Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty - Constant self-improvement

The reason why Casey's father wanted to take his family to join the resistance.

Mainly, I still have the idea of ​​​​beating the mandarin ducks.

No matter how you look at it, your precious daughter is not worthy of Jin Si.

Casey also intends to leave Jin Si's side.

Because she always felt that her relationship with Jin Si was a bit awkward.

If they can go further, they can get along more harmoniously.

But she could feel that Jin Si was just lusting after her body.

She doesn't want it to be a deal every time.

After all, she was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and she still longed for love in her heart.

So she felt that she should withdraw decisively.

Even if he doesn't rely on Jin Si, he can survive.

With the bicycles prepared by Jinsi for them, the family took their backpacks and rode the bicycles on the road.

After ten days of journey, they finally arrived at the survivor camp.

But what disappointed Kathy's family.

The number of people in this survivor camp is just over two hundred.

Moreover, supplies were extremely scarce, and even the supplies brought by Casey's family themselves were confiscated.

It is also known as overall planning and management.

And their weapons are also very limited.

Just dozens of automatic rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

With weapons and equipment like this, let alone fighting aliens.

Might not even be able to support a shootout.

But this is the path that Casey's family chose.

I can only stay here with tears in my eyes.

Fortunately, although the conditions here are not good, they are not as chaotic as outside.

Along the way, their family had encountered people with no moral bottom line several times.

In the survivor camp, everyone still abides by the basic moral bottom line.


Can we go back to Kim? Nothing good here. "Sam still has a good impression of his brother-in-law, a temporary worker who did not sign a contract.

Especially in this extreme environment and current situation.

The survivors’ camp did not have enough food, clothing or warmth, nor did they sleep well.

Moreover, children of Sam's age don't even have any entertainment projects.

At Jin Si's place, at least there was Yaozhu who could play with him.

Casey's face was a little stiff.

She also felt a little regretful, she was so stubborn.

Staying with Jinsi is delicious, delicious, and safe.

There's nothing wrong with that.

It's almost dirty here now.

Every day is precarious.

The food allocated to their family every day may be enough for the father to feed himself.

But now it has to be divided into four people's portions.

My parents have not been in good spirits recently.

This is especially true for Kathy and Sam.

They are still developing and their bodies require no less nutrients than adults.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the distance.

Then several school buses and a convoy of military vehicles appeared outside the survivor camp.

Both Casey and Sam stood up and looked at the soldiers who broke into the camp.

Others also looked at these soldiers.

What also surprised them was that these soldiers' cars could start.

Does that mean that humanity's counterattack is about to begin?

A strong man jumped out of the military vehicle and took the lead towards the leader of the camp.

"I'm Colonel Voss."

"Hello, Colonel Voss, are you here to help us?"

"Yes, but before that, I need to transport all the children under the age of twenty in the camp."


"The fifth wave of alien attacks has arrived. The fifth wave of attacks will be that they lurk in human bodies and want to use parasitized humans to eliminate normal humans. Children under the age of twenty have antibodies. , Aliens cannot be parasitized, so they can be taken away first. As for the adults..." Colonel Voss looked at the camp leader in front of him: "We need to screen out whether any of you have been parasitized by aliens."

The camp leader thought for a while and nodded in agreement with Colonel Voss's request.

What Colonel Voss said makes sense.

If it were him, he would probably make the same choice.

Children who are not likely to be parasitized are removed first.

Then find the parasitized person among the adults.

This can also put children in danger.

Soon, Casey and Sam were also arranged to be put on the school bus.

"Where's my teddy bear? Casey, have you seen my teddy bear?"

"Maybe it's in the room. I'll get it." Casey got out of the car.

I happened to see military personnel gathering adults in a warehouse.

Casey hid outside the warehouse and saw the scene inside through the crack in the door.

At this time, there seemed to be a fierce quarrel between the two parties.

The next moment, the military men launched an attack on these adults.

Almost instantly, more than a hundred adults were staggered by a dozen machine guns.

Casey covered his mouth, tears already blurring his eyes.

Both parents were in the warehouse, but they were silent at this moment.

These soldiers are definitely not kind!

Casey suddenly remembered Sam on the school bus.

Casey quickly turned around and rushed in the direction of the school bus.

But at this moment, the school bus started driving out of the camp.

Casey can't catch the school bus.

At this moment, Casey lost the ability to think.

Her parents were killed in front of her eyes, and her younger brother was taken away by a group of malicious men.

Casey fell to his knees in despair.

This mood lasted for a long time until night fell.

Casey then recovered.

Now she just wants Sam back.

Casey remembered that there seemed to be a military base nearby, a hundred kilometers away from here.

Casey decided to go over and see if maybe these soldiers were from that military base.

At this moment, Casey's mind was still a little unclear.

After all, normal people should know that as a girl, even if she found a military base and found those soldiers, she would not be able to fight them.

Casey actually thought about asking Jin Si for help.

But subconsciously, he rejected this idea.

He was so cool when he left.

It's only been a few months now and I've gone back in despair. What does that mean?

Casey is determined to rescue Sam on his own.

She was also well prepared and headed to the military base on foot.

And we have a perfect plan, one step at a time.

Casey came to a road where she found the bodies of a large number of civilians.

And these corpses did not suffer from disasters, nor did they die from being infected with the virus.

They were all shot, all of them.

This made Casey feel a little uneasy.

At this moment, blood suddenly bloomed from Casey's thigh.

Casey's whole body was spinning and rolled to the side of the road.

When Casey woke up again, he found himself in a room.

A handsome guy walked in.

Well, it's my favorite type.

But Casey couldn't help but compare Jin Si with this handsome guy.

I feel like this handsome guy is better than Jin Si in every aspect.

How about giving Jin Si a hat?

He will be very angry, right?

Just to make him angry, who asked him to be indifferent to her.

I can live well without him.

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