Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-One Licking Dog

"Who are you?" Casey looked at the handsome guy in front of him warily.

"I'm Alvin Walker. I saw you passed out on the roadside and suffered a gunshot wound."

Casey and for you because the other person saved yourself and let your guard down.

However, the pain in her thigh made her extremely aggrieved.

What is that bitch doing now?

Will he find a new love?

Casey regretted a little, why should he be stubborn.

There is nothing wrong with staying with Jin Si.

If he had stayed with Jin Si, his parents would not have been killed and Sam would not have been taken away.

The more Cathy thought about it, the sadder she became.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine..." Casey missed Jin Si more and more, which made her feel even more depressed.

"Are you really okay?"

"Do you know if there is a military base near here?"

"What are you doing at the military base?" Alvin Walker asked.

"A group of soldiers took my brother away. They killed my parents and I was worried about my brother's safety."

"You can't defeat them." Alvin Walker's eyes flickered vaguely and he said meaningfully.

"Are there many of them?"

"You are just a girl." Alvin Walker said.

Kathy lowered her head and thought. She had actually realized this problem for a long time.

It's just that I have been deliberately avoiding it.

Casey recalled what Jin Si had said.

That group of soldiers was probably aliens pretending to be aliens.

They have access to transportation after all.

If they were really government soldiers, they would not be able to kill civilians at will.

Casey finally made up his mind to find Jin Si.

Sure enough, we still have to face reality.

Now the only person Casey can think of is Jin Si.

Maybe that bitch has this ability.

Casey stayed at Alvin Walker's house for a few days to recover from his injuries.

Casey noticed that Alvin Walker looked at him unnaturally.

It was like the way I looked at the male idol in school.

However, at this moment, Casey only thought about Jin Si.

"Evan, I'm leaving."

"You're going to that military base? You should know that you have no chance of winning."

"I'm going to find help."

"Help? Do you have any help?"

"have it."

Casey didn't know if Jin Si could help.

The key is Jin Si's unconventional character.

It would be great if Jin Si could be a licking dog like Alvin Walker.

"You haven't fully recovered from your injury yet," Alvin Walker said.

"I don't have time to waste here."

Regardless of Alvin Walker's obstruction, Casey insisted on leaving here.

"I'm with you." Alvin Walker finally made up his mind to protect Casey.

But Casey was not moved by Alvin Walker.

As a scumbag, her thought was...whether the appearance of Alvin Walker would make Jin Si unhappy.

But considering the dangers on the road, who knows where another black gun might pop up.

So Casey accepted the licking dog.

That night, the two stayed overnight in the woods.

Cathy suddenly heard noisy footsteps in the woods.

Casey woke up immediately and found that Alvin Walker had already gotten up and rushed into the woods.

Casey chased after him and saw several people appearing in front of Alvin Walker.

And Alvin Walker obviously knows those people.

"Evan Walker, you have left your standby range."

Alvin Walker faced the people on the other side with a solemn face: "Listen, put down the gun and leave here. I don't want to conflict with you."

The other party obviously did not intend to obey Alvin Walker's orders.

I don’t know who fired the first shot.

The two sides began to fight.

Cathy has been hiding in the shadows.

Although she also wanted to join the war, she found that this battle was not something she could intervene in.

Both Alvin Walker and the other party showed amazing fighting power.

The speed of both sides was so amazing that Casey could only hide under the tree pole to avoid it.

Casey felt that these people were superhuman.

The same goes for Alvin Walker.

I saw Alvin Walker smashing a man's shoulder with a punch, and his fist hit the tree pole behind him, leaving a shocking punch mark on the tree pole.

Casey has realized that Alvin Walker is not human.

She was so frightened that she rolled and crawled away from the battlefield, not daring to stay here for a moment.

After running for more than ten minutes, Casey was finally too tired to run anymore and hid in the dark to catch his breath.

Suddenly, Alvin Walker jumped out of the darkness.

Casey quickly pointed the gun at Alvin Walker.

"do not come!"

"Kathy, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it long ago." Alvin Walker said with his hands raised.

"You are not human!" Casey said firmly.

The extraordinary fighting method just now is definitely not something humans can do.

Alvin Walker was heartbroken, being held at gunpoint by his goddess.

"Are you a foreign body!?"

"I am a human being." Alvin Walker replied.

"How could a human being do that?"

"I was created by them, using humans and their genes." Alvin Walker replied: "It wasn't until they arrived that I was activated, and so were those others."

Alvin Walker decided to have a frank communication with Casey and no longer hide anything.

"They feel that feelings are redundant. Apart from fearless communication, they will only waste their energy. I was also instilled with this knowledge. Until I met you, I found that they were wrong. I fell in love with you. The protective mechanism they had on me also failed."

Alvin Walker slowly approached Casey, trying to exchange his sincerity for Casey's trust.

But at this time, Casey was too frightened, turned around and ran into the darkness.

But how could she possibly outrun Alvin Walker.

Soon, Alvin Walker appeared behind Casey again.

Casey was so frightened that he raised his gun again.

"Kathy, I know that nothing I say now will help, but in your current state, it is difficult to leave this area. They are everywhere here." Ivan Walker said: "Even if you don't trust me, at least let me Send you out of this area."

Licking Dog thinks, I still have a role to play.

Casey finally put down the gun.

Reluctantly accepted Alvin Walker's words.

In the following days, Alvin Walker clearly felt the distance between Casey and him.

Alvin Walker felt that his persistence would definitely impress Casey.

And he also felt that as time passed, Casey's expression became more and more expectant and excited.

This made him feel something vaguely.

Until the two came to the foot of a mountain.

Regardless of fatigue, Casey ran straight up the mountain.

Alvin Walker followed closely behind.

Not long after arriving at the cabin at the top of the mountain, Casey stopped again.

After hesitating for a while, Casey opened the door and went in, and then...she saw Jin Si lying on the sofa, holding an adult magazine in his hand.

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