Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Nine Destroyer

Moyeg smiled faintly: "I can't return that monkey, but I can send you to see it."

"Give it back to me!" Jin Si growled.

"Jin!" Casey grabbed Jin Si.

She had never seen Jin Si with such a serious expression.

The other candidates are all in extreme disappointment and despair at this moment.

How excited they were one moment, they were so desperate now.

I thought King Kong would be their savior.

But no one could have imagined that King Kong would be wiped out by these aliens in an instant.

"Give it back to me!" Jin Si's eyes burst out with a fierce light.

Moyeg sneered and pointed at Jin Si: "I will send you to see it now."

call out--

The beam of light fell on Jin Si's forehead.

It all happened so suddenly.

It was so sudden that Casey couldn't stop it.

But...the beam just made Jin Si's head tilt back.

When Jin Si straightened his head, there was not even a trace left on his forehead.

" you okay?"

Moyeg also frowned and looked at Jin Si in confusion.

Jin Si pushed Casey away and took a deep breath.

Tailed beast jade!

Casey's eyes widened, and like everyone else's eyes, he looked at Jin Si in astonishment.


A black beam of light burst out from Jin Si's mouth.

Moyeg instinctively avoided the path of the black beam.

The black beam instantly shattered the huge dome base.

The black beam continued to move forward, shooting for tens of kilometers, and then landed on the mountain peak directly in front.


A huge mushroom cloud rises from the ground.

Jin Si turned his neck, and a black beam of light swept across.

Entire mountain ranges were flattened.

After more than ten seconds, the shock wave swept over like a super typhoon.

"Give it back to me!" Jin Si exuded endless murderous aura: "Give it back to me!"

At this moment, everyone finally realized.

Jin Si is the ultimate BOSS!

Casey hid behind Jin Si and avoided the greatest impact.

Parrish and Ruien firmly grasped the bulge on the ground.

Others were not so lucky and were all thrown away by the first wave of impact.

Casey finally understood why Jin Si could keep monsters like King Kong and Tao as pets.

Because he is a monster himself.

The shock lasted for a minute before it gradually subsided.

Moyeg knew he had to stop the monster in front of him.

If he is not stopped, there will be no future for her and her people.

Moyeg suddenly rushed towards Jin Si.

However, it can attack King Kong in normal state.

But he couldn't even touch Jin Si's hair.

As soon as she flashed behind Jin Si, her face was blurred by an invisible attack and she flew out.

Jin Si stepped forward and stepped on Moyeg: "Give me my pet back!"

"It's impossible, that kind of random exile. Even we don't know which void the Titan monster was exiled to."

"Then you will all die for me."

Jin Si turned his head and looked at the alien city in another direction.

Moyeg's scalp was numb and he shouted in horror: "What are you going to do? You can't do this..."

"I can……"


The black beam burst out from Jin Si's mouth again.

But before the beam approached the alien city, it was actually stopped by a barrier.

Moyeg smiled miserably: "It's useless. Our sanctuary has accumulated the energy of several planets and has defenses that can withstand planet-level attacks."

"I see... I didn't expect you guys to be quite capable."

Jin Si took in a sharp breath, and a golden light suddenly appeared on his body.

At the same time, a white beam of light burst out from the sanctuary, penetrating the plain and shooting in the direction of Jin Si.

"I've never lost against a wave!"


The Tailed Beast Jade burst out again, and this time Jin Si released a black beam of light from his mouth.

Black light and white light bombarded together.

In an instant, the white light was cut open like marshmallows.

The black light rushed towards the holy area with overwhelming force.

The energy barrier of the Guardian Sanctuary is charged again and again, almost completely pouring out the energy.

Jin Si's Tailed Beast Jade didn't stop, and naturally the energy barrier of the Sanctuary didn't stop either.

After all, this is an unprecedented crisis for the Sanctuary.

Of course, so far, the energy of the sanctuary is still very abundant.

However, Jin Si had no intention of stopping.

Casey really never thought that this SP was actually a monster.

Casey can't always connect Jin Si with the strong.

After all, in her mind, a strong person should have the aura of a strong person.

But besides having many postures, this guy has no other advantages.

Anyway, Casey can't accept that a guy whose head is filled with various poses is the hero who saves the world.

Parrish and Rui En's eyes almost popped out.

Is this guy human?

Although Moyeg was stepped on by Jin Si.

However, she still said stubbornly: "It's useless. No one can break the defense of the sanctuary. What you can consume may only be one percent, or even one thousandth, of the energy of the sanctuary."

The more Moyeg said this, the more excited Jin Si became.

Jin Si has many ways to break the protective energy barrier.

But this time Jin Si got the upper hand, and he had to use the Tailed Beast Jade to smash it into pieces.

Under the impact of Jin Si's Tailed Beast Jade, the Sanctuary still held strong, but the structure of the entire mothership began to collapse.

The earth began to crumble, and the overflowing energy was causing irreversible damage to the main part of the mothership.

The foundation of the Sanctuary is also being torn apart, separated from the mothership itself.

Jin Si suddenly increased his energy output.

The energy supply of the energy barrier in the sanctuary began to fail to keep up with the damage caused by the impact.

Although the energy of the sanctuary is still abundant.

But it doesn't mean that the energy of the sanctuary can release enough energy at once.

Distorted auroras began to appear in the sky.

And the edges are starting to crumble.

The Mothership Continent was originally hidden in the cracks of space.

Now, due to the destruction of Jinsi, the mothership can no longer maintain the magnetic field in the space gap.

So the mothership begins to reveal itself in Earth's dimension.

Of course, it is not revealed in a complete posture, but in a broken way.

The whole world began to panic, and no one knew what was going on.

Only countless boulders were seen falling from the sky.

Jin Si increased his strength again.


The energy barrier of the sanctuary was finally shattered.

The dark beam full of destructive power swept across everything.

"No..." Moyeg cried out in despair.

The sanctuary evaporates under the black beam.

At this moment, a giant black monster stood up from the ruins.

That black monster looks a bit like Godzilla... maybe it is Godzilla.

But at this moment, it looks like it has been modified and biochemically experimented, and it looks very deformed.

"Let's destroy it together!" Moyeg roared with red eyes: "All the great genes we have collected are forcibly injected into the body of that Titan monster. It will replace us and destroy you humans..."

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