Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and sixty-four new humans

"Sam." Casey ran up and grabbed Sam.

"Are you...Casey?" Parrish looked at Casey in surprise.

He also remembered Kathy, but there was nothing he could do about it, Kathy was the campus goddess after all.

And he is the school boy, so there will always be times when we meet.

However, the two of them are not classmates, so they don't have much interaction.

And later Parrish moved and transferred to another school.

Parrish takes special care of Sam at the base, but he doesn't know that Sam is Casey's brother.

"Kathy, it's great that you came. After that day, you, your father, and your mother disappeared." Sam exclaimed in surprise.

Casey's expression darkened when he heard Sam talking about mom and dad.

"Sam, come with me and I'll have a few words with you."

Casey took Sam to the corner and looked around to make sure no one was around.

Then he said: "Father and mother are dead."

Sam's entire body fell from heaven to hell.

"How is it possible...aren't you with your father and mother? How could they die?"

Seeing that Sam couldn't control his emotions, he was about to scream.

Casey quickly covered Sam's mouth: "Did you have anything implanted in the back of your neck?"

Sam nodded, and Casey said: "Listen now, we are all in danger. All the soldiers and officers in this base are aliens pretending to be aliens. They want to control us and kill us." Ordinary people.”

Sam's face was full of shock, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

After all, he only had enough food here.

Although the training is very hard, at least there is no need to endure hunger.

So I instinctively didn't want to believe what Casey said.

"They were the ones who killed father and mother." Casey lowered his voice and said.

Sam clenched his little fists and couldn't stop the tears from flowing out.

"You prepare in the next two days, and we will find a chance to escape.

"Kathy whispered: "Don't tell anyone before then. "

Casey looked worriedly at Sam's uncontrollable tears.

I couldn't help but feel worried.

She already regretted telling Sam the truth so recklessly.

Sam is still young and may not be able to hide secrets.

Just as Casey feared, Sam became distracted during the subsequent training.

Casey didn't notice that several people were watching her.

In the second-floor aisle at the edge of the training ground, Colonel Voss and the female military doctor stood there.

"Sir, that's the girl. After a physical examination, a genetic examination, and two blood tests, we found that her body has a slight genetic mutation. The specific cause of the mutation is unknown. Her physical fitness is 2.3 times that of ordinary girls of the same age. In all aspects Her qualities are between 2 and 4 times that of girls of the same age, and her genetic sequence is extremely good. She has the best genetic sequence found among people on earth so far. She is likely to be a naturally occurring new evolutionary human. "

In the cognition of heterogeneous races, the evolution of a group begins with the emergence of an outstanding individual.

Then the offspring of this individual inherit the excellent genetic sequence, and then continue to spread their own genes because of their own excellence, eventually replacing the old genes.

This is also in line with the development trend of natural laws.

In their eyes, Casey is this outstanding individual.

"How many humans are there currently who meet the criteria?"

"There are eight already, nine with the girl."

"Then when the next dimension fluctuates, bring nine of them back to the mothership. You don't have to wait to gather ten people."

Because of their technical limitations, it takes a specific amount of time for them to enter and exit the space gap.

Normally, they would only send back once they have collected at least ten gene candidates.

In view of Cathy's excellent genes, Colonel Voss felt that her value alone was far greater than that of several other genetic candidates.

Being able to obtain a genetic sample to evolve a new human may be more precious than a million candidates.

In the training ground, Parrish frowned slightly and glanced at Sam beside him.

"Sam, train seriously. This will help you survive longer on the battlefield."

Parrish has his own small group, and because of his outstanding performance, he is the leader of this small group.

Maybe it's because Sam is too young.

And also because of their roommates.

Parrish always took good care of Sam.

But he didn't like Sam's current distracted state.

He guessed it was because Sam was too happy to see his sister.

This is certainly something to be happy about, but this is not the reason for his absent-mindedness.

That night, Sam returned to his dormitory.

Parrish walked in.

Sam didn't dare to meet Parrish's eyes as if he had done something wrong.

"Sam, I don't want you to be a burden to our team, do you understand what I mean?"

Sam hesitated for a long time and finally made a decision: "Parrish, I have something to tell you."

"Are you going to apologize to me?"

"No, it's another thing." Sam's expression was still complicated.

Parrish thought Sam was trying to say something emotional or something.

But what Sam said next began to overturn Parrish's cognition.

Even his re-established world view.

Sam told Casey the purpose of coming here.

Parrish was silent for a long time. He was not the kind of person without any opinion.

In fact, in the original plot of the fifth wave, he was the first person to discover the problem.

He began to reflect, and in fact, something abnormal had already been revealed.

It's just that Sam has pointed it out now.

For example, those soldiers asked them as children to take up arms.

Even if they have antibodies, it is impossible for children like them to fight against aliens.

This is obviously illogical. There is no doubt that the combat effectiveness of adults far exceeds that of minors.

So Parrish has now accepted the fact that the soldiers in the base are aliens, and the aliens want to use these children to kill each other with humans.

Parrish asked more questions, and Sam told Parrish everything he had heard from Casey.

"What are your sister's plans?"

"She didn't say anything. She just told me to be prepared and prepare to escape from here in a few days."

Parrish thought for a moment if what Sam said was true.

Then he can't still be here.

So he needed to check with Casey again.

The other is my own small group, now that I know about it.

Then this must be explained to them.

And take them to escape from this devil's cave together.

The next day, taking advantage of the break, Parrish took Sam to find Casey.

When Casey saw Sam coming with Parrish, he immediately slapped his forehead: "I knew this little bastard would tell the secret."

"What secret? Casey, we are best friends, what secret do you hide?" Rachel asked beside her.

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