Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and sixty-seven Jin Si is a scumbag with zero fighting ability

Casey, Parrish, Ryan, and six teenagers were all put on electronic shackles and sent to the spacecraft.

Except for Casey, Parrish and Ruien, the other six teenagers are still in a state of confusion.

They had no idea what was going on.

At this time, Colonel Voss walked in.

Colonel Voss glanced at each candidate.

"Mr. Colonel, what on earth is going on?"

"Why were we handcuffed?"

"Did we do something wrong?"

Several teenagers were questioning or complaining.

Colonel Voss ignored them and focused his attention on Casey.

"You don't seem surprised at all by this. Did Parrish tell you that?"

Colonel Voss has discovered through surveillance that Parrish and Casey had been in contact.

So it must have been Parrish who told Casey something.

Of course, the process is correct, but the actual situation is the opposite.

The spaceship took off, but it was not heading in the direction of the mothership.

The pilot came to Colonel Voss: "Sir, we have searched for weak points in the dimension and connected to the mothership channel to request a security code."

People from outside have to enter the space gap where the mothership is located.

You need to enter a security code first, and then the mothership will open the wormhole in its space.

Because of the immature technology, every time you open a wormhole, you have to wait until there are strong fluctuations in space, leading to instability.

And because each time a wormhole is opened, it consumes a huge amount of energy, so travel restrictions are adopted for each time period.

Soon, a collapsing wormhole appeared in front of the spacecraft.

The flow of energy continues to flow around the wormhole.

After entering the wormhole, the spacecraft began to vibrate violently.

Even Colonel Voss, who tried to be calm and composed, appeared nervous.

It seems that

The technology for traveling through wormholes is not very mature either.

The accident rate is probably quite high.

Fortunately, the crossing process went smoothly.

Although it was bumpy, it was a smooth ride.

And the moment the energy flow outside the window disappeared.

What everyone on the spacecraft saw was a huge landmass suspended in the air.

It was more than a thousand times larger than the spaceship seen outside.

To be precise, what you see on earth is only a very small part of the mothership.

This is their technology, using an entire land mass as a spaceship.

There are stacked mountains, vast plains, and azure and ethereal oceans.

This is definitely the most spectacular sight that Casey and others have ever seen in their lives.

On the edge of this continent, there is a place similar to a human city.

After the spacecraft left the wormhole, it appeared high in the sky over the continent, so everyone could see the panoramic view of the continent at a glance.

Then, the spacecraft began to descend, and a few minutes later, the spacecraft landed on the plain.

"Go down." Colonel Voss said to Casey and others.

Everyone got off the spaceship and looked at the empty plain, a little puzzled.

"What did you bring us here for?" Parrish asked.

Colonel Voss did not directly answer Parrish's question.

Just a few clicks on the watch.

Then, a magnificent oval base slowly appeared.

This oval base is like a giant egg.

At this time, several people flew out of the base.

Those people were wearing strange combat uniforms, with a bit of pride on their faces.

There is also a single-sided glasses on his face.

The leader was a purple-haired woman.

When Casey saw this woman, he cursed secretly, "Bichi."

"Vos, is this the gene you collected?"

"Yes, Elder Moyager."

"Let me check to see if you're slacking off."

"Yes, they all have combat effectiveness of 8 to 15."

Elder Moyeg easily scanned the strength of everyone through the instrument on his face.

"Elder Moyeg, this girl's genetic sequence is very good, even surpassing all humans that have been detected so far." Colonel Vos pointed at Casey and said.

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, without any modification and with ordinary training, she can even reach the average combat effectiveness of our tribe."

"It seems that she can bring us more powerful warriors." Elder Moyeg nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, there was a sound in the distance of the plain, and a large amount of dust was also raised.

Everyone couldn't help but look in that direction, and Casey also looked over curiously.

A sports car is speeding towards me. Why is there a sports car here?

Even Elder Moyeg showed doubts.

Why are there transportation vehicles on Earth here?

Could it be that some clan member brought it when they returned from a mission?

The sports car was also driving noisy public music, and the music was very loud.

The sports car was doing various drifts on the plain.

Casey saw two familiar figures in the car.

Jinsi? King Kong?

Why? Why are they here?

This is unscientific...could it be said that Jin Si is also a member of aliens?

Thinking of this, Casey fell into despair.

At this moment, Jin Si drove a sports car and arrived nearby.


Jin Si on the sports car suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream, and the sports car seemed to be out of control.


Following a fierce collision, the sports car directly hit the outer wall of the dome, causing the car to be destroyed and everyone killed.

Casey watched Jin Si and Wolverine crawl out of the crashed sports car in embarrassment, both of their faces covered in blood.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Si punched and kicked King Kong.

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault. If it weren't for you...the car wouldn't have lost control."

King Kong held his head and squatted on the ground.

Beat and scold as you like...

After venting his anger, Jin Si walked towards Casey.

"Hey...Casey, long time no see. I miss you so much."

Jin Si opened his arms...wrong, one arm.

Colonel Voss immediately stopped in front of Jin Si.

Jin Si's ultimate thug has stretched out his big hand and pinched Colonel Vos's shoulder.


Colonel Voss was thrown away by King Kong's hand.

"Honey, did you miss me?"

"Why are you here?" Casey looked at Jin Si seriously.

"Of course you led the way. I asked you to lead the way in the first place." Jin Si grinned: "The scenery here is so beautiful, I almost got lost."

Moyager turned on the instrument, scanner Jin Si and King Kong.

Jin Si's combat power value is 0, which is scum.

And King Kong’s combat power value is 55! !

Moyeg's expression suddenly changed in shock. You must know that the average combat power of her tribe is only about 30.

As an elder, my combat power is only 50.

But this monkey actually reached 55.

Fortunately, the other party is just a monkey.

Although his combat power is higher than his own, it is not much higher.

And with his own combat experience, he can definitely crush this monkey.

And he also has a group of personal guards, all with a combat effectiveness of 45 or above.

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