Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Six: Destruction

The entire Parrish team was escorted back to the base.

Colonel Voss appeared in front of everyone.

His cold eyes scanned every child present.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Take Parrish and Ruien, and clear out the others."

Parrish wanted to rush forward on the spot, but the soldier behind him hit him directly on the back of the neck.

Parrish and Ryan were both chosen.

As for the other children, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, even if they don't discover it, they will be eliminated one day.

Ruien also tried his best to resist, but with their bare hands, they couldn't defeat this group of soldiers disguised as aliens.

Without exception, these aliens are physically stronger than humans.

Just these kids, even after a period of training.

But first of all, they are not mature enough, and there is also a difference in physique.

Facing this group of aliens, there is no way to resist.

Both Parrish and Ruien were beaten until they lost the ability to resist, and were then taken away by Colonel Voss.

The oldest of the remaining ones is sixteen years old, and the youngest is eight or nine years old.

Several soldiers pointed guns at him.

These children were huddled together in fear.

Everyone looked at these soldiers in panic.


At this moment, the electronic metal door at the end of the aisle suddenly shook.

The soldiers and the besieged children all saw that the electronic metal door seemed to be hit by something from the outside.

The metal door panel has an inward bulge.


There was another loud crash.

The door panel was knocked several meters away.

A white ferocious beast appeared in front of everyone.

The soldiers immediately raised their guns and pointed at the white beast.

Da da da--

The bullets landed on the white ferocious beast intensively, and the white ferocious beast roared in pain.

However, there was no blood until the soldiers ran out of bullets.

The white ferocious beast's eyes were filled with fierceness.

Those soldiers were not afraid, after all, they were not from Earth.

Although the weapons of the earthlings cannot hurt this white ferocious beast.

But their physical fitness is also extraordinary.

So one of them rushed forward confidently.


The white ferocious beast slapped its claws, and the soldier was slapped directly against the wall and blurred.

The white ferocious beast licked the blood on its paws and then began to eat in public.

Both the alien soldiers and the besieged children were so scared that their legs were weak.

Sam looked at the white ferocious beast. The thing looked familiar, like the Tao Zhu he had played with before.

But it is obviously three or four times larger than the Tao Tzu, with longer hair and more terrifying claws.

It scratched on the metal wall, leaving horrible scratches.

Of course the one who came was Yao Zhu.

It just takes away a little bit of the power.

This is still the junior VPI permission granted to it by Jinsi.

If it wasn't afraid of destroying the entire base and crushing Casey and Sam to death, it would have just turned on V10.

But even if it's just Chu V, it's enough to torture most of the aliens in this base.

Although this group of aliens have powerful physiques, they are only about five to ten times stronger than human beings.

It's really not like the Kryptonians who fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

In front of Yongzhu, these aliens are not brothers within a brother, but a Gai within a Gai, supplements.

That’s right, it’s just a supplement and I won’t accept any refutation.

The remaining three alien soldiers were also frightened.

After finishing his snacks, Yaozhu began to approach the remaining three alien soldiers.

Of course the three alien soldiers were not willing to be reduced to food.

So, they strive to become food for resistance.

Bang bang bang——

Yaozhu would kill one with one claw, without any discussion.

Yongzhu and Jinsi have the same character, that is, they cannot waste food.

Yongzhu's habit of cherishing food was taught by Jin Si with every punch.

Yaozhu even licked the blood stains on the wall a few times.

Then he turned his attention to the children who were about to pee and those who were already frightened.

Sam, the youngest, popped his head up and looked at Yongzhu cautiously.


The children all thought that Sam would be the first to be eaten.

As a result, to their surprise, the Taozu licked Sam's face with its fishy tongue.

He moved his head again, motioning for Sam to follow.

Sam tilted his head and looked at Yao Zhu in confusion: "Are you asking us to follow you?"

Yaozhu nodded and led the way.

" recognize...recognize this?"

"It's my brother-in-law's pet," Sam said.

At this moment, many soldiers rushed out from across the aisle.

But this time, they no longer held human weapons, they all held laser weapons.

Yaozhu quickly increased his body size and blocked the aisle with his body.

If Sam behind him was injured even a little bit, he would probably be put on the dinner table by Jin Si.

However, this laser weapon still caused some damage to it.

Yao Zhu was in great pain, and the white fur on his body was scorched black by the laser weapon.

It wants to continue to recharge and increase V, but if its body is too big, it will be difficult to move in this base.

It's not his character to continue to be beaten passively.

Yaozhu roared wildly, ignoring the damage from the laser weapon, and rushed towards the other end of the aisle.


Hitting his head head first, knocking all the alien soldiers along the way into a pulp.

A huge hole was also created in the metal wall.

Outside is the training ground. Yaozhu jumps out of the hole and becomes several times bigger again.

Sam and others quickly followed Yao Zhu out.

Yaozhu began to wreak havoc unscrupulously.

The energy cannons deployed around him continuously bombarded Yongzhu's body.

At this moment, Yaozhu no longer needs to control his body size to a small form.

Its body has transformed into a giant beast with a body length of 20 meters, and it has begun to charge and kill wantonly.

Those energy cannons have little effect.

"Sir, a monster has appeared in the base. According to preliminary sonar detection, it is likely to be the unique Titan monster on the earth, possibly a larvae."

Colonel Voss has seen the chaos in the training ground through surveillance.

"Do we have the weapons to destroy this monster?"

"No, there are no weapons in the base that can destroy the Titan monsters."

"Then abandon this base, take all the candidates aboard the spaceship, and return them to the mothership."

Colonel Voss made a decisive choice.

Before they began their full-scale invasion of Earth, they already knew about the existence of Titan monsters on Earth.

And they also made corresponding weapons research and development.

However, the weapons they developed specifically to target Titan monsters are only available on the mothership, not here.

Since there are no weapons specifically designed to target Titan monsters, we can only choose to abandon this base.

However, Colonel Voss did not regret it. After all, in his eyes, as long as he brought Casey back, that would be the biggest gain.

There is no doubt that Colonel Voss is a very sensible soldier.

He can make the decision most beneficial to himself in the shortest time.

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