Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and sixty-five discovered

"Kathy, I have something to tell you."

"I don't have time." Casey complained a little that his brother couldn't bear secrets.

And she didn't want Rachel around her to know.

This guy is a big mouth, and they have only been together for two days.

Kathy already knew her age, birthday, height, measurements, crush, the time of her first period... and what she had dreamed about last night.

With this mouth, even stitches can't stop her noise.

However, Rachel is a piece of shit, and Kathy can't get rid of her.

And Parrish was determined to talk to Casey this time.

After all, this kind of thing is very important, and Sam is too young, so he is afraid that something will be missed.

You can't get rid of Rachel, and you can't get rid of Parrish.

Casey was afraid of attracting more people's attention, so he could only find a place where no one was around.

Several people got together and talked things out.

Rachel was so frightened that she couldn't speak for a long time, and Parrish also learned more detailed truth from Casey.

"Casey, what are your plans now?"

Casey was silent, and everyone thought that Casey was unwilling to reveal the plan.

Actually...Casey had no plan at all.

She didn't know what Jin Si's plan was.

She just got excited and agreed to Jin Si's request.

But she still believed in Jin Si.

Anyway, just believe it.

She is now a woman in love, and she is forced to lose her wits.

"Casey, don't you trust us?"

"There will be someone outside to pick me up," Casey said.

"So what exactly are your companions' plans?"

Casey fell silent again. Who am I asking?

Casey began to wonder how Jin Si would take Sam out.

After thinking for a long time, she only thought of that unreliable face.

Think about it, you are going through life and death outside.

The group was at home holding adult magazines and reviewing old stories and learning new things.

Can such a person be trusted?

"You still don't trust us?" Parrish asked.

Casey felt very tired. It wasn't that he didn't trust Parrish, but that he didn't trust Jin Si.

"You can think about it." Parrish also knew that he couldn't force Casey.

Unless he reports on Casey, but since he chooses to believe Casey's words.

That meant he had no choice.

"Parrish." Colonel Voss found Parrish.

A dark look flashed in Parrish's eyes.

After realizing the true face of the other party, Parrish was obviously no longer able to face Colonel Voss as calmly as before.

Originally, Colonel Voss was his savior.

When he was living abroad, his parents were infected with the virus and died one after another.

And he was almost served to the dinner table.

Fortunately, Colonel Voss showed up in time.

Freed him.

Parrish has always regarded Colonel Voss as his savior and idol.

But now he could no longer be grateful to Colonel Voss.

Some things are most afraid of being exposed.

Colonel Voss did not notice the change in Parrish's attitude.

"You and your team have been training here for almost half a year, and now there is a mission that you and your team need to perform."

"What mission?"

"A group of infected people were found in the city. Your mission is to eliminate them."

Parrish hesitated. After all, he now understood that the so-called infected people were actually ordinary people.

And let them perform the task, which is to massacre ordinary people.

Colonel Voss saw Parrish's hesitation and thought he hadn't changed his mind yet.

Then he said: "Parrish, your training results in the base are among the best. The only thing you lack now is actual combat. This mission is not difficult, and it will be a test for you and your team members."

Parrish raised his head and said, "I understand, sir. I accept this mission."

Now is obviously not the time to fall out.

And this time might not be an opportunity to take people to escape.

"Very good, then you and your team members should prepare and start taking action tonight."

Under darkness, Parrish and his team members disembarked from the transport plane.

No matter how good they are in training at the base, it cannot change the fact that they are still children.

In addition to Parrish's excellent psychological quality, there is only another female team member Ruien who is comparable to him.

As for the other team members, they basically all have the mindset of children.

Sam is the youngest in the team and just celebrated his ninth birthday.

The other girl is one year older than Sam, and her mental quality may not be as good as Sam's.

I can't imagine what it would be like to send these children of this age to the battlefield.

After the transport plane left, Ruien asked, "Parrish, what should we do next?"

"Before carrying out the mission, I want to tell you something."

Everyone thought that Parrish was going to give a speech to give instructions before carrying out the mission.

But what Parrish said next made everyone dumbfounded.

Parrish reached for the back of his neck, then squeezed the device out from under the skin of his neck.

The next moment, the helmets of all the team members showed that Parrish was an infected person.

All the team members were so frightened that they pointed their guns at Parrish.

"Now I'm sure." Parrish looked at Sam.

Sam also moved to squeeze out his own device.

When everyone saw that Sam also had abnormal scenes, they finally believed what Parrish said.

Everyone took out the device one after another.

But at this moment, the departing transport plane turned back.

Also coming along were several aircraft that clearly did not belong to earth technology.

Those aircraft surrounded everyone.

Everyone was shocked, even Parrish was shocked. What is going on?

At this moment, a stereoscopic projection of Colonel Voss was projected above one of the aircraft.

"Parrish, you disappoint me."

Parrish's eyes flashed with anger: "You intruders."

"Parrish, the development of civilization is inevitably accompanied by invasion. In the thousands of years of history of people on earth, you have been doing the same thing." Colonel Voss said calmly.

"You're talking nonsense. Most human beings yearn for peace."

Colonel Voss stared at Parrish: "Parrish, are you serious?"

Parrish suddenly lost confidence.

Even though he was young, he had introduced many wars in history textbooks.

It can be said that every page of the history book is bloody.

He could not accept Colonel Voss's statement simply because this time the victim became him, a human being.

In fact, from a rational point of view, what Colonel Voss said is not wrong.

Low-level civilizations were conquered and destroyed by high-level civilizations.

Massacre is just this process.

This is true for the history of civilization on earth, and so is the history of civilization in the universe.

"Bring them back, and if any of them resist, kill them directly," Colonel Voss said.

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