Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Eight Super Saiyan Monkey

"Intruder, your recklessness will put you in danger." Moyeg said coldly.

Jin Si turned to look at Moyeg, and his face instantly became solemn.

What a fierce woman! Jin Si couldn't help but look back at Casey...lost.

Casey noticed Jin Si's eyes and instantly became furious.

A slap hit Jin Si's face.


Jin Si looked aggrieved, but I didn't say anything.

Jin Si slapped King Kong on the face: "It's all your fault!"

King Kong covered his face, feeling even more aggrieved.

What did i do wrong?

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Go up and kill... him... some of them." Jin Si kicked King Kong's butt.

Such a fierce woman, Jin Si really couldn't bear to die.

How about finding a chance to hide your beauty in a golden house?


King Kong roared and beat his chest.

Moyeg waved his hand casually.

A group of personal guards immediately flew up behind him.

Launch a siege on King Kong.

Casey has seen Walker fight.

But Walker's battle was nothing compared to the battle in front of him.

Moyeg's personal guards are all very skilled.

Regardless of speed or strength, they are far beyond ordinary tribesmen.

When they move, they can even create afterimages.

Everyone who saw it was dazzled.

King Kong's speed obviously couldn't keep up.

However, it had rough skin and thick flesh, and it survived several attacks without any damage.

However, every time it punched, it missed.

It felt like I was being passively beaten the whole time.

"Trash, if you can't win, I'll put you on the table tonight." Jin Si roared from the side.

Casey has long been accustomed to Jin Si's bad character.

Both Parrish and Ruien felt that Jin Si was more like a villain.

King Kong was fighting for them, but Jin Si was shouting threats from the side.


It seems to be because of Jin Si's threat.

King Kong's aura suddenly increased sharply, and his combat power once soared to 60.

"Be careful!" Moyeg couldn't help but warned.

King Kong saw the opportunity and grabbed a personal guard.

Then, in full view of everyone, he stuffed the head of the personal guard into his mouth.

No one else had time to rescue him, and the personal guard had his head bitten off by King Kong.

Then King Kong started a new round of beatings.

The speed is not as fast as others, which is really pointless.

Those personal guards also knew that King Kong's combat effectiveness was much higher than theirs.

But the speed is not fast enough.

The dog walking battle began immediately.

The vajra energy kept roaring and roaring.

Casey held Jin Si's hand nervously.

In her eyes, King Kong is their last trump card.

If Kong loses, then they're dead.

King Kong kept looking at Jin Si.

It hopes that Jin Si can relieve himself of a little power.

It is different from Yaozhu. Jin Si gave Yaozhu the authority to release his own power.

Yao Zhu can control his power level according to different situations.

King Kong, on the other hand, is completely incapable of autonomy.

Only Jin Si can lift the seal on it.

"What the hell, why don't you give me a serious spanking? You really want to go to the dinner table, don't you?"

Casey patted Jin Si angrily: "Don't interrupt King Kong's battle."

On the battlefield, King Kong seized another opportunity.

He knocked over a personal guard with one punch.

After another kick, the personal guard's head was crushed by King Kong on the spot.

Looking at the situation, Moyeg found that King Kong was unscathed, but he had already lost two precious personal guards.

You must know that the cultivation of these personal guards to their current strength has consumed an unknown amount of resources.

Now that he has lost two personal guards one after another, Moyeg's heart is bleeding.

At this moment, Moyeg finally could no longer watch the show calmly.

She decided to join the battlefield, and Moyeg's combat power was about the same as King Kong.

However, King Kong obviously focuses all its attribute points on strength.

So much so that its speed was actually lower than those of the personal guards.

In Moyeg's view, this is a very weak combat effectiveness.

A powerful warrior must not only have great strength.

At the same time, it must also have matching speed.

Otherwise, he will become a living target like King Kong.

Of course, King Kong's power is still very threatening.

If you hit him accidentally, you will lose a tube of blood.

With the addition of Moyeg, King Kong's already disadvantaged situation became even more precarious.

Moyeg's combat effectiveness was originally much higher than that of other personal guards.

And she has richer combat experience and higher skills.

The other guards' damage to King Kong was limited, but Moyeg's attack on King Kong did a lot more damage.

Moyeg punched King Kong on the back from behind.

King Kong was beaten until he vomited blood.

Moyeg landed a few more punches.

The faces of Casey and others were full of worry.

After all, King Kong's victory or defeat determines their life or death.

Ever since Moyeg joined the battle, King Kong has been completely at a disadvantage.

Even if they want to help, they don't have the ability.

That is no longer a realm they can touch.

The kind of power that can shatter the ground with one punch and throw dozens of punches in one second is beyond their reach.

"Trash, trash, trash..." Jin Si cursed beside him: "Can't you even deal with these scum?"

Everyone looked at Jin Si, and they all felt that they should find a way to silence this noisy guy.

King Kong is working hard over there, and this guy is influencing King Kong here.

It's just so annoying.

Even Casey thought Jin Si was going too far.


Suddenly, King Kong roared wildly, and the aura on his body suddenly strengthened.

Moyeg and others quickly backed away.

They felt that King Kong's energy was increasing at an incredible speed.

King Kong's fur began to turn golden, and golden arcs of electricity flowed around his body.

All the muscles in his body were inflated like a balloon.

King Kong roared wildly, and more powerful power continued to pour out of its body.

But at the same time it is also suffering.

The seal Jin Si left in its body was colliding with the power in its body.

Moyeg and others also sensed the danger and wanted to attack King Kong before it completed the process of releasing its power.

However, the energy bursting from King Kong's body stirred up the surrounding air currents, making it difficult for them to get close.


With an earth-shattering roar, King Kong finally transformed into a Titan monster.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, looking at the giant beast in front of them in disbelief.

That god-like body makes it look domineering.

The ferocious eyes exuded peerless power.

"Haha...well done..." Jin Si shouted loudly.

King Kong broke through the first layer of seal, and his bloodline was improved.

Casey and others were also in high spirits.

They didn't expect King Kong to have such a reversal.

Moyeg looked at the value on the instrument, it was over 1,000!

This is definitely not a fighting force that she or anyone else can fight against.

Are all the Titan monsters on Earth so strong?

Fortunately, they were well prepared to deal with the Titan monster.

"Use Titan Killer!" Moyager ordered the secret weapon.

A beam of light is emitted from the top energy tower of the dome base.

King Kong stood firm and motionless in the face of this beam of light, he was so confident.

But the next moment, it realized the seriousness of the problem.

This light formed an extremely unstable wormhole, and the huge tearing force instantly pulled it into the wormhole.


King Kong...disappeared, and the scene was silent.

Everyone stared at this scene in stunned silence, as if King Kong had never existed.

"It seems that you have lost." A proud smile appeared on Moyeg's face: "Your little friend should be in some unknown void now."

Jin Si's expression also solidified: "Give me my pet back."

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