark before pushing the shopping cart and taking Yongzhu down the mountain.

I hope the night can be safer.

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