Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and sixty-two fighting for love

Jin Si raised his head in astonishment and stuffed the magazine into the gap of the sofa.

"Kathy...why are you here? You didn't even tell me in advance."

At this moment, Casey felt more wronged than ever before.

They rushed up to tear, beat and scold Jin Si.

"I'm going through life and death outside, and you're reading seqing magazine at home?"

"Don't fight...don't fight..."

Alvin Walker felt that his world view had collapsed.

Is this Casey's lover?

I crush this guy in every aspect.

Why can this guy get Casey's love?

Jin Si is also very depressed. I have offended someone.

I just take advantage of my free time and can't carry out practical operations. At least I can recharge myself and enhance my theoretical knowledge.

I haven't done anything evil.

Anyway, Jin Si didn’t know why Casey was crazy.

However, Jin Si decided to use his ultimate move.

He put his arms around Casey's waist and kissed her passionately.

Anyway, this is how it is played in movies and TV series.

Women generally cannot resist such a passionate kiss.

Then...Jin Si screamed and ran away, covering his mouth.

Alvin Walker felt heartbroken because his goddess was kissed by another man.

However, after beating and scolding Jin Si, Casey's resentment was almost vented.

Jin Si looked at Alvin Walker at the door: "Brother, can you step aside? Casey and I have something to say."

Casey's face turned red and he lowered his head.

Alvin Walker felt his heart bleed as he listened to the screams in the house.

This is definitely the most terrifying mental pollution. In the end, Alvin Walker could only hide far away to keep his ears clear.

Until the evening,

Alvin Walker just returned to the cabin.

What makes him a little strange is that electricity can be used normally in this house.

Jin Si and Cathy were having a barbecue in front of the house.

When Jin Si saw Alvin Walker arriving, he nodded slightly as a greeting.

As a senior dog licker, Jin Si certainly understands what Alvin Walker's look means.

As a man from Casey, Jin Si should have hated Alvin Walker deeply.

But when he thought that he could become the envy of other licking dogs, Jin Si felt satisfied again.

"Jin, Sam was taken away by a group of soldiers. Can you think of a way to rescue him?" Casey looked at Jin Si with pleading eyes.

"Do you know the specific location?" Jin Si asked.

Casey looked at Alvin Walker again, and Alvin Walker said: "At the North Carolina military base, they brainwash minors and then tell them some false information to make them kill each other with humans."

"You are not a human being, are you? Or not a pure human being." Jin Si felt that Alvin Walker's aura was somewhat different from that of humans, but the difference was not big.

"I am a genetically created hybrid of humans and aliens."

Casey hopes that Jin Si will be shocked and lose his composure, and then lose points in Casey's mind.

It's a pity that Jin Si just nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Jin Si thought for a moment and said, "As long as Sam is still alive, it won't be difficult to rescue him."

Cathy was overjoyed when she heard what Jin Si said.

But Alvin Walker is not so optimistic.

"Sir, there are more than three thousand military armed personnel in that military base, many of them are like me, and those children have also been brainwashed by them, and they are also equipped with many weapons that are not found on earth. If you want to capture that military base, at least There must be at least three times more troops.”

When Casey heard this, his mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

Apparently, the situation was more serious than she thought.

Originally, she thought that the enemies were the people she had seen before.

But now after listening to Alvin Walker's words, she finally realized it.

The enemy is far more powerful than they can match.

Jin Si looked at Alvin Walker: "Is there any way you can get back to that spaceship in the sky?"

"I can go back, but I have left my standby range, have been listed as a battle damage target, and have lost the authority to return to the spacecraft."

Alvin Walker didn't understand Jin Si's intention.

Aren't they discussing how to save Casey's brother?

Why did it get involved in the spaceship?

"Is there a way to get into the ship?"

Alvin Walker lowered his head and pondered, and couldn't help but glance at Casey.

"The alien body will go through a series of inspections, select some children, and then bring them back to the spacecraft."

"What are you taking back?" Casey asked.

"Extract their genes, obtain excellent genetic essence, and then cultivate better offspring. This is how aliens are. Every time they arrive on a planet, they will obtain excellent genes in this way. Over the past millions of years, they have Hundreds of advanced civilizations were destroyed by them."

Jin Si put his hands on Casey's shoulders: "Honey, can you do me a favor?"

"You want me to get into that ship?"

"Honey, you are so smart."

"No! This is too dangerous!" Alvin Walker was the first to jump out and object.

Casey, please recognize this man, this despicable guy, he doesn't care about your safety at all.

Please see clearly who is good to you.

"What about Sam?" Casey stared at Jin Si.

"Sam will be rescued safe and sound," Jin Si said.

"you promise?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"Casey, you can't listen to him. You don't understand what this means. There are powerful beings in the spacecraft that humans cannot compete with."

But no matter how Alvin Walker tried to persuade him, Casey always had a determined expression on his face.

"Kathy, even if you agree, you won't be able to pass the alien body test. The chance is one in a million, and you can't just pass the alien body test casually."

Casey looked at Jin Si, who said gently: "Don't worry, I have a way for you to pass the test, and don't worry, I love you so much, how can I let you die, I will ensure your safety."

Casey rolled his eyes. Do you really think I don’t know your character?

It’s only when I’m old enough that I say I love you.

But it was Jin Si who took the initiative to speak.

Casey accepted Jin Si's request.

"how should I do?"

Jin Si thought for a while and looked at Alvin Walker again.

Jin Si didn't know what the situation was like at that military base.

So I still have to ask Alvin Walker for details on how to operate.

Alvin Walker was very unhappy with Jin Si's behavior.

Of course he didn't want to help Jin Si.

However, he couldn't stand the look in the goddess's eyes.

Alvin Walker sighed: "Casey can easily enter the base, because the alien base will continuously collect human children from various places and send them to the base for training and testing, so as long as they enter the base's monitoring range, they will definitely Will bring Casey into the base.”

"Thank you very much, Mr. Walker. By the way, you have been on your way for a day. I have prepared an empty room for you. Casey and I will go out for a walk."

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